Habit You MUST Acquire - Keystone Habit

Published 2019-10-31
Most of us want to improve our lives. But for that to happen, we need to adopt certain positive habits.
Fundamentally speaking, habits play a key role in our day to day lives.
But not all habits are created equal. Some can have a much bigger impact than others.
This is why it's important that we learn to identify these habits and develop them.
Charles Duhigg, author of the book "The Power of Habit," calls them "keystone habits."
So what is a keystone habit?

Mini Habits:    • Accomplish Everything With Mini Habits  

Images © Piers Baker www.svgdoodlewhiteboard.com


All Comments (21)
  • Funny enough, my keystone habit turned out to be playing pool. At first it seemed like a passtime at best, and a complete waste of effort at worst. But then I started playing in tournaments and competing.

    Then I realized how poor I am at it so I set aside an hour a day to practice. This increased my discipline greatly. My results improved, spurring me on.

    Then I noticed I play much better when I'm well rested. So I started sleeping better. My results improved further, spurring me on. I made a schedule of "test" sessions once a month so I can track my progress.

    I soon noticed that, despite my technical progress, I fold under pressure in tournament games. So I read a few psychology books, educated myself and started meditating. My results improved further.

    The meditation sessions improved other areas of my life. I lose my temper less often than I used to, relaxing my family life. My steadier schedule allowed me to start working out every morning. My strength and health both improved. So did my gameplay.

    It's been 2 and a half years and I'm very close to breaking into the top tier of players in my country. Most of them have been playing for 10+ years.

    Keep your focus, keep practising, keep progressing and you can reach the top faster than you expect!
  • @Xarius01
    Sleeping is so underrated. When we need some extra hours to binge watch our favourite series, we choose to sacrifice some sleep and enjoy. But in a long run it damages us so much :-(
  • @Kiwiwanderer
    This is so good 😊. I’m 57 and still learning, improving and changing - I never want to stop. Thank you 🙏
  • @Lufefe
    I actually started planning my days out before I sleep as of last week. It’s actually been very helpful.
  • @Szandor_
    "Super easy, barely an inconvenience".

    Wow, wow, wow.
  • @Fjuron
    I 100% agree with the health trinity and that sleep being the most important!
    I find that, if I don't sleep enough, I don't even have the energy to cook for myself, let alone exercise.
  • @napalimmi
    ¤ some of my time management recommendations:
    1) when you finish a job, start the next job (because today's social media and internet so distractors.)
    2) take note of the lesson you learned so you don't make a mistake again.
    3) develop methods against today's distractors (only watch your watch later folder videos)

    I became a Muslim and started praying 1 year ago. Then I quit my bad habits. I enrolled lot of courses. I learned lot of things, languages ,and effective time management(because 5 times praying divides the day pieces).

    Whatever your story is, use your time well because we live only once friends.
    stay with love ✌
  • @osse1n
    Habits create a characters
    We first make our habits and then habits make us
  • @PurooRoy
    Practicing the piano - Super easy
    Going to the gym - Barely an inconvenience

    Someone has been watching Screen Rant's Pitch Meetings.
  • @LMBOatU
    My keystone habit is going for a jog in the morning. I found that if I haven’t got enough sleep that I choose not to run, so I started to go to bed earlier. I noticed that I began being on schedule for my daily routine instead of procrastinating because getting up going outside for 30 minutes then coming inside to shower and change makes me have to keep moving on a solid morning schedule. Exercising every morning made me look into my eating habits. I can’t run on junk food. So I started to review my meals and the times that I eat. I’m calmer and more clear headed on the days that I run. It really does work.
  • @shimaasalah8288
    Waking up early and praying is my keystone habbit and it just changes me sooooooooooo much
  • story of mike is exactly the same as my story. at first i started running because i thought sitting all day is not good. but when i saw that my time is improving i was greatly motivated. to further improve i lost a lot of weight, improved diet, had better time management. in the end it has so many unforseen benefits.
  • @ballybunion9
    4:38: Oh, things that are "super-easy, barely an inconvenience" are TIGHT!
  • @Anglaide
    Reading is one of the top keystone habits you can develop.
  • The Universe is not in a hurry. You are. It’s why you’re tired, it’s why you’re anxious, stressed, and disappointed. Trust that what was meant to be yours, will be yours Unrush yourself. Hope our channel helps you on your journey!!
  • @emilyanne1311
    My keystone habit is art. I paint or occasionally draw something every single day. Even if it’s a single flower or a couple of leaves, it’s something. Since then, I’ve started working on my finances, eating more vegetables and writing. Didn’t expect it but here I am
  • @emilyanne3910
    I woke up 30 minutes ago tired and sad, and grabbed my phone to watch YouTube as I’ve done pretty much every day this year. I’ve been sleeping poorly ever since coronavirus started affecting us, and I moved back in with my parents. I’d go to sleep each night at 2 for months, and I’ve only scaled it back to 12 recently. I’ll go to sleep having been watching videos on my computer for hours. I’ve been neglecting my studies, I’ve fallen into a depression, I’ve stopped enjoying my hobbies, but this shit ends here. I’m going to make a change to my sleeping pattern starting tonight and try to stick it out for just a month. Wish me luck!
  • @Kevin-cy2dr
    I started exercising for last 4 months due to which I'm in a much better shape than before. I have learnt to track calories and macro(protein only),sleep early,be disciplined,be focused,increased willpower, dedication all of this is transforming me into a new person. I'll try to update