Published 2018-01-17
A case in point example of difficulties that veterans face when opting to use the Choice Program.

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  • @nickandmikec
    TwiWest Healthcare Alliance handles the Choice Program for Californians; it is located in Chandler, Arizona.  They helped me considerably but it was a fight. I had heart surgery at French Hospital in San Luis Obispo. There are options available but communication is everything. My time was not wasted. That said, it took some time for me to receive the treatment I needed, but I got it and with the surgeon of my choice. My sympathies to veterans who faced such obstacles, but not all is lost.  One must educate himself and talk to those who can help. It took me six months to get the care I needed and yes I faced some difficulty getting help.  I had however to be my own representative and rely on help from a case worker at TriWest Healthcare Alliance.  Putting all of these budgetary considerations into context, Trump wants 30 billion dollars for his wall.  He also got out of Vietnam service with five deferments and a note from a doctor that said he had a sore foot and should be excused.  I was drafted but got into the Navy before my induction date.  That said, I was sent to Vietnam and served on a minesweeper near the DMZ, part of a flotilla that search small boats to help balk the infiltration of weapons into North Vietnam. Recently, in fact just a week ago, my brother, who was also in the Navy during the 1970s, and who served on the U.S.S. Fanning (FF 1076), had a heart attack due to a misdiagnosis by a doctor at the VA Clinic near us. I put this video up about what happened to my brother. I have written letters to our Member of Congress, Salud Carbajal,  who served in the Marines. and to one of our state senators. One mustn't give up hope.  Writing your state representatives helps. At the end of this brief video there is the address of the House Committee on Veteran's Affairs.  Fighting cynicism is as important as fighting those who make our care sometimes impossible. There are avenues one can take that make a difference.