Taira no Atsumori vs Kumagai no Jirō Naozane | Heike Monogatari, episode 9.

Published 2022-01-18
The clip shows a duel between Taira no Atsumori virsus Kumagai no Jirō Naozane shortly after the Battle of Ichi-no-Tani which took place 20th March of 1184 at Settsu province (modern Hyōgo Prefecture) which Taira (alternative reading of Taira's kanji is Heike) lost to Minamoto (Genji) clan under a command of a legendary Minamoto no Yoshitsune, brother of a shogun of first bakafu (shogunate/samurai government) - Minamoto no Yoritomo.
According The Tale of the Heike (Original source material of the series), the Minamoto were scattered by Yoshitsune's attack from the Ichi-no-Tani cliff. Kumagai no Jirō Naozane, while scouting the beach for fleeing soldiers, spotted the young Atsumori swimming towards the fleeing vessels ot Taira clan.
Ukiyo-e of Kumagai Naozane and Taira no Atsumori
Kumagai beckoned Atsumori with his fan, taunting Atsumori by saying, “I see that you are a commander-in-chief. It is dishonorable to show your back to an enemy. Return!”

Atsumori returned and they dueled, Kumagai eventually grappled when Atsumori made an error. Kumagai was stronger. He knocked off Atsumori's helmet to deliver the finishing blow, only to be struck by the beauty of the young noble. Atsumori was “sixteen or seventeen years old, with a lightly powdered face and blackened teeth—a boy just the age of Naozane's own son..."
Kumagai, wishing to spare the boy, asked for Atsumori's name, but the youth refused. He simply said that he was famous enough that Kumagai's superiors would recognize his head when it was time to assign rewards. At that moment, other Minamoto warriors arrived, and Kumagai knew that if he did not kill Atsumori, the other warriors surely would. Kumagai reasoned that it was better if he was the one to kill Atsumori, because he could offer prayers on his behalf for the afterlife.
Kumagai while cyring decapitated the youth. Searching the body for something to wrap the head in, he came across a bag containing a flute. He realized that Atsumori must have been one of the soldiers playing music before the battle and thought, “there are tens of thousands of riders in our eastern armies, but I am sure none of them has brought a flute to the battlefield. Those court nobles are refined men!”
It is said that the beheading of Atsumori is what led Kumagai to take priestly vows and become a Buddhist monk. [he appears as a monk in the end of 11th episode]

I have no intention of copyright infringement an I have no profit from this video, However it falls under "Fair Use", Section 107 of the copyright Act of 1976, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news, reporting, teaching. scholorship and research. Fair use is permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.
original title: Heike Monogatari (11 part anime series)

Year: 2021
Country: Japan
Studio: Science SARU
Director: Naoko Yamada
Screenwriter: Reiko Yoshia, Novel: Hideo Furukawa
Music: Kensuke Ushio
Cinematography: Animation, Kazuto Izumita

All Comments (21)
  • @man10_up
  • @user-cl7zw4xb8n
    波や光の表現がすげぇ… なにもかもえげつない。敦盛のあの最期をこんなに気合い入れて描いてくれるなんてありがたい。 平家物語のスタッフの皆様方には感謝しかない
  • @gumadarui89
    オリジナルの「平家物語」はあくまでも驕れる平家の滅亡を描く物語であり概ねステロタイプな人物描写となっているが、この作品では重盛に引き取られるびわを通して「平家のすべての人々に希望や悩みや不安や絶望の感情がある」事を丁寧に描いてきた。 過去の映像作品では唐突に登場して討たれる敦盛についても、笛繋がりで登場し清経との交流を描くことで心根が真っすぐ過ぎる事で「武士たらねばならない」と戦場に踏み止まってしまう心情を表してくれた。
  • @MultiFkUtube
    For the non Japanese speakers out there, the bearded man is Kumagai Naozane, apparently still spoken of in his home town today. Apparently he hesitated to kill Atsumori because he realized Atsumori is around the same age as his son. He knows it pains a father for his son to be injured and thought of the pain Atsumori's parents would feel by losing their kid. After this he became a monk and I think he is the bearded monk who appears at the last scene of the series praying for those who lost their lives.
  • @hiy3798
    このとき熊谷直実は敦盛の顔を見て、自分の息子とそう変わらない若者だと気がつき、自分には殺せないと思いとどまった。 自分の息子が軽い怪我をしても父として辛く思うのに、殺されたと知ればこの若者の父親はどれほど悲しむだろうと思ったのだそう。 この様な戦いに赴いたことを憐れみ、どうにかして助けられないかと考えるが、背後にはすでに迫り来る味方の軍勢。首を取らなければ場合によっては自分が処罰されてしまうかもしれない。 躊躇する彼を見て、敦盛は自分の首を取れと叫ぶ。敵に情けを以て助けられるくらいならば、武士として殺される方が誇りある死に方だと、考えたが故の叫びであった。 彼の声に押されて熊谷直実は仕方なく、その首を討ち取ることとなる。 この出来事の後、自分が成したことを後悔した彼は、出家して坊主となったそうな。
  • @yyoshida3156
    地元の英雄『熊谷直実』をちゃんと描いてくれたことに感謝。この場面は、地元では直実節として小学校の運動会で舞踏の演舞を行っていました。 平家物語では、この時直実が手を止めたのは、敦盛を自分の息子に重ね合わせたためと書かれています。 実際の直実もこの出来事に思うところがあったようで、その後出家することになりました。
  • @jun17703
  • @runespar
    This is probably the most underrated anime I've ever seen. Every episode felt like a work of art.
  • @izumi-pellet
  • @user-oq3of5hb2v
    この場面の最後熱盛が手にしていたのは笛 武士に憧れ武士として散ることを望んでいたけれどやっぱり文化人だったんだなと感じた
  • @yukiy7
  • @user-pk1im7up2q
  • ついにこの運命の瞬間が来てしまったかという感じが切なくも美しかった
  • @Mikku_sun
  • @user-ed6xt4yf3o
    凄いなこの描写 お互いが鎧武者だから闇雲に斬っては刃が通らず、鎧の無いところを斬りに掛かりそして相手は斬られまいと対応する。
  • @RGM4000
  • @user-pc5qr4nn9t
  • @user-gz1mu9ld5q
    こうなってしまうのは知っていた それでも悲しすぎる…敦盛の最期
  • 最初はただ好奇心旺盛な少年だと思っていたけれどこの話を知り本当は立派な武士を目指していたのだと知り胸をうたれました。 その後の直実の話も含め、本当に泣かずにはいられませんでした…