Before You Get a French Bulldog│What you NEED to know

Published 2020-05-26
Hello everyone!

We have gathered everything we know most about our little Frenchie boy. If you are doing your research to better understand what these breeds are like, look no further. We are going to share every little bit we know about them so you can be prepared. Getting one is always exciting but they do come with lots of surprises! We hope you enjoy this video :)

0:00 intro
0:25 Indoor
0:56 No control
2:04 Loves Attention
3:25 Shedding
3:51 High Maintenance
5:10 Loves Food
6:35 Health Issues
7:40 Pet Insurance
8:12 We love Grootie

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#Beforegettingafrenchie #whattoknow #petfacts

All Comments (21)
  • My frenchy is the BEST money I’ve ever spent. Period. I can’t imagine life without him. Best little buddy ever.
  • @HairyTee
    Funny to listen to all the traits. My Frenchie (Gizmo) will be 15 years old this month! She never passes gas and her snorting, snoring and breathing issues are very minimal. I must have gotten lucky. In many ways, she still acts like a puppy and doing very good for 15. I make sure to feed her high quality dog food along with 2 pumps of Alaskan Salmon Oil in her food. I think the Salmon Oil has been a key factor to her still doing well at age 15. The two main health issues I have faced with her are her hips and ear infections. My #1 advice is to NOT let your Frenchie run up and down stairs or even jump onto your couch. They are prone to having hip issues and it will help them in the long run when they get older. I carry Gizmo up and down any stairs and don't let her jump onto things. The ear infections are controllable by consistently wiping and cleaning her ears and checking them on a regular basis.
  • @PickyPippi
    Frenchies are the absolute sweetest, but those farts! OMG 😂
  • @Mental_Illboy
    My Frenchie is snoring right next to me right now. She is my best friend I ever had. She's a old girl now 9 years old.
  • You hit it on the head in terms of what to expect wirh French Bulldog ownership. I wish I had this video 10 years ago when I got my little buddy. It would have saved me a lot of time and money. That being said, I have no regrets . I love my little guy so much.
  • @VintageCharms
    First time I’ve ever looked into getting a dog. Just over one minute in and I’ve already changed my mind lol
  • I’ve just rescued a miniature Frenchie and boy he’s opposite to the lazy traits, he loves his country walks, doesn’t like clothes, he has raw diet and lives with Saint x mastiffs and we adore the little guy he’s so much fun. He’s tough little guy. He hangs with the giant breeds and is cool when we go out. He’s our smallest rescue but he comes with big personality and adores playing with the pack and very sweet dog. Successful rescue and settled wonderful, he doesn’t have bad wind on raw diet. Feed them crap and you’ll be smelling what you feed them. Lol 😂
    He can lick his own bum too. Weee blessed with our Frenchie boy. 😍🌈🙏💕
  • @ledique6945
    Finally a educational & to the point video.
  • Thank you for putting out this video. My Frenchie is the best dog I’ve ever had and I love him to death. But, this breed does take a lot of work, and money and care to keep them healthy. Now that Frenchies are seen as the “it” dog, it’s important for prospective owners to know what it takes to have one in your family. There’s nothing worse than someone getting one and not giving them the care they deserve. Go in with your eyes open. If you’re up to the task, you’ll be rewarded with the best little guy/girl ever.
  • Loved the video, thanks for the advice. Just received a 3mo girl over the weekend and she has been just adorable. Took some notes 👍
  • @cgmarner
    Very informative. Thank you much.
  • I'd say the big caution in getting a Frenchie is that you will be so very tempted to get a second!! I've heard them called "Pringles" dogs because no one can just have one. My dog is not a big eater, and not super motivated by food. Her weakness is fruit. She loves fruit. So, after checking to make sure which are ok for dogs to eat, I used small bits of fruit to train her to do her simple commands. Yes. Frenchies can have a lot of health issues and you MUST sign up for health insurance before you even bring the dog home. A good breeder will not sell you one of their dogs at the drop of a hat. Good breeders will make you apply, interview you, and you will wait and wait. But it's worth it.
  • @itsdimitrychannel
    Love your video. I have a pug and a frenchie and I couldn’t agree more! Greetings from Austria
  • @pierreleath
    I enjoyed your teachings...want and need more