A God of Second Chances

This video tells the story of how God miraculously reconciled Clint and Penny Bragg's marriage after an 11-year divorce and a distance of over 3,000 coast-to-coast miles. www.inverseministries.org

コメント (21)
  • Zibbie17- Yes we are still together. We are going to celebrate our 11th anniversary in August. We are Marriage Missionaries and we travel all around the States sharing our testimony and teaching the things God has shown how to live our lives and marriage as a team of two. Blessings.
  • I am praying that what God has done for you and your husband, he will do for me and mine.  We have been divorced now for almost 13 yrs but I am still standing for the covant that I made to him 16yrs ago.
  • Please pray for my wife Ann not to go through with divorcing me as she filed
  • God please bring my family back together. please heal my wife heart and bring her back home in Jesus name.
  • Hi. Thank you for sharing your inspiring testimony. I am divorced but have been praying for marriage reconciliation since March 2011. I KNOW God can do this and I give Him praise for it in advance! I would appreciate if you would join me in believing. Btw we have a 4 y/o son too.
  • @mchristr
    Penny really nails it down at the end. It's only through the death and resurrection of Jesus that there's any hope for a second chance.
  • @zibbie17
    I am happy for you both. My wife left me 8 months now and have since accepted Jesus. I hope I have the same outcome as you both. God bless
  • Thank you for sharing your testimony. It's a beautiful story of God's Love, Mercy & Forgiveness being poured out on those who seek Him.
  • @styyle310
    I want this so bad for my marriage. congratulations 🕊
  • Beautiful! I hope and pray I have the same outcome as you. God watch over my wife. Thank you for my marriage. Only you know what the outcome will be. I’m just glad I got to know my beautiful wife for so many years.
  • Your testimony gives me hope that God is always at work in the believer even when they aren't aware of His plans. God can do the impossible and I pray God will do the same for my family as He has done for yours. Thanks for sharing through faith to provide hope to a believer and stander for marriage. God Bless
  • Beautiful story. I recently divorced my wife of 8 years and we havent spoken since then. May God continue blessing your marriage and hearts. Stay strong!🙏🏻❤️
  • @sabraha9
    What an awesome God we worship!! Just amazing? i am separated awaiting divorce, I am not currently wishing the same as my partner has already moved on with someone and pregnant but your testimony filled my heart with joy!! Praise God!!
  • @Sorana44
    Only by the grace and mercy of Jesus! Woao