The Tragic Tale Of Chloe Cerise / Koharu: Overlooked & Disrespected! [Pokemon Journeys]

Published 2023-07-09
whaz UP my dear boys and girls it's your PRB12 here and goodness... xD Tbh I always wanted to at least try this style of video aka video essay sort of thing and I can only say one thing about it:


But despit me almost falling asleep, I pulled myself through to make this video and hopefully you guys will enjoy the video or at least appreciate the effort and work that went into it!


All Comments (21)
  • @PokemonRangerBoy12
    I really hope you guys will enjoy this video! Tbh I always wanted to try out one of those ''video essay'' type of videos and even though I really enjoyed talking and revisiting some moments of Jn and Koharu/Chloe, I gotta say that I'M TIRED! xD But still enjoy the video! SEE YOU IN THE COMMENTS & HAVE A NICE WEEKEND! =D
  • The absolute most disrespectful thing they did to Chloe was to conclude her "story" by having her start working for her dad, the EXACT thing she didn't want to do this whole time
  • @Blindluck92
    Flanderization is a horrible thing to witness in good characters. Like, watching a multi-faceted person lose all but one of their facets is just... sad.
  • @ChampionBlaze
    Chloe is a clear product of the atrocious lack of proper storytelling snd writing throughout Pokémon Journeys
  • @lulukomadori9651
    That fact that not only did she get an eevee that ash will never have, but it just stay unevolved like Lana Plus any "chloe" episode was just to showcase the same eeveelution we seen many times before, we didn't even get an new evolution for eevee And why did we not only see better girls than chloe in those said episodes, like the glaceon girl but Haruhi WHO JUST KLOE BUT BETTER!?
  • @skymario1012
    The writers of horizons, seem to be directly addressing the criticisms of journeys. It seems that every episode, we get something new from each character, even if the episode isn't about them. The only character that didn't get some development, is Landau. I'm hoping he gets more development as the series goes on. At least there are us who like chole's character. And a certain website that well not be named here.
  • @dantemustdie00
    I don' understand why they just didn't make her Eevee the Special Eevee from Let's Go who was capable of learning moves based on each of it's Evolutions, that would've at least seperated her Eevee from the past ones that Gary, May, Serena, and Lana got
  • @TheFlamingGamerYT
    I knew you were gonna say that the reason the trope of the “female character focused” episodes didn’t have much issues before till it happened with Chloe was because they still appeared and had some relevance to the story, even if they didn’t have the episodes focused on them. That’s why stories like those of the past seasons before Journeys worked in terms of the characters. While yes I know that some people had issues when it came to Lilly get a lot of love over the others, that was only because they had tons of characters to work with in Sun and Moon. But Journeys only had 3 primary characters when they started out. But the fact they sidelined Chloe that badly for her to not even appear till she had episodes centered around her is so dirty. They really did Chloe dirty throughout Journeys, that I can’t recall where her story ended when Journeys had its conclusion, or if her character had a conclusion at all haha. It sucks, but at least Journeys will hopefully show any future show writers, or writers of stories, to not sideline characters to the point that they’re nearly forgotten or unheard about till the importance is needed. All characters in a story deserve their relevance, no matter if the story is centered around them or not, they deserve their moments in the spotlight sometimes, not just every now and then
  • @Voltackle86
    I'm still annoyed about how Chloe was treated. I UNDERSTAND what they were trying to convey with her, being someone that isn't sure of what path she should take on her own and learning that it's okay to not know. However, at the same time, she barely showed up in Journeys. She barely contributed anything to the story and it felt so weird how they tried to force some kind of connection with Ash at the last minute during his Championship Tournament when the 2 barely interacted. It's messed up, because I did love her when she was 1st introduced, she had such a sassy attitude and I wondered how she was going to be included with the boys, and well, we all know how well that went. Decent character but neglected too much.
  • @smackjack78
    Poor Chloe. She had to much going for her. I liked her design, especially with her shifting into different outfits depending on the situation, which is neat. Her sass around the first half was funny. Her voice (particularly in English) was great. But maaaan, she was done so dirty. The fact that she was on her own for the most part doesn’t help her development. She just faded into the background in favor of the main duo. And then once she got something, Eevee, it just felt cliche, but most importantly, pointless. Anyone who followed along the Master 8 arc last year will remember one of the interruptions being to Chloe’s story wrapping up, and it led to…nothing. No, seriously, she was still in the problem of the start, not knowing what to do. By the end, all she had was friendships with characters like Dawn and Serena, which is great. And then, her final decision is to become a researcher for her dad. But…it’s too late now, it is literally the last episode. This should’ve happened way before, maybe halfway. Gives her something to focus on so she’s not bumbling around just filling out her metaphorical Eeveelution dex. So yeah, Chloe had potential and a lot going for her. Unfortunately, I relate her story to throwing a puzzle against the wall, and whatever way the pieces landed in is what they went with. It just didn’t fit
  • The saddest reality is that... if you took out Chloe in Pokémon Journeys, nothing would really change in any meaningful way. And it's just because of how Pokémon Journeys is structured and how it is generally marketed. And I doubt she'll show up in Pokémon Horizons either and Horizons is clearly a long term story telling series.
  • @rich355
    Chloe was pretty much guaranteed to fail from the start. Due to What really hurt this series is the episodic format and giving Ash and Gon a proper home in Cerise's Lab. One moment they're in Kanto and than there suddenly in Unova and than Hoenn. Almost nothing about this series feels properly set up, so when they finally introduce something good, it still feels rather lack luster due to the lack of build up. This is one of the many reasons why it feels like Ash and Gon barely make any progress, By the time both of them finish their goals, it almost feels the animation team and writers were just trying to make their deadline to finish the anime. Project Mew, Meeting Old Characters, The World Coronation. These are things that all could have been given multiple back to back episodes, but the most we get is the occasional two parter. Even as someone who really wants to like Journeys, its really hard to defend
  • @sapphirezx315
    Chloe seemed like an interesting character, too bad it was wasted
  • @TouchMe-Sama-fz9mh
    I really liked Chloe so much. So sad how they just ignored her and now nobody really remembers her 😢
  • @Ibrex-ko4kb
    Journey's may have messed up with her but I'll definitely give her the development she deserves in my fanfic on Wattpad
  • @JasLamArr91
    The only good thing about Chloe, was her friendship with Dawn and how they both went to support Ash when none of his other friends did.
  • Her Eevee's potential was wasted and the only good thing about this character is how she made it possible for other better girls to return... Even tho Dawn's character was severely watered down. Serena was fantastic tho
  • @0axis771
    Honestly, Koharu could have been written as someone that was very curious about many paths to take in life. She could have tried her hand at Pokemon battling like Ash. Done some Gym battles just to see. Done some contests. Done some other stuff as well. If Pokemon Journeys could be made into a callback to what made Pokemon great as they finally close Ash's journey, they should have used Koharu as a way to remind us of the journeys that Ash and his companions took as Koharu explores them all for her paths in life.
  • @NoLifeKing1
    Imo Koharu truly does belong in journeys, because she perfectly describes this series to a tee: great ideas with lots of potential in theory but execution wise it was an effin train wreck.
  • @deltacream
    They not only wasted her characterization, but in the Japanese dub, they hired Kana Hanazawa, a very popular voice actress, and the writers failed to capitalize on that fact by not writing her well. Truly a shame since I was looking forward a lot to her ever since her character was made and knowing who her Japanese VA is.