Babylon 5 Londo comforts Vir.

Published 2019-11-07
Season 4 Ep 05 "The Long Night"

All Comments (21)
  • Vir saved the Centauri, the Narn, got his wish to wave to Morden's head on a pike, and became Centauri Emperor w/out being enslaved by the Drak. He did this mostly by just trying to be a decent person, without any ambition. Possibly the most heroic character of the whole series. Still reminds me of his character "Flounder" who just wanted to fit in without making waves. Steven Furst's personality always shines through!
  • "How much more before I can look in the mirror and not see myself?" That's some deep shit right there
  • Rest in peace Stephen Furst, you portrayed one of the most endearing and genuine characters to ever grace any TV show or movie.
  • @thomasb1889
    "I cannot tell you that your pain will ever go away"..."I can only tell you that it was necessary" A great line by Londo.
  • @FinalFirebrand poor, sweet Vir... "My shoes are too tight...and I have forgotten how to dance."
  • @StevenJQuinlan
    I love that 'oh crap' moment Londo has when he realised Vir actually needs helpful advice and he's so very much not the right person to give it. He does okay though
  • @robertbusek30
    I love how Londo starts with his usual approach to Vir and then changes tone because he realizes that Vir is truly in pain…
  • @glowing571
    "You still have your heart and your heart is a good one. You would not be in such great pain otherwise". - Londo was always a good guy, buried amongst all the shit.
  • @herrzimm
    When you reach this point in the series, you realize just how much both characters have evolved beyond belief. And yet both the characters AND actors pulled it off so subtely over the years that seeing Vir in this state is heartbreaking and Londo trying to console him is heartwarming.
  • "Oh... You betcha. I figured it always worked for you, Londo. Let me ask you something. How much more before I can look in the mirror and not see myself?" damn
    The moment Vir became the most qualified Emperor the Centauri would ever have.
  • @clairestark9024
    Veer is one of the most dangerous pieces on the board, a good man who will do what is right. Never mistake his guilt for weakness, it is the deepest strength
  • This THE scene that elevated Vir to the top ranks of characters. He finally learned what it was like to be Londo, G’Kar, Sheridan, Delenn and the rest, where the only choices for decisions are bad ones but still have to be made, even knowing the result will hurt.
  • @arakuss1
    I keep reading and hearing how people want a reboot of B5 but this scene is a great example of why not to. Nothing can recapture moments like this scene. Perfect actors, perfect performances, perfect writing and directing for a scene that captures the arcs of these characters and B5. You can't reboot and remake these moments.
  • Jesus the acting in this series was so good. This show had great writing, acting and directing. Incredible
  • @TaliaIGhul
    Vir proved he was still a good man. He felt bad for murdering someone, even a disgusting power mad and selfish tyrant like the Emperor he killed. No matter how necessary it was, he sit did not want to do it. It's also why he was disgusted by Morden. Because Morden would not blink to do what Vir did.
  • This scene showed really how much Londo actually cared about Vir and how he came to see him almost as the son he never had.
  • @dmaxcustom
    B5. Only scifi show i remember that spent character time dealing with the consequences of horror and secrets that drain the life out of you.
  • @terranman4702
    This is what killing does to normal People. Not to glorified psychopaths.