Touhou 10 - Mountain of Faith - Perfect Stage 6 Lunatic

Published 2009-01-17

Here's a perfect (no deaths/bombs) run of MoF's Stage 6 Lunatic, another one of those runs that I've wanted for a while--I'm really, really proud of this.

Since VoWG is both a popular and tough card (more appropriately, one of the toughest in the series to capture), the initial grind to capture VoWG threw me at this stage quite a bit, so I guess it was natural for me to want to do this eventually. Not to mention, seeing Veronica accomplish it only made me want to do it more :P

The stage portion becomes pretty straightforward once you notice that all those rings of bullets are aimed at your location. However, when entering the very last section of the stage, you need to get a bit lucky in order to survive; occasionally, the endstage fairy will throw a thick cluster of bullets at you that may be impossible to dodge due to the rings of aimed bullets immediately preceding it.

Kanako's difficulty is all over the place. VoWG needs no introduction, and it's just lovely how it's the very last obstacle to overcome in this battle. Kanako's first noncard is quite hellish, having a speed similar to Border of Wave and Particle but with a far more difficult pattern to dodge--keeping your eyes above your hitbox is practically essential, and strategic blinking is recommended (I'm serious). The rest of Kanako's cards (especially Source of Rains) can vary quite a bit: sometimes they are very easy, and sometimes they can be annoying as hell bitchy. In fact, I could write a paragraph on how much I hate Source of Rains, but I'll avoid that :P

Lastly, I don't really know what to say on my VoWG performance here. I made a really stupid dodging choice at 4:07 and I somehow managed to survive. Suwako obviously lent me her strength at that moment :3

(Note: my first capture of VoWG involved me auto-bombing Kanako's 3rd and 4th cards 80ish times, so I have no idea what my actual records are on those. I threw this fact in just in case you are confused as to why my VoWG record seems to appear better than my Source of Rains record :P)

All Comments (21)
  • The amulet's hitbox is actually quite small, the whitish border of the amulet is more or less completely safe. I think he showed the minimum amount of space you need to create in order to slip between amulets, but flying faster to one direction and jerking back in a more extreme fashion makes it easier (if not quite as showy, aha).
  • I wish I could do something as great as this. I can't even clear easy mode without a continue yet, but I will get there eventually! You are a role-model for the masses, good sir.
  • @OrangeFlamer
    Touhou-you now avoided Rain. Real life- you now avoided Rain.
  • @gyppygirl2021
    That dodge on her first spellcard was just way too freaking epic. I wish I could pull off something like that... knowing me, I'd get it completely wrong. XD
  • @CadrinTheWerecat
    Four characters: 1:32. Crowning Three Seconds of The Ultimate Awesome To The Max. I can see why the game is so faith-themed now. It is all summed up in this very brief moment. The faith had to be strong in you, my good Sir or Madam, to pull off this dashingly splendid maneuver.
  • @bjw563
    For Kanako's 4th card, you'll literally need to copy the movements I use. Slowly stream in the center while hitting Kanako and dodging the arrow bullets, and then misdirect the corners so you can leave gaps large enough to dodge through. As for Mountain of Faith, it will all come down to practice. The card doesn't get too fast on Normal, but it can be quite claustrophobic considering how slow it is. At the very least, you won't need to fit in between individual amulets.
  • @pablovirus
    haha 4:07 is hilarious actually. good job, this replay is impressive!
  • @OskarVanBruce
    what is more awesome is this minutes can be extremely intense... so intense that when you see how much did it really took you, can't believe it... it's like, this took me one fucking halve hour! how did it really is 4 minutes and halve? ^^
  • @OmegaTaishu
    OH....MAH....GAWD!!! Man, you're awesome!!!
  • @PE_Shark
    idk why this is on my recommendation page but damn that is some sick skill
  • @Dornatum
    that is some crazy hand-eye coordination...
  • @nintendonut888
    Next up, Mokou's rings of doom! :p Really, awesome job. To think I used to believe the two of us were about on par in ability...guess you showed me. Back to being the bottom of the rung on the super player club. V_V
  • @CleverTangent
    whaaaaaaaat Brilliant. Nice job! Also, WTF at the dodge at 1:34.