PEACE - A Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker Retrospective

Published 2022-02-08
Special thanks to Eliza for the work she did on the thumbnail. Please check out her awesome work here:

Hideo Kojima, the creator of Metal Gear Solid, has said that there is a single word... a single theme that can summarize each mainline game in the Metal Gear Solid saga. With that, I decided to look at each game in the series exclusively through the lens of their respective theme. Today, we will be looking at the single word/theme that summarizes Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. That word is "peace".


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Intro by icaro


All Comments (21)
  • @TheBeird
    I like to think of Peace Walker, Ground Zeroes AND The Phantom Pain collectively as Metal Gear Solid V. Two seasons of an expensive tv show with special in between
  • @chrizzel28
    I like that Strangelove is named after the movie about this same situation, an automated doomsday device that will end us all if someone, anyone makes an erratic choice. I see Peace Walker as the serious counterpart to the satirical movie, taking the same ideas under a different lens. It also happens to be my favourite stealth oriented Metal Gear game, I'm glad we're on the same page about it being underappreciated.
  • This game is really underrated. The true MGS V, since we see the point where Big Boss heart changed and abandon The Boss ideals. Can't recommend this game enough.
  • @bonapetite5087
    Having to kill The Boss the first time brought me to tears. Watching an echo of her soul overtake all logic and reason just to sacrifice herself again, and prevent thermonuclear war a second time was another punch in the gut. For the short time we got to actually know her, I can think of few characters that can have so much detail written into so little writing. What an unbelievably powerful character design.
  • @marverak
    That masculine urge to build a mother base ✊😩
  • Something that seeing now in retrospective, if more people had played Peace Walker before the release of V, they would've known that V couldn't be about Big Boss turning in to a villain
  • @MasterJunior93
    30:54 just to interject, i personally love this mission, because of the fact that it's Big Boss taking on an entire base filled with soldiers on red alert. Even though Metal Gear is still Tactical Espionage, the fact that for this one mission it's a straight up run-and-gun gives the game the breath of fresh air that it needed. All the other missions have ranged from sneaking to battling vehicles, but for this one mission, it's a firefight. There was one other "firefight" mission before the Cocoon boss fight, but it was more campy since you can sit in one spot and take everyone out easily, giving it that "Sniper Elite" feeling. However for this one mission, you have to run-and-gun, and i love it. 💚
  • Being from Costa Rica I have inmense respect for this game, their representation of my country wasnt perfect but it was dam good and is an honor to be in such a great game.
  • @zeroperator
    It's odd that the initial mission of the boss is rarely mentioned when talking about mgs3, the boss was sent to retrieve a philosophers legacy for the US, a source of unimaginable wealth for the U.S. but to gain Volgin's trust she had to give him a nuclear weapon. The U.S. used the boss as a pawn to retrieve the philosophers legacy and accidentally caused an international incident by arming a splinter faction within the Soviet Union.
  • @SaltedMallows
    Finally someone talks about PeaceWalker. It deserves it. Edit: But I do wish you talked more about the surreal dreams snake has about the boss and the robot having the butterflies too.
  • @thomasrose4523
    Absolutely one of my favorites, it definitely was underappreciated. But you build mother base up, recruit all these soldiers, and do so much, so when you got to the end of Ground Zeroes, you feel what Kaz is feeling: "We built it dammit!"
  • @Sh1ranu1
    The most compelling thing for me that came out of MGS 3 and Peace walker was how the various parties interpreted the Boss’s Will
  • @docbaker3333
    I got to admit those comic book esque cutscenes are very Stylish.
  • @novohispana
    Grew up with this on the PSP, vividly remember fighting Peacewalker during a family luncheon in Nicaragua, my cousins couldn't believe our country was centre-stage for any game. We were kids and didn't quite grasp the political underpinnings nor loftier subject matter, but the comradery of MSF stuck by me for life. Replayed it when I was older, found it just as great, couldn't agree more that it is essential to the totality of MGS V; by far one of my very favourite games. Also remember teenaged me blushing at the "date with Paz" op.
  • I love the co operative online mode in this, put so many hours into it but it's impossible to find populated lobbies now unfortunately. I still try from time to time. Was pissed to discover that MGS V was strictly pvp only as it could have expanded so much more on the Peacewalker co op gameplay, damn shame.
  • @CourtneyCoulson
    This series of video essays have been some of the most concise and insightful on the subject of Metal Gear. Great work, thank you.
  • @axongear9650
    Peace Walker despite its flaws has my favourite MGS story. It builds on MGS3 so much and the evolution from Snake to Big Boss is so good. His speech at the end "...our heaven, our hell, this is Outer Heaven." is to me Kojima's finest writing work
  • @Zonex_Haven
    The fact you can't crawl is what pissed me off in this one but loved it and me and my little brother managed to beat this epic game on our PSP Gos back in 2010.
  • @thatCRAZYwyles
    I've never played a MGS game, but I've watched all your videos about them and feel like my understanding of humanity is better for having seen them, thank you!
  • @ashimashi1
    Finally a video that fully Analyses this game's brilliant story One of my favorites games for sure