When Gog Comes - 15 - Micah 5

Published 2022-05-12
Micah 5



Like the other prophets of the Bible, most of the Book of Micah is about the judgment and condemnation of Israel. But, in the middle of Micah’s description of God’s wrath, we have three chapters that speak of His intention to return Jacob to Himself. Chapter four speaks of the Millennium. Chapter five describes the coming of Jesus, as well as Gog and Magog. And, chapter seven talks about God’s forgiveness that will come. But, for those of us who are seeking to understand the events that surround the moment when the Children of Jacob return to God, we should take a closer look at chapter five.

Here are the five things that we will see in this chapter:

- The coming of Jesus Christ - born in Bethlehem

- Christians bring Jacob back to God before the Antichrist comes

- The triumph of the Jews

- Jacob purified

- Ezekiel's Fire and the great earthquake that knocks everything down.

It begins in verse two with the coming of Jesus Christ - born a landless peasant in a country occupied by Roman armies. That verse pointed the wise men to Bethlehem and terrified Herod into committing mass murder. The next verse foretold the coming of Christians to lead the Jews to their true Messiah, proving that the Children of Jacob must be saved before the Antichrist comes. But later in this chapter, we see the terrible moment of Ezekiel's Fire:

10 “And it shall be in that day,” says the Lord,
“That I will cut off your horses from your midst
And destroy your chariots.
11 I will cut off the cities of your land
And throw down all your strongholds.

– Micah 5:10-11 (NKJV)

That is Zechariah 12 and 13, Isaiah 30 and Jeremiah 30 and 31. Those two verses are the massive electromagnetic pulse from the sun that shatters modern transportation, and the great earthquake that knocks down every building of any size and destroys cities across the world.




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Author: John Little - OmegaShock.com

John Little knows that Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation. A writer who currently lives in southern Taiwan, John still considers Jerusalem home. He holds an MBA and is married to the most beautiful woman on the planet. John has lived in Asia for 25+ years and strongly dislikes writing/recording doom-and-gloom articles and videos. Unfortunately, your survival is at stake, so he will keep doing them.


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