How to make a KitPVP in Minecraft Bedrock!

Published 2024-06-13
In this tutorial, I will guide you through the steps on starting up your own KitPVP or just for you to learn some new command tips and tricks! I would say this video is about Intermediate-Advanced difficulty, as I use many advanced techniques that will overall make your server stand out compared to others. This guide will cover Kill/Death Counters, Kit Shops, NPC/Villager Shop, Arena Building (Bedrock World Edit), and Ranks. Many of these commands and things can be easily expanded on off the base version you see in the video. I will only be providing the base knowledge not giving you a 1to1 recreation of a KitPVP. All sections will be time stamped for you ease of access and I hope you have fun making a great KitPVP server!! 💖

- Intro | 0:00
- World creation settings | 0:24
- Zeus the Greek God | 1:26
- Ground Commands | 2:30
- Kill/Death/Cash Counter | 4:03
- Kit Shops | 15:21
- NPC/Villager Shops | 28:35
- Perfect Circle Command | 46:23
- How to make massive land structures fast (world edit) | 51:47
- Arena to Spawn TP | 56:36
- Spawn To Arena TP | 1:02:16
- Spawn Protection | 1:03:50
- VIP Areas/Ranks | 1:05:56
- Outro (Ouch) | 1:10:12
Commands Used "if they don't work or something is missing, comment and I'll fix it :]"

Ground Commands
- /gamerule commandblockoutput false
- /gamerule sendcommandfeedback false
- /give @s command_block
- /tag @s add OP

Kill/Death/Cash Counter
- /scoreboard players set @a[scores={alive=!2}] alive 0
- /scoreboard players set @e[type=player] alive 1
- /execute at @a[scores={alive=0}] run scoreboard players add @p[r=125] cash 50
- /execute at @a[scores={alive=0}] run scoreboard players add @p[r=125] kills 1
- /scoreboard players add @a[scores={alive=0}] deaths 1
- /execute at @a[scores={alive=0}] run playsound random.orb @p ~~~ 100 2
- /scoreboard players set @a[scores={alive=0}] alive 2

- /scoreboard objectives add alive dummy
- /scoreboard objectives add cash dummy
- /scoreboard objectives add kills dummy
- /scoreboard objectives add deaths dummy

- /scoreboard players add @a cash 0
- /scoreboard players add @a kills 0
- /scoreboard players add @a deaths 0'

- /execute as @a run /titleraw @s actionbar{"rawtext":[{"text":"§6"},{"selector":"@s"},{"text":"\n§bCash§f: "},{"score":{"name":"*","objective":"cash"}},{"text":" \n§aKills§f: "},{"score":{"name":"*","objective":"kills"}},{"text":" \n§cDeaths§f: "},{"score":{"name":"*","objective":"deaths"}}]}

Kit Shop
- /scoreboard players remove @p[scores={cash=100..}] cash 100
- /execute at @p run structure load barbkit ~~1~
- /playsound random.orb @p

- /give @s iron_helmet 1 10000
/clear @a[tag=!OP] iron_helmet 1 10000 (people tagged OP can take items)

NPC/Villager Shop
- /summon npc
- /dialogue open @r[type=npc,x=-1,dx=1,y=-61,dy=3,z=3,dz=1] @initiator -1 -61 3
- /playsound mob.villager.haggle @initiator[scores={cash=..99}]
/tellraw @initiator[scores={cash=..99}] {"rawtext":[{"text":"get out of my shop you r poor"}]}
/playsound mob.villager.yes @initiator[scores={cash=100..}]
/tellraw@initiator[scores={cash=100..}] {"rawtext":[{"text":"Here is your sword"}]}
/execute at @initiator[scores={cash=100..}] run structure load Item1 ~~~
/scoreboard players remove @initiator[scores={cash=100..}] cash 100

Perfect Arena Circle Wall
- /execute as @e[type=armor_stand,name=wall] at @s run tp @s ~~~~1~
- /execute as @e[type=armor_stand,name=wall] at @s run setblock ^^-1^40 border_block
- /execute as @e[type=armor_stand,name=wall] at @s run fill ^^-1^40 ^^9^40 quartz_block

World Edit
- /execute as @e[tag=OP,hasitem={item=wooden_axe,location=slot.weapon.mainhand}] at @s run structure load rock ^ ^ ^15

Arena to Spawn
- /scoreboard objectives add points dummy
- /scoreboard players add @a[x=-167,dx=-4,y=-60,dy=3,z=0,dz=4] points 1
- /tp @a[x=-167,dx=-4,y=-60,dy=3,z=0,dz=4] 3 -59 5
- /execute as @a unless entity @s[x=-167,dx=-4,y=-60,dy=3,z=0,dz=4] run scoreboard players set @s points 0

Spawn to Arena
(just use tp, I don't recommend using /spreadplayers as it doesn't work as good as it used too)

Spawn Protection
- /effect @e[r=50] resistance 1 4 true

- /tp @a[x=5,dx=2,y=-60,dy=4,z=-1,dz=0,tag=!VIP] 3 -59 5
- tag @s add VIP

Playsound List
-    ‱ Every Playsound Command in Minecraft ...  

Feel Free to ask me whatever on my Discord or in the Comments. If you'd like me to critique your server hit me up :DDD

Discord - monkeychan118

All Comments (21)
  • @errbupdc5558
    I really like how this tutorial goes into and covered so many different/ separate ideas that builds up into an all well rounded creation. Its nice to see a tutorial be so in depth with what seems to be a full set of ‘multiple’ tutorials, and even with acknowledging some failures. Epic đŸ”„
  • @tortie_
    i loved the zeus bit that was beautiful and another epic video in general :3
  • @amressam6277
    You can get an npc spawn egg do "/give @s spawn_egg 1 51" and it should work
  • @Livrepena
    Because of you, my SkyGen is going INSANE XD,Thank you very much!😊
  • @skyfish2104
    You should make a tutorial on how to make russian roulette on minecraft bedrock (def not because im already making one xD)
  • @sweatylmao
    Pls make a video on a money system and how to make ores give money
  • When I doing the shop it isnt working with the clone it’s cloning but I can’t go in the shucker
  • @Cikylerey
    now make a fully functioning UNO game in minecraft that can support 2-10 player
  • hey the shulker for the shop idnt working for more it keep spawning the shulker so ppl cant look inside please help
  • @natekraus611
    Let's just say that I'm trying to make a golden apple fight game how would I be able to use /give so I can apply the person with more than one item without using buttons or pressure plates? I tried doing /give @p[thecoords of where the area is] what I want to give them 0 1 but it won't work. I also tried making many repeat commands saying /give but I can only give 1 item.
  • Monkeychan on all my command blocks it says "no targets mached selector" can you maybe help me with that
  • @Bruh_ItsKai1671
    lets say you were to use arrows for your kit how would you make that work to delete it
  • @Generic.g
    When I open the kit to look at what's inside it just closes and if my friend spam clicks it and i open it it opens and work idk why tho
  • @synix7882
    How come it doesn’t reach everywhere it only reaches like a certain block radius