This Fortnite Skin Is A Problem

Published 2024-03-09
Fortnite Skins are epic but epic doesn't release them? not epic

Code: AlxAce


All Comments (21)
  • @deathkage779
    These skins are suposed to look like Gods but instead 99% of them look like people trying to cosplay as Gods.
  • @sugoi694
    The fact that Stoneheart, a skin released before this season, looks way more on theme than all of the girl skins in the battlepass.
  • @champloo9058
    They made her more modern, an "e-girl" if you will. For some reason they have to one IN EVERY BATTLEPASS
  • @nok4799
    Sad that Medusa and Aphrodite could have actually been really good if the concept art was just followed through
  • @GEK0dev
    The problem with aphrodite is she doesn’t fit the theme at all, Just looks like a normal person
  • @kush7138
    People should've learned since Ch4S2 that epic will 9/10 times mess up the final product from concept art.
  • @imnotme111
    I think another one of the main problems with the Aphrodite skin is you don’t think Greek at all, let alone Greek Goddess of Beauty. There’s nothing to link her to Greek at all, the heart links her to love but it could easily be overlooked as a small detail to make her seem more girly. I think the concept art is fairly translatable to game, and the fact that they’ve followed the concept art very closely with other skins show that they at least could have kept more of her aspects from the art. I personally don’t have a problem with her short hair, but I DO have beef that they didn’t give her a head piece like literally all the others skins. How is the literal Goddess of Beauty the least accessorized?? And giving her sneakers made her seem less graceful, she is an ancient deity of beauty, if she were to wear more modern everyday shoes, it would probably be heels. Heck, I feel like boots would’ve been better then SNEAKERS. The sneakers honestly make her look like a tennis player. There also bulky, at least make them smaller. I thought the Medusa skin was fine until I looked at the concept art. She was fine but that’s because I didn’t know what we could’ve had. I wish she had more hair/snakes. People said she looked like Sombra but I thought Deuce from Monster High. However Deuce has scales on his skin, which makes it seem like he’s actually a snake monster. And in Gen 3, he’s literally green and has serpentine eyes. Her outfit is fine, but it’s like snake skin/PRINT rather then actual scales. Or more specifically, literally any type of scales. They could be fish scales for all we know! In her art, with the bottom half, it’s like a snake tail. Which makes sense because if she didn’t have legs, she would have a tail. And the white plush in her collar reminds me vaguely of the underside/belly of a snake. Which again, makes sense because it’s near her belly, and if she were a snake, her front would be her belly. Also apparently people have problems with the Artemis skin?? I’m not as much of a fan girl for Artemis as I am for Aphrodite (still love her though) but I thought it looked great. If it’s the hair, I think it looks great. It looks sculpted and I love that detail of it. Some people used a.i to make skins they called better, and a problem I had with that is the skins looked the same. This is a game, they need to make unique designs so they don’t seem copy paste. Artemis having stars or the night as her body and hair is probably Epic Games leaning towards her Goddess of the Moon theme. Even if she seems more night then moon, which would be Nyx, but I don’t think they can plaster moons all over. Hades (gosh I don’t even want to think about his design, why is he a robot???) they could lean towards black, chains, smoke, and skulls, PALE SKIN RATHER THEN METAL SKIN. Poseidon, which is a good skin but I wish we got an actual Poseidon Poseidon skin, hair that looks like it’s wet, shades of blue, shells, water, fish, foam, anything sea related! Aphrodite, pink, white, red, roses, pearls, dove wings, just make her beautiful and girly, make her graceful PLEASE. I spent too long typing this but my feelings are just too strong and I went too far that I would cry if I just erased this. So don’t make fun of me please.
  • @snarffles5687
    In all honesty I didn’t really pay much attention to Aphrodite’s skin, I’ve honestly been enjoying running around as Zeus throwing lightning at others in team rumble🤣
  • @dracothegolden
    We still have like 2 pages of Querst rewards that are still not seen/in game. it's possibible that we get the concept art as edit style later in the season
  • @coreywright2781
    Aphrodite wearing sneakers?!? She would never wear sneakers. I get that they are trying to make the Characters accessible to younger players, but you need to keep the base of what the characters are. Also. If you make his kilt straight across and take the pants off Zeus, all his styles would look much better.
    The top part of Medusa trench was designed like the head of a cobra
  • @Pleaxing
    it could be a bonus reward in the battlepass
  • @MotherOfTheSea
    Aphrodite’s outfit legit just looks like Hope’s outfit. And her hair looks like Evie’s hair and she looks like Antonia. They could’ve done so much better but oh well.
  • @ChickenKitten
    The problem is they kinda split it into two styles, making the first more casual and the second one pink, i'd say they could bandaid fix it by allowing both colors on each style, making the second one look a bit more like the concept. if they don't do that at least have white and gold for the alt style as a quest reward theres some hope. ps i realllly like the first one but i think this is a good idea to appeal to people who saw the concept first
  • @PaperBag2024
    I mean, it’s called a CONCEPT art for a reason. Artist use it as a base point to modify and change aspects of the artwork as time goes on.