How to Eat Healthy When You Are Depressed

Published 2018-10-10
6 simple strategies:

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All Comments (21)
  • This is a great video!! I’m a therapist and I always tell my clients the importance of eating through an episode of depression. People don’t realize our neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) are actually made in the stomach, from the food we eat! Our gut is actually called “the second brain.” My number one tip is to eat small nutritious meals throughout the day instead of not eating at all. One of the symptoms of depression is appetite loss and upset stomach. It is easier to eat small things than force down food or not eat at all. Keep it up Kev!!!! ❤️
  • I use the frozen healthier dinners like you mentioned when I'm not feeling that great. And I HAVE to keep certain things I normally binge on far away. When my friends ask why I dont eat certain things in moderation, I tell them, unfortunately I have ZERO self control. If it's there I will binge on it. Obviously what I'm doing is working for me. Down 30lbs.
  • @becky1633
    It took me 3 years of intense work with doctors, counsellors and personal trainers to learn the lessons you just explained in 10 minutes. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for using your platform to talk about this. It is so relatable and necessary for people to understand. Keep it up!!
  • @Barkiie
    I have a degree in public health nutrition and during my final months of uni (while writing my thesis) my father passed away unexpectedly, and with that my joy of cooking disappeared. This was a huge part of my identity and it felt like in losing my passion for cooking I was losing myself. I knew that this was the start of what could be a very very dangerous downward cycle so I immediately began food prepping. One day a week I would make all my meals and have them ready. I made snacks to freeze and it surprised me how dedicating just two/three hours one day a week could make life so much easier. In the morning I would take my containers and head off.. I didn’t have an appetite at all, so I followed the clock. Every 4 hours I’d have a meal. I did this because I knew that If I didn’t have good wholesome foods at my reach i’d eat crap, spend money I definitely didn’t have (more anxiety to follow), have no energy and lose sleep. But by making my meals, actually a lot of your recipes (i’ve followed you for years and have used your app before this), I stopped the cycle. A few weeks into doing this I felt okay making fresh meals every now and again, and eventually I gained back my appetite. My deep passion for cooking is still not completely back and it’s something I struggle with accepting. I am slowly rebuilding it, but it takes time. This is almost two years ago, and honestly I am so thankful for this video because it is so important! And because I now get to thank you for the hard work you do. I also did what you mentioned: unfollowed a lot of food profiles, fitness people and yogis from Instagram, I just kept the ones I truly feel are real. You were one of those. Thank you.
  • @eddvcr598
    Thank you so much for making this video. I searched “too depressed to eat” on YT and found this video at 4:30 am. Tip #6 is going to be really hard to follow because I tend to be really hard on myself, but I’m gonna try to follow your tips because I’m sick of being like this. Thanks for the positivity, understanding, and letting me know that I’m not alone.
  • @kjjjacobs13
    Thank you for mentioning that basic every day tasks like showering and cooking are hard for people with depression. I suffer from depression and I think sometimes people think that I just hate to cook because I’m lazy, but what they don’t realize is that I hate to cook because life seems pointless and hopeless to me. Why cook? Why eat? Why don’t I just die instead? Why shower? I’m worthless anyways. There’s no point. So I end up starving myself until I can’t stand it anymore and end up ordering some junk that’s just quick and easy. If I have to cook it, I won’t eat it. Even sometimes pouring something into a bowl and microwaving it seems like a monumental task. Stupid, I know. But people with depression will understand. Thank you for the tips. I always forget about canned chicken! I always want to make myself chicken and veggies for dinner but I hate cooking the chicken (even tho it’s easy). But if I got canned chicken and veggies, it would be a lot easier. Not as healthy as cooking it myself but it sure beats the alternative which is ordering a greasy pizza or something like that.
  • @user-os9sd5oe4w
    This vid is bomb af. I suffered frm severe depression a year ago n i stopped eating and i couldn’t sleep. I didn’t know what was happening to me then or how to cope with it, and i lost a lot of weight very fast. I got professional help when my suicidal tendencies were on the edge of getting to me and since then ive been slowly healing and learning to take care of myself. Im so happy this video exists cuz if i had seen this then it would have helped so much. And I know there will always be something to keep me literally surviving. And for anyone suffering from mental health issues, i’d like to say: you are NOT weak and you should NEVER feel ashamed of your struggle. Seeking help from a professional is NOT “admitting” any kind of “weakness”, and it can literally save your life, as it did mine
  • @kateebiscuit
    This is so helpful and validating. I definitely use a lot of these - like frozen meals - when my depression gets bad, because it's what I can handle in that moment. Never let anyone make you feel bad about shortcuts if it's what you need to do.
  • @YYZed
    I don't know about you, but I only want garbage when I'm depressed. Eating healthy means eating foods I don't necessarily enjoy. I'm happy to do so for the sake of my health, but when I'm on a downturn, I can only force myself to eat if I indulge in every bad craving for grease, carbs and sweets. I'm in a serious slump right now, and I seem to be eating my way deeper. How do you make healthy foods attractive to you when you want nothing to do with them?
