Shari Gems: Blackbirds, Desert Fathers, Wheat/Chaff, Broken Eggs, & St. Brendan the Navigator

Published 2024-04-03
From literal vs actual Christian livestream 04/03/24

All Comments (7)
  • St Anthony and St Brendan were testing their own faith. Every day we accept or reject the call to adventure, even though we normally are happy to live in a Hobbit hole. Where is your Lonely Mountain? Got Gandalf?
  • i got lost there, it was birds wasn't it? where did the boat come from? this reminds me of the time i was in therapy, voluntarily, both one to one and group and i eventually quit cos i realised the people in the room with me were crazier than i was, including the therapist. what are you talking about?
  • everyone seems to assume satan is going to be horrid. if i go to hell then GOD is "punishing me" for my sins, but why would satan want to punish me too? satan despises christians. if i'm being punished by satan, then satan is doing god's work - that makes zero sense. hell is more likely to be eternity having more fun than you ever could on earth, this is what god hates, heaven will just be eternal worship, satan is SAVING you from an eternity of boredom and slavery. i see no reason why hell wouldn't be a great place to be, no mind control, commandments to follow, just eternal life that you can probably quit if you get bored with learning guitar from hendrix or trying to grasp relativity from einstein. why would hell be undesirable? why would satan want to torment me - he detests god and christians, not sinners.