'I saw something strange': Retired Navy officers give firsthand accounts of UAPs | NewsNation Prim

Published 2023-06-11
Retired Lt. Commander Alex Dietrich and retired Navy Chief Master-at-Arms Sean Cahill give their accounts of seeing UAPs. Dietrich says there should be a protocol in place for reporting unidentified phenomena.

Read more: www.newsnationnow.com/space/ufo/we-are-not-alone-t…

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All Comments (21)
  • @eoglander
    It’s important that you release the full interview. I just watched it live on your website. Please release the full thing to the public. People need to see it in its entirety. Ross Coulthart, you’re a bad ass.
  • @JG1rn
    It's really hard not to believe this is really happening. There are too many credible people coming forward, all saying the same thing. Police officers, Pilots, Navy Pilots, the list is endless.
  • We are ready for this. It’s time. We the people of the us demand this be made public.
  • @Yewbzee
    News Nation like a dog with a bone, just not letting this go. Awesome job to you all and to Ross for relentlessly chasing this down. Keep up the great work.
  • Please post the full special for those of us that weren't able to tune in! Thank you! (Thank you NewsNation for posting full interview, greatly appreciated!)!!
  • Being made fun of and called crazy is exactly why people do not come forward when they see something strange.
  • 1981 in Burnley England on a clear summer day, my father and I left his factory at the end of the day around 17:00 and as we drove from one side of the town to the other, I looked up in the sky and saw a Silver Ball that looked around 20 feet in diameter. So immediately said to my father "can you see that" but as he was driving he couldn't watch it as much as I could, basically as I fixed my gaze on it, all of a sudden it dropped hundreds of feet, and then started to zigzag around the sky 😳 I've never seen anything like that ever, and honestly I was stone cold sober, and I watched this for the next 30 minutes as we drove to the other side of Burnley, at one point it was moving parallel to us, and as we got near to my home and as my dad stopped the car I ran out into the park and looked up at the sky and it was gone, but I'm telling you exactly what I saw and what I experienced that day, so I definitely belive
  • I have had two sightings. In the 1970's was going to bed and looked out the window overlooking a river at a spot near a military installation and saw a huge red, glowing ball hovering over the river. I watched it as it slipped into the river. Another time I was driving to work (night shift) and as I crested this rather large hill, I noted a lighted object flying low far away and figured it was a plane going to land at a nearby airport. As I started my descent on this hill, there was a triangular object, shiny metal with blue and yellow lights along its side hovering right over the hood of my car. It was like time stood still. No noise, could not see any windows in the object. Suddenly it was gone - where I don't know. What was astonishing was the speed it had traveled from where I first saw it in the sky and to the time it appeared over my car's hood. I had thought it was going to crash into my windshield so I was scared. Reported it to the police and instantly regretted it as they laughed and belittled my experience.
  • @Kamran.R
    Thank you to Brian Entin and the entire News Nation crew for covering the most important topic of humanity. It takes courage. Thank you.
  • @kenziesundone
    The fact that they are now acknowledging the truth is great, the idea that they kept it secret for so long is troubling
  • Either shit is going down or they're distracting us from something even more messed up!!! Yet again.
  • Does anybody else feel this is a amazing time to be alive knowing that we are not alone in this universe this may be the biggest news on planet earth does anybody feel the same way?
  • @b_14-m8p
    Please release the full interview to your youtube channel
  • @towoperations
    I don't know what these things are. But I feel like it's all about to come to light. And it seems to me that News Nation will be at the forefront of whatever transpires. Thank you for being brave enough.
  • @neonpop80
    Wowow NewsNation, what an incredible job you guys are doing covering this! So professional! You guys are at the forefront of the biggest story of human history.
  • So proud of you Ross Coulthart fellow Australian pushing an important issue ❤ Very much a respected journalist here
  • so many credible and important people claiming they’ve seen these things and still there are people thinking they are lying. it’s ridiculous at this point.
  • @TheJanet4321
    I can't wait for more info, to come out - this is fascinating.
  • @Lexyboogie
    What the first woman is saying is why this can’t just be dismissed. For a government that takes issues of national security extremely serious,especially during that time when we were at war and a few years removed from the biggest terrorist attack ever on our soil, the idea that they supposedly had no protocol for investigating these craft is extremely suspicious and stinks of a cover up.
  • @carlfr2977
    Way to go NewsNation & you to Ross!......This topic is very important.