  • @EdithDLT
    What I do when I feel crappy is that I practice self care. ALOT. Even when I don’t want to shower I make sure I get in at least washing my face, feet and arm pits. When I don’t want to eat I make sure i get in at least two meals. Full meals. Personally I LOVE TO COOK. so I do end up cooking a lot when I feel down because i know how good it feels to make something nutritious and delicious. Also for me isolation is a big issue. I tend to isolate myself in my room and not come out for days. So whenever my family wants to take out our dogs for walks. I tag along even though I’d rather be in bed. Because I know the longer I lay in bed doing nothing the worse I feel. I try to come back into reality and come out from my thoughts. I need to feel HERE. I listen to music, dance (even if the tears are still sliding out of my eyes) , I just make sure I do something. This past past weekend I had a depressive episode. I was 👌🏼 this close from skipping class and calling out of work. I cried on the way to school. But I told myself i don’t want to be in the same shitty mood all day even though it lasted for a few days after that I really had to force myself to want to feel happy. I know as many others know. Being sad feels like a punishment you deserve. And it gets addicting to see sabotage yourself. But my best advice is to fight the urge to make yourself feel worse.
  • @Ashleyiza
    💖💖💖💖💖 The best "advice" I have is to "fake it til you make it".. Sometimes you just have to force yourself to do something. I know it's hard. I have anxiety and OCD and it isn't easy. But if you're reading this... Stay strong. We're all human. You will be okay 💗
  • @TheNewMissyJ
    I’m so glad you’re sharing your struggles and what works for you. We look at popular creators who we know are people just like us but we still believe the perfection that is presented. I suffer from depression and anxiety but also grief from loosing both my parents within 7 months of each other. The biggest issue is the judgement I’ve placed on myself for taking time off of my corporate job, gaining 25 lbs, not working out, not being able to cook my clean meals and give my kids the best because I’m down. I’m not ok with not being ok. Just finding out I’m not the only one means everything.
  • @yaroslavareads
    Thank you! I was intentionally looking for this kind of information, because I have depression for 14 years now and I am overweight since I am on medications and having trouble make myself to workout regularly and eat well. Nobody on YouTube teaches how to lose weight and get healthy while having depression, so thank you once again for this content. And if somebody knows a Youtuber who speaks on this topic, please let me know. Thanks!
  • @traceymartin35
    BLESSING COUNTED🙇‍♀️ I ALWAYS "STOP" AND COUNT MY BLESSING 📿🙇‍♀️ YOU SIR👉 ARE A WALKING & TALKING BLESSING!!!!! When I start to feel depression coming on I except it I dont want to waste time in denial and I try not to go through the whats whys and hows Then I play my MOST UPLIFTING SONG Yolanda Adams "Open my Heart" Then its hour BY hour and trust and believe 60 mins can sometimes feel like a LIFETIME! 🤗HUGS AND 😙KISSES to anybody who suffering or just needs a HUG🤗 Prayers gone up and blessing are on the way
  • @shanea2392
    Thanks for this because I tend to be an emotional eater. God bless.
  • Oh this hit so hard. I eat all the time to avoid or cope with my anxiety and than i have a food coma and pass out. I binge on sweet stuff and I'm allergic to most things i binge. But i cant help it. I'm so glad i'm not alone in this! Thankyou for talking about that.
  • I was glad to see something like this, as someone with crippling social anxiety and having a dose of bipolar disorder/Major Depression to go with it I often feel very secluded from society. I've never been the best at cooking or eating well OR working out, but I enjoy your videos and have tried a few recipes of yours that I have very much enjoyed. I've used alcohol to cope for a good portion of my life and just today I found out from some testing and scans that I likely have a fatty liver disorder. It's very much a wake up call and compels me attempt to take better care of myself, even if I am having a difficult time of it. Thank you for opening up about your own issues and keeping the conversation open about better mental health for everyone who is in need.
  • I suffer with adhd kevin and I have to write a list down every night of things I need to do each day like a checklist so I don't forget something because if I forget something it really gets to me and when I'm at work I have a checklist so I remember to do every job I sit down with my friend who is my boss each day and plan what Is the most important job to do first and I know he has lots of work to do being the boss but I can't thank him enough for him taking time out his busy schedule to help me and Kevin that's why I love your channel because you talk about your real struggles and I like your tips and some of your recipes are simple I used to be a professional chef but my adhd stopped that because I couldn't focus and I used to get angry at people but it wasn't them I was angry with it was me because on a subconscious level I knew what I should do but for some reason I didn't do it
  • @kiminthekitchen
    I have anxiety and when I’m having an “episode” I have zero appetite. I learned to right down the parts to a nutritious meal (fats,protein, greens) so I have something to focus on cause my mind gets foggy. If I don’t, I will eat KitKats and almond m&ms all day. Literally
  • @TheLauraMarieT2
    This is great! I don’t often open up on social media - but yes, sometimes those aiming to inspire on social media can overwhelm and muting would be a good idea at least for me. My dad passed from suicide a few years ago - and I can find myself with anxiety - your channel has helped a lot - inspires in great way. I also find Vitamin D3 really helps my anxiety and depression. It seems to elevate my mood. When I lost my job and insurance it was the pharmacist and naturopath that suggested I try Vit D3 as I could no longer afford my prescription. It has had fantastic results for me. Everyone is unique but that has helped me a lot. Best to you and thank you! I’m enjoying the meals and the videos. So nice you talk about this too. ❤️🌟🙏🏽