This Strategy Changed EVERYTHING About My Life

Published 2023-08-07
We're constantly asking and answering questions inside of our own minds. While many of these questions and answers are subconscious, meaning we don't realize we're asking and answering them, they can still have a tremendous impact on our lives.

Once, my life was guided by a question that led me absolutely nowhere. I just did whatever I felt like doing at the moment, with no regard for what I would think of myself later.

When I started asking and answering a better question my trajectory in life changed dramatically. Today I want to teach you how to use that question.

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All Comments (21)
  • @AdrianMark
    I split my day into 4 phases just to prevent this problem. If I get knocked out in one round, I get back in by the next phase or the phase after that. I get more decision opportunities to not quit.
  • @johnwhite7320
    This video was one of the most honest, articulate, and helpful in dealing with the human condition I've ever seen. Thanks Scott.
  • @Thoughtworld1984
    I am so glad I found this channel. This is so much better than 95% of what most mental health practitioners have to offer. Thank you!
  • My version of this trick isn't to think "who do I want to be", but to take a deep breath, remember that I'm still alive, and do one or two things that I think I can handle. I don't really have a vision of who I want to be, not a fan of grandiose dreams in general which may be a failing of mine. Hope this helps someone if the video didn't.
  • @Trustbutdocument
    After 51 years of not existing, completely stunned at our carbon copy symptoms. I'm cautiously hopeful, Thank you
  • @kikijewell2967
    "It's not your responsibility. But it is your power." Responsibility leads to guilt. But power leads to strength. Once I realized how different these were, it really helped me take charge of my actions.
  • @ibperson7765
    “The world just seems to not be a fan of me, so Im just gonna withdraw from it”. Wow
  • I've been stuck in really deep depression for years feeling like I'm cursed, but I'm finally starting to see the fog lifting. This skill is really going to be helpful I think. I accepted an invitation to go out for trivia night with some coworkers and invited another friend to hang out sometime to try to get myself out of the rut of doing nothing but work and care for my elderly mother with dementia. I want to have a life and friends and actually be happy instead of just trudging through life. I also bought some nice smelling cleaning supplies to help me prioritize spring cleaning and I have been trying to be better at returning phone calls and text messages and actually sorting and reading my mail and just all around getting stuff done. That is the person I want to be, not the one who procrastinates and sleeps all day on my days off b/c participating in life is too much. Trying to take it in baby steps so I don't get overwhelmed, but I do want to set some goals and have some things to work toward and feel some small sense of accomplishment that has been lacking.
  • @KimberlyThomason
    Basically our own biggest problem is ourselves, we have to get out of our own way and stop sabotaging ourselves. We have to do the work and put forth the effort. We have to make ourselves do it and push through the rough stuff or even the boring stuff to be better humans and better ourselves. This is so true.
  • @sezoe4271
    "'s just the universe, doing its random universe stuff..." hahaha - made my day! 🤣
  • @Maria-zv9up
    Ok. I am not sure if I can push through, but instead of closing the day right away, I will focus for 10 minutes on this incredibly frustrating task at hand with the best of my abilities and see if I can get a shift in my mindset. Edit: Once I started, I saw the first results with amusement, so just kept going, and finished in 45 minutes! Feel proud and grateful. Thank you.
  • @cocoandrobin
    It's exhausting fighting the bear with a plastic knife every day though...
  • One of the facts of life is that life is not fair. Condolences for your sweet goldfish. Thanks for sharing your story.💐
  • @j-lew
    This is BY FAR the best channel I have ever happened upon. Thank you SO MUCH for what you are putting out there. I relate so deeply to so much of the stuff that you say. Please never stop. You are helping so much.
  • @kerrytopel9835
    Fish die-offs are very depressing events even when they’re not fish in your care—like a nearby creek where I lived where there was a toxic spill. But I also had a pond with fish I’d watched for years that suddenly started rapidly dying. I know how depressing that is. THANK YOU for these very helpful videos!! Many of us can’t afford to see a psychologist.
  • @FunkyBaby01
    "I am a cursed human being" - I hear you, brother. Paying attention now.
  • Holy jesus. I did that twice. I ran out of gas twice in my 20s because i was so anxious about filling it up. Once on the highway alone at night. Sheriff had to come get me. Once on the street, a few steps from the petrol station. ⛽️ felt like an ass.
  • @intignia
    I couldn't help but laugh when you described your "Horrible-No-Good-Day" because I had TWO of them just this week. It was like "someone" was out to get me. I can laugh about it now, but it wasn't funny at the time. Luckily I'm 70 years old, so I've a lot of experience with Life, so I just pulled back, or slowed down a little, and treated myself extra nice that day. Why did I treat myself extra nice? Because I have a tendency to beat myself up when anything in life goes wrong. So I asked myself if I caused any of these problems, saw that it was just Life and not me, and turned my "Horrible-No-Good-Day" into an okay day.
  • Your book arrived today. Praying it helps. I am SO shutdown after years of overwhelm and now it all headed straight for what feels like the brick wall of my current pending life change crisis decisions. I'm getting old and can't afford more mistakes. Per your suggested question, during this video I grabbed a fat marker and wrote on a sheet of paper "What would the person you want to be DO today?"
  • @ddlang2514
    I’ve been in freeze mode for 4 months. And numbing out in order to drown out that critical voice. It’s been a common cycle in my life. I had a good run of about 6 years in which I was able to function very well even with horrible circumstances. Then 4 mos. ago, all the stresses just piled up and down I went. Everything you said makes sense. It’s good to know I’m not alone. And that you’ve discovered ways to get back up and hold steady. I’ll continue listening in.