What Do We Actually Know About Depression? | Compilation

Published 2019-09-02
One of the topic that we've talked about the most is depression. It is a really complicated subject, so we’ve put together some of our episodes about depression to hopefully help you understand more about it.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
Crisis Text Line: www.crisistextline.org/
International Resources: yourlifecounts.org/find-help/

Hosted by: Brit Garner
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All Comments (21)
  • @EveloGrave
    I've had depression for so long I don't know if I still have it or if it is just who I am.
  • @hyperplaguerat
    Can confirm: my memory is way worse when my depressive and anxiety symptoms are high
  • My junior year of high school I decided to watch all these videos, and realized that I had every single symptom of anxiety and depression. I talked to my parents and they didn't believe me until a year later, when my doctor diagnosed me with severe depression and extreme anxiety. These videos helped me know that the way I was thinking wasn't normal. Now I'm medicated for it, and scishow saved my life.
  • @GabrielKnightz
    Explaining what depression feels like to someone not going through it is sort of like trying to explain the colour blue to a person born blind. (or maybe i just don't have the vocabulary)
  • @EdmundAlynJones
    The treatments and therapy you highlighted, while promising, are more than likely not covered by Medicaid. People in lower socioeconomic standing would be lucky to get five minutes with a psychiatrist. A catered program isn’t possible with that as a condition. There is a darker reality to mental health treatment that is subject to how much money you have and where you live. So while the science may be there, the access is not. Love the channel. Just wanted to add a bit of perspective.
  • @jadeyfamous
    Can you do a video like this for anxiety too? 😁
  • @IceMetalPunk
    I have struggled with mild depression at least since middle school, if not my whole life. (I wasn't diagnosed until I was about 21.) That phrase -- "mild depression" -- is a bit problematic. Yes, it's more mild than some people have it, but I still wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. "Knowing" that you're a terrible friend to the people you love, "knowing" you're worthless and drag everyone down with you, having days where you're curled up in the fetal position crying because you feel like your head is going to explode from the internal struggle of "knowing" terrible things but also trying to convince yourself it's not true... I may not be suicidal most of the time, but I often envy those who are for having found a way out, and the very fact that I feel that envy can be terrifying. So TL;DR: even mild depression is an awful, terrible thing, a mental parasite, and the better we get at treating it, the better we become as a species.
  • @nul00000OOO
    Me: Doubts I have depression, assumes it's just a lack of drive since there's either nothing to do in the summer or constant homework in the school year. Sees the symptoms part in the beginning literally describing my normal outlook on life Me: Huh. Well that's unfortunate.
  • Weirdly enough, starting adderall for adhd had helped my depression more than anything. I think it’s because it gave me the motivation to start taking care of myself and doing the activities I used to love which in turn helped my depression.
  • @jchenot27
    I am depressed and have been for a long time. I feel there is hope for generations to come, and that's good. I just wish science could find a cure in my lifetime.
  • @lenap4956
    I'm not even sure I have depression since I have periods where I feel that everything will be alright but at other times it's just a constant battle of trying to squash the negative thoughts
  • @tankkali9699
    Its like the universe knew how i was feeling and said let this video be made. Thank you for such informative videos so often
  • Been battling with depression all my life, as well as other things I had no idea that self blame, rumination and anger were part of it. That explains a lot However having depression in Nigeria is really hell. There's simply noone to help. Rough stuff Thanks for the video
  • @rydaddy2867
    Depression does run in my wife's family...so something I definitely watch for the symptoms of in our children. This is going to be helpful for me.
  • @Jgawalters72
    I had a coworker ask me last year, "what makes you happy?". I have no answer for that.
  • @sadpotato3386
    Can you do a video in controversial studies that look at illegal drugs and how they might he able to treat depression, PTSD, and such?
  • @darksoul479
    Why does no one ever mention the new tests they have to find the proper antidepressant? I went through many antidepressants and then they gave me this test that found the exact one that I needed. You might want to research that.
  • @NewMessage
    I gotta get on my depression themed webcomic. But with my luck, the adventures of Sarah Tonin, Amy Gadilla, and their Aunty Dee Pressant will just become a dopey meme.
  • @thomas.02
    How about a feeling of decoupling, as in you know what you truly want to do but feel you have no way of accomplishing that. You used to think you can do it against all odds but now it seems more a distant fantasy.
  • @barbarahouk1983
    This is a good presentation of my field. I am a retired Psychiatrist. After this presentation one should get an idea what variables I have pondered. This is why I insisted on medical manipulation needed to be with psychotherapy. There is always a mind/body connection. Ruminations can be truncated by mind/thought exercises. This is similar to the exercises to control obsessions. One learns these exercises is in psychotherapy. Often today one goes to the psychiatrist for medication and the psychologist for the psychotherapy. This is directly bc of the AMA CPT Code book payments. Yes this is more expensive for the individual. I am retired now but I am board certified in psychotherapy. I was the poorest paid Psychiatrist bc I did both and the AMA does not favor that.