When Gog Comes - 04 - The Army Of The Antichrist

Published 2022-05-01
The Army Of The Antichrist



Growing up, no one ever told me that the Antichrist would have an army that invades Israel multiple times - that he would even need an army. I don't think that anyone ever really thought about it. Those theologians who tried to think this through either said that we'd never see it, or that it had already happened. Some even proclaimed that it was all symbolic, anyway. So, everyone ignored what the Bible said about the army created and led by the Antichrist.

I find that position to be very disturbing, since Jesus specifically commanded us to watch for the events that we are examining in this chapter. Jesus told us to 'stay alert' or 'be watching' for the time of the Antichrist. This was not a suggestion, yet far too many teachers have convinced their followers to disobey the command of our Lord.

Well, we will try and fix this mistake by looking at the army of the Antichrist, and we will focus on the words of Jesus, the Book of Revelation and Zechariah 14. In the next chapter, the Book of Daniel will give us even more detail, but we want to lay the foundation of our discussion first, before adding what Daniel offers.

Just remember that our goal is to compare Gog and Magog with the five invasions of Israel that are led by the Antichrist:

- Two invasions before he proclaims himself to be god

- A third invasion where where he takes over Jerusalem and proclaims himself to be god

- A fourth invasion, when the King of the Negev (King of the South) attacks him

- A fifth invasion, where he places his tents in the valley of Jezreel. (Although, tent construction might not be an invasion.)

- Then, Armageddon - which includes the Kings of the East

The description of these invasions are found in both the Old and New Testaments, and their identity should be clear. We know the key players. We know the circumstances surrounding these events. So, it should not be hard to determine where they fit within the order of events of the Last Days.




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Author: John Little - OmegaShock.com

John Little knows that Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation. A writer who currently lives in southern Taiwan, John still considers Jerusalem home. He holds an MBA and is married to the most beautiful woman on the planet. John has lived in Asia for 25+ years and strongly dislikes writing/recording doom-and-gloom articles and videos. Unfortunately, your survival is at stake, so he will keep doing them.


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