Carl Jung and the Psychology of Dreams - Messages from the Unconscious

Published 2023-06-20
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All Comments (21)
  • It's mind-blowing that not many people talk of and about dreams, it's literally a path to another universe a unconscious reality of our own yet so little is discussed about it, not in schools or everyday lives...
  • @Brooder85
    It's very refreshing to take a break from culture war trash and current politics. 👍
  • @SofoArchon
    “Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” ― C.G. Jung
  • I’m a fledgling sleep psychologist and have been reading Jungs works, specifically The Red Book, over the past 4 years. Never in my life has any piece of literature so profoundly affected every aspect of my life. It’s one of those rare physical objects that possesses a true feeling of magic, and to those who own the facsimile edition will know what I mean. Any amount of careful consideration on this book puts the individual on a path of deep, internal contemplation, and certainly substrates their own individuation. Anyone who enjoys Academy of Ideas would love this book, and I strongly recommend buying either the readers edition or the facsimile, or both!
  • @pcpmendonca
    In the best dream I ever had I was flying, like, really flying. Like a bird. The best feeling ever.
  • Row, row, row your boat Gently down the stream Merrily merrily, merrily, merrily Life is but a dream
  • @PerryCJamesUK
    I love dreaming and am lucky enough to have some very vivid and amazing ones. I actually look forward to sleeping because every night I will see my family who I've lost, and do extraordinary things.
  • Before I start watching this, I just wanna say that I’m an avid dreamer, and I can’t wait to see what this reveals.
  • I grew up being reconized for my dreams. Luckily i had a father who dreamed and encouraged me to look into them. Ive predicted deaths, genders of pregnancys, births to exact dates. Ive even been blessed enough to have "visitations" from my best friend who passed away. I also warned him of his death unfortunately. but I found myself here after experiencing a huge surge in dejavu lately. To the point i feel crazy. &&This was absolutely eye opening. Glad i found it ❤
  • @BigCapybara6
    Just finished reading "Conscious Dreaming: A Spiritual Path for Everyday Life" by Robert Moss and I highly recommend it. The author talks about the different types of dreams that we have and how use shamanistic dreamwork practices to go back inside our dreams. I started keeping a log of my daily dreams and I've learned a lot about myself
  • Anytime I run in a dream, it feels as if I'm running in a swimming pool.
  • I live alone. I'm 70 and no longer have much outside contact. The TV, TV dinners, the computer and my German Shepherd dog are my "society". I was sitting in my easy chair the other afternoon and had dozed off, as usual. I was dreaming that someone was at the door and that I went to the door, I didn't like who I saw and had, in the dream, just reached out to grab this man by the throat and choke him when the doorbell rang. It startled me out of my dream. I went to the door to see who in the world could be coming to see me and disturbing my afternoon nap. It was the man who I had wanted to choke in the dream. (No, I did not choke him. I invited him in but didn't mention that dream!) That actually happened. What did it mean? I have no idea but it happened.
  • Great lecture! I have had a few dreams that foretold the future that came true. "We are such stuff as dreams are made on; and our little life is rounded with a sleep" - Shakespeare from The Tempest.
  • @felixdm7724
    Wow. Just wow. What an amazing video not just on dreams but touching on a number of interesting topics yet in a cogent way - exactly why I watch this channel
  • @SpaceTimeTurtle
    I recently started a dream journal, it lives on my bedside table with a dedicated pen. My goal upon waking is to document / capture my thoughts. There is a brief ~30 second window before my brain truly wakes up. Within this window 2+2 can equal anything, I can be 10-feet tall, logic and rationality is entirely fluid. Once the journal is full, I plan on reading it completely. It will be spectacular reading. :):)
  • Dreams are messages from the deep. This is what I am always beeing reminded of as I watch this video. Great work, as always!
  • Carl Jung once described an encounter with the Devil that in his dream, which turned out to be joy. When he tried to make a pact so they could always be able to enjoy each others company, joy vanished before his eyes. Appreciate joy, embrace devilry, but never try to dine in it forever. Thanks for the video!
  • @Boatperson
    Fabulous pictures you have chosen - fit the context so well and added to the understanding. Thank you! ❤️