Top 5 Best Necron Characters | Warhammer 40k Lore

Published 2021-12-05
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There are many powerful necron characters, but today we pick the 5 best ones to talk about

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All Comments (21)
  • I just had a personal revelation. Trazyn isn't a Pokémon player, he's an actual real deal 40K player. He collects his armies and throws them at other armies.
  • @Sinsystems
    My favorite Trazyn line: "You think so little of me, dear colleague. I brought five." - In response to Orikan hoping Trazyn brought an army.
  • @hummerskickass
    Not only is trazyn genuinely likable but he’s also probably one of the friendliest individuals in the galaxy. And outside of a few individuals or groups, trazyn is probably one of humanity‘s greatest allies amongst the various Xenos species. He has a vested interest in ensuring that humanity survives long-term. Not only because of the plethora of cool items he can steal from them, but he genuinely sees their potential.
  • I love how the silent king is totally unbothered by all the other races, but then just takes one look at the Tryannids and decides they need to be wiped out. Might have more common sense than anyone in the galaxy.
  • Trazyn: "You dare challenge Trazyn the Infinite?!" Orikan: "This galaxy isn't big enough for us two supervillains!" Trazyn: "Oh you're a villain alright! Just not a super one!" Orikan: "Yeah? What's the difference?!" Trazyn: "PRESENTATION!!!"
  • @edim108
    "a shitload of pettiness and spite" is the greatest source of motivation for any Necron.
  • Peak irony would be Trazyne having a Blood Raven in his collection.
    I feel like Nemesor Zahndrekh deserves a honorable mention. Gotta respect your friendly demented grandpa
  • Not just for him. In one of the books it turns out he’s got a sort of…galactic translator so that anyone could presumably tour his museum and understand what they were viewing in the galleries. Least that’s what I remember.
  • @abandonator
    the Necrons kinda are going full circle. they can become beings of pure energy, but need to consume a lot of energy to maintain it. consume a star for example sounds a lot like C'Tan state of being.
  • not gonna lie, when he said that Illuminor Szeras was a mechanical hentai monster that is disliked by his people but tolerated because of the upgrades, I could only think he is the necron version of Belisarius Cawl
  • @Salty__
    Gotta say orikan probably is one of my favourite necron characters. Like in the infinite and the divine when he takes control of one cryptek to bitch slap another and says ‘don’t make me come down there again’ while upon his command chair.
  • @jasonZoo123
    The main reason why i like Trayzyn is simply because he's also a memer.
  • @Madjo-qj2ge
    "Necrons will do any task and hobbies just to keep themselves sane" That's mean Trazyn is the most sanest of all necrons
  • @paulcalhoun436
    I'm a fan of Ahmontekh, for all that he'll likely never wake up. A Phaeron who struck down one of the Eldar gods in melee, turned a planet to rubble by whacking it with his warscythe, and planned out a new beginning for the Necrons that is still continuing despite his incapacitation. And so angry that he accidentally flooded his own brain with so much rage that he can't be revived or else the fury would consume his entire dynasty. Built his crown world inside a star, has an advisor who knew what the C'Tan were up to before biotransference. Just an all around overpowered bloke with an all around overpowered dynasty. I still like Trazyn and Zahndrekh better, though.
  • Not gonna lie but I wish the story of Sanguinius making a secret alliance with the Silent King during the Great Crusade is true. I kinda also imagine that someday in the future the Silent King would approach Roboutte and Roboutte would accept the Silent King's alliance in honor of his dead beautiful hawk brother.
  • I’m thinking about Trazyn preparing for everything, but I’m just reminded that one of his most successful plans was when he just possessed a Deathmark and shot Orikan in the face.
  • @BarryWalts
    Please put that Necron staff up my blackstone fortress
  • One thing I'd add about Trazyn's little project is that it gives him something to do. It's mentioned in the Infinite and the Divine that having something to do plays a major part in Necron being able to stave off madness due to their long lifetimes.