RNC & ”Migrant Crime”: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Published 2024-07-25
John Oliver discusses the wave of people claiming there’s a wave of “migrant crime,” where the term came from, and what we can do next.

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All Comments (21)
  • @laalaa99stl
    "...or they were until I ruined them by letting them slide out of my old mouth." Thank you, John. You are doing The Lord's work.
  • "Democrats' failures... have ruined the lives of countless Minnesotans" Man, if Minnesota running a repeated budget surplus, having a competent state-funded healthcare system, having a falling overall crime rate, signing abortion, trans rights, free higher education for lower-income families, and legalized cannabis into law, and providing a generally higher standard of living is failing us, I want to know what happens when they absolutely shit the bed.
  • @ChoppedCheeese
    The "fuck your feelings" crowd seem to be controlled by their feelings
  • @laalaa99stl
    "Who on Earth knows anything about that right now?" I think Kamala might know something about that right now. 😁
  • @johnygroy644
    I'm a migrant (green card) and I can assure you most tend to stay away from crime. This is because something like a misdemeanor can get you deported real quick. Ask any migrant... 😂😂
  • Why do they keep pretending to fear "rapists", while they are the ones forcing themselves onto women's bodies....?
  • @laalaa99stl
    Maybe MAGAs should research who pioneered mass deportation. Nevermind. It would probably turn them on.
  • @julianuceda1331
    I would love to hear a native American talk about 'migrant crime'
  • @benjie128
    I'm in Texas. The news makes it sound like there's a conga line across the border with "millions and millions" of crossings. My uncle is convinced every minority in his neighborhood is a drug dealer and fearful to leave the house in some paranoid delusion that the second he does a wave will clean out his house of any valuables.
  • @laalaa99stl
    Hannity straight up condoning vigilantism giving Curtis Sliwa the spotlight. Eff that guy. Eff both those guys.
  • @weltfenos1021
    "Those are real phrases used by the younger generations, or they were until I just ruined them" Humanity and my sanity thank you for your sacrifice.
  • Anytime people talk about migrants bringing crime or that they don't belong I think about how my ancestors came to the US as refugees from Ireland following the famine and the US thought the same things. Heck even when they were part of Britain they were scene as a chromosome different from the rest of them... My question for conservatives is this... were they invaders? And if their answer is "no" then my follow up question is... what makes them different from these refugees from Latin America?
  • It's so strange how landlocked states, nowhere near any international border, have so many people panicking about migrant crime. I actually live within 15 miles from an international border, there are 5 crossings in my area, two are the busiest in the West. We worry more about being able to park at stores than a crime wave.
  • @laalaa99stl
    "I'm not telling you how to move drugs." "I have just told you how to move drugs." 😆
  • @hello25225
    As a fellow Minnesotan, i’ve gotta say. Tom Emmer is an embarrassment, and not at all a representation of the people in the state….
  • I think one of the problems we have in america is that we don't celebrate the good decisions. I just checked and John is right, there has been an overall downward trend on violent crimes and theft. But I didn't know that. I also learned that more Americans are accessing advanced education as adults, and a decrease in the rate of drivers on the road, which is a good for the environment. IDK, instead of the oscars we should be reviewing these metrics once a year as a country and celebrating the good things. I guess it's hard when the bad things are so bad, but if we focus on that all the time, we might forget why we're voting and speaking our minds in the first place.
  • @Kaptn54000
    Jim Justice's dog has more charisma than JD Vance