Do Indians Prefer Love or Arranged Marriage? | Street Interview

Published 2023-05-30
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Can you imagine your parents or even your entire family being involved in finding your future spouse? Well, that's the reality for many people in India, where arranged marriages are still widespread. But what are the perceptions of young people towards arranged marriages today? We were curious to find out, so our Asian Boss reporter hit the streets of Delhi to get some local insights.

The opinions expressed in this video are those of individual interviewees alone and do not reflect the views of ASIAN BOSS or the general Indian population.

0:00 - Intro
0:35 - How common are arranged marriages in India?
1:36 - Why are arranged marriages so common in India?
2:58 - How do arranged marriages work in India?
4:54 - What basic criteria do your parents look for in a potential partner?
6:46 - Is it true that the groom and the bride first meet on their wedding day?
7:32 - Can you say no to a match proposed by your parents?
9:33 - Arranged marriages in Indian rural vs. urban areas
10:42 - Would you prefer love or arranged marriage?
11:21 - Advantages of arranged marriages
13:29 - Disadvantages of arranged marriages
15:01 - Do you think arranged marriages lead to more stable relationships?

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All Comments (21)
  • @AsianBoss
    If you consider yourself a true fan of Asian Boss, become a member of our community to join the cause:
  • Arranged marriage isn't bad unless it is forced. It's like your friends setting up the two of you except in this case it's your parents doing it.
  • @windywendi
    It's hella funny that the biggest "advantage" of arranged marriages that the couple can blame their parents if things didn't work out 😂
  • @believe4298
    One of the reasons why divorce rates are low could be the fact that divorce is still looked down in the society. So people who get into arranged marriages might not leave the marriage even if they're unhappy because of family, children and stuff like that
  • In India,you have to get married, that's the ultimate goal according to Indian society. Doesn't matter if it's arranged or love but just get married.😂
  • @fear_less_2020
    Arranged Marriages should not be confused with Forced Marriages. Modern day parents arrange dates for their children and if they don't like each other, they say no. No pressure from any end. They move on and look for other people till they find the one. The advantage is that your parents are on the same side as you.
  • @abhishek8243
    I got arranged marriage as well. Till 25 i was focused on shaping my career and being an introvert it's difficult to approach a girl for relationship even though I had many female friends. I had worked only for 8 months in office and once pandemic started it's all work from home till now and there's no question of meeting new people if my world just likys to home and countable number of friends. Just because it was arranged marriage, it didn't go against my will. I met my wife in restaurant which was planned by both our families. It was like date by your parents fixed it up but not through friends circle or some fancy dating app.
  • As a person from North East India where Love Marriage is a thing since the decade our parents never try to find partner for us. The only time when they'll try to find is when you turn 37+ to 40+ that's when they'll try to tell their friends and cousins to look for man/woman that can be in relationship with their kids but they never take serious. On other hand, what I've notice from mainland North Indians many go for arranged marriage and many of their parents start pressuring their children once they reached 24yr old. When I first came to Delhi in 2015 it was a culture shock for me to finding out how my friends are getting married in 24 yr old due to family's pressure as apparently for them they're getting old. In North East India 24-25yr are still very young to marry. Family pressure often start when we turn 30+ but that too they only tell us to be in relationship and to marry since arranged marriage isn't in our culture. Lastly, As a 30yr old woman still single for 5 years my parents only pressure for me is to crack UPSC and state exam or to get job in government sector cus they're not interested in corporate job. Marriage pressure isn't common in North East India. Sometimes we're blessed to be born in NE.
  • @arriettyfilm
    People commenting about arrange marriage lasting longer ....idk man in india divorce is a taboo still and if you make a decision to choose a partner it's easier to divorce. And Personally I see many adults keeping their marriage together for their families even if it's abusive. I'd choose short marriage over an abusive one anytime.
  • "in delhi we are more developed" 😂😂😂 had me laughing way too hard
  • Being a northeastern Indian, i can say we girls from northeast are living our best life. Here parents don't really want their children to get married before age 30 and we don't really have arrange marriage kind of things . My mom herself had love marriage at the 28 age.
  • To those who think arrange marriage is better because divorce rates are low, it's not. Because divorce is taboo, not because people are happy in their marriage. Women don't file for divorce even if husband is abusive most of the time and they don't get family support because of how stigmatised it is. In love marriage people are more empowered in their marriage, they have more freedom in their marriage. Low divorce rates are not a good thing
  • @ajay0999
    Indians :- Indian Culture 😂😂 Educated People:- it's just Caste System 😂😂
  • @Ben_Eastwood
    According to me one of the main reasons Arrange marriage is popular in India is because there isn't much interaction between boys and girls especially speaking from male's perspective most of the men in India have a very little interaction or no interaction at all with the opposite gender in there entire life, so when the guy is settled and looking forward to get married he has absolutely no idea how to approach a girl because of lack of communication skills and understanding of opposite gender and what should he expect out of that marriage that is where parents come into the picture and look for a suitable partner for the guy plus there is societal pressure as well
  • @JampanyimTamu
    I have nothing against arranged marriages if it's consensual and not pressurised. Being from NE India, I will always opt for love marriage (in case I do plan to marry) I'm a 33 yr old female and unmarried. Not once I have been asked by my family to get married. The decision solely lies on me. I'm all for a committed relationship but still unsure about marriage and having children, especially. Whether people plan arranged or love marriage or no marriage at all, the most important thing is your happiness.
  • The reason why arranged marriages lasts longer is bcoz of the indian society. Firstly most of the women don't work here after marriage,so they're dependent on husbands,so even if they don't like the person,they have to stay with dem. And the society treats a divorced woman kind of bad, and there's no concept of dating here,unless they find some uncle,they will stay lonely. Unmarried men + divorced woman is a bad combination in here, society wont accept it but for divorced men, they can marry an unmarried girl again. So its mostly the women that hold their relationships together bcoz of these scenarios in arranged marriages. In love marriage,they only stay together if they love each other. No responsibilities r upon them bcoz its their choice to get married and no one can come between them,even their families. So there's more room for divorces bcoz they're not forced by the society to stay together.
  • @yukuhana
    12:10 That guy with eye glasses has really deep insight. Are you in love with the person you loved 20 years ago, or the person you just married for 20 years?
  • So I'm an Indian and I personally have no problem with the idea of arranged marriage. Arranged marriages are not like what people think they are. it's just your parents find a guy/ girl for you instead of you while considering all the factors ( family background, education, job) and then you do get to decide if you want to marry that person or not. I agree that it's more like gambling too because the decision could be wrong too but then again the biggest perk is the blame does not come over you as it will be in love marriage. I guess most people are against love marriages is because they believe love alone can't work and other factors are not considered (like family background, financial stability, CASTE) . Also, people thinking that arranged marriages are forced and there's no love are wrong too the idea is people get married first and then fall in love. And even if they don't, most of them still decide to continue the marriage and not divorce as india is a collectivistic society so people tend to think of society, family, children and many factors rather than leaving each other like people in individualistc society do. So there are pros and cons but things are changing for the better too as people in arranged marriages are choosing to leave if that's a abusive one rather than continuing it forcefully .
  • @Rimicry
    An Indian here, I have already rejected four boys introduced by my parents And not even once did my parents put pressure on me. There was no argument like "why don't you like him or just get married to him." after my No, arrange marriage is just like you get married to person introduced by your friends or dating app and in our case, parents unless you decide to jump to conclusion that your parents are forcing you.