Rodney Dangerfield Funniest Jokes Ever On The Johnny Carson Show 1983 online video cutter com

Published 2015-04-24

All Comments (21)
  • @rolex4524
    Rodney had impeccable timing and delivery.  You laughed non-stop, and notice...not one racial slur or religious slur or sexual slur joke like many of today's so-called "comedians".  RIP Rodney, you were one of the very best.
  • I miss this guy! He was the funnies guy out there! Love all his movies and watched his comedy all the time... Rip Rodney 😢
  • @watchcloak
    even his sex jokes are classier than the shit we see today
  • Rodney never topped this--Tonight Show, the audience interaction/familiarity with the act, the timing, the delivery. He was on fire. One of the greatest ever. R.I.P.
  • @downsouth9485
    In my opinion Rodney Dangerfield was the best stand-up comedian there has ever been.
  • @jamesd2128
    Timing, timing, and more timing, Rodney was a genius.
  • @abc456f
    Crying my eyes out from laughing. Johnny was a perfect straight man. Rodney's delivery of these gems is classic. Like a machine gun, just mowing 'em down.
  • @pattilondon8076
    I saw Rodney Dangerfield on stage in New York in the early 70’s. I was laughing so hard he actually pointed at me and said “You must be from Connecticut!” He was right, it took 3hrs to drive to his show in snow from Ct. He was amazing.
  • @rubedogg6969
    Even though Rodney has died his material is still funnier than anything today!
  • @JulianA601
    It's sad to think we will never see the likes of Carson, Robin Williams, Jonathan Winters, Dangerfield, etc.ever again. It was a different time then. Thank God for U-Tube.
  • @1969ryson
    Easy money is an underrated comedy classic. Really good movie, funny as hell.
  • Johnny was a real pro. He allowed his guests to do their thing without constantly interrupting them and trying to be cute.
  • Johnny was and still is the BEST........RIP Johnny.....miss you
  • @garybrice7689
    Like a fine wine, Rodney got better with age, truly a comedic genius!
  • @MegaSlowburner
    Rodney you always said you got no respect. But just one voice......I have always had the utmost respect for you!
  • @d4rthknight322
    I like how honestly Johnny laughed at Rodney's jokes. Unlike today's show hosts, they fake everything.
  • @bigdogbob845
    Rodney was the Master of the One Liner, and the Zingers he could throw are Legendary.