Fable 3: How To Open All Demon Doors

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This is a guide to open the Demon Doors in Fable 3.
I'll help you open the Demon Doors in;
1. Sunset House
2. Aurora
3. Mourningwood
4. Mistpeak
5. Millfields
6. Brightwood

コメント (21)
  • SUNSET HOUSE GUIDE. Fast travel to the fort in mourningwood. Then walk on the path that will take you to the cemetery with a statue in the middle. When you see it, keep walking in a straight line past the statue and take a left path. You should see and large open gate. Go through it and you are in Sunset House.
  • I remember when I was a lot younger, I was watching my brother play this game. He went up to a demon door and the door asked for meat. He turned around to buy meat in town when I jokingly told him to kick a chicken in the doors mouth (there were actually chickens near the door). I meant it as a joke, but he exclaimed it was a great idea and did it. Guess what? It actually worked!!! I was pretty proud of myself that day :).
  • PLEASE READ THIS SUNSET HOUSE GUIDE. Fast travel to the fort in mourningwood. Then walk on the path that will take you to the cemetery with a statue in the middle. When you see it, keep walking in a straight line past the statue and take a left path. You should see and large open gate. Go through it and you are in Sunset House.
  • Kinda annoying that the mistpeak one requires two people... Because I'm on PC and gfwl doesn't work for Fable 3 on PC anymore...
  • @valkorias
    lol i was pure evil and in aurora i got jack of blades (Main evil guy in fable 1) Hammer
  • @fishyflank I got the limited edition Fable 3 which gives you a couple of extra missions. And in one of the missions, You can get the Wolvesbaine Sword which is really good against Wolves & Balverines.
  • You forgot to mention that inside the Mourningwood demon door there is a switch near the treasure chest that lets you change the color of the moon's enviornment. It's pretty awesome. :)
  • The sunset house is by Mourningwood fort, you take the path on your right, keep walking, then you see two paths, take the one on the left, I hope I helped a little
  • Actually when you open up the Aurora door, it's a random legendary weapon, mine was Avo's Lamenation. And for the Mourningwood Door, it just has to be a level 5 melee or ranged weapon, doesn't have to be a fully augmented level 5 legendary weapon.
  • Thanks alot, but must u have the hero sword when u upgrade meele level everytime then?
  • if you got no achievement by doing the ones he showed you than you may need to buy the DLC for the prison, there is a demon door there and you have to run around the prison and find the complete set of prisoner's outfit then the demon door will let you inside. Inside it is a Prison Guard outfit which is really worth all the trouble for it, it's awesome imo. So if the achievement is that important to you, get the DLC, it's also an awesome adventure, I never grow tired of it.
  • @Denivic123 so.. "The Shreaking Pilgrim is'nt always there? its random? :) and ty, this helps alot!
  • I only need 7 more achievements in this game lol good job on the video