66 Rarest Starships in Star Wars

Published 2022-03-08
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All Comments (21)
  • Anyone else noticed how the reactors on smaller ships can power more/larger guns that barley fit the ship in addition to everything else. While the larger ships tend to be very... Under armed
  • @theangryMD
    0:41 jedi vector 1:39 jedi bomber 2:30 weird edit starting the sponsored segment 3:17 rho-1 limulus class courier 3:56 rho class transport shuttle 4:42 PTB-625 planetary bomber 5:28 NTB-630 naval bomber 6:09 PB-950 patrol boat 7:06 nu class attack transport 7:58 cord class fighter 8:27 T-6 shuttle 9:06 CSS-1 star shuttle 11:06 ILH-KK citadel class civilian cruiser 12:15 mandator class start dreadnought 13:17 longbeam 14:25 IPV-2c stealth corvette 15:18 maelstrom battlecruiser 15:50 tector class star destroyer 17:17 GX-1 short hauler 18:00 A-7 hunter 19:17 alpha class xg-1 star wing 20:40 I-7 howlrunner (mis-labeled in video as the star wing) 22:19 alpha 3 nimbus class v-wing (strange naming convention, i feel like it should be: nimbus class, alpha 3 variant, colloquially known as the v-wing) 23:50 gat-12 skipray blastboat 24:47 VT-49 decimator (personal favorite) 25:29 TIE /ca punisher 26:12 TIE/ph phantom 27:12 victory class star destroyer 28:49 cantwell class cruiser (sorry i just couldn't leave the "arrestor" in there) 29:35 gladiator class star destroyer 30:49 onager class star destroyer 32:39 Y85 titan dropship 33:39 secutor class star destroyer 35:00 eclipse (class) star dreadnought) 35:50 carrack class light cruiser 36:34 raider II class corvette (personal favorite) 36:58 asteroid dreadnought 37:23 BTS/A-2 long range strike fighter/bomber (H-wing) 39:15 cutlass-9 patrol fighter (patrol is a class of mission not craft) 40:16 H-60 tempest bomber 41:35 delta-7 aetherspirte light interceptor (as opposed to a heavy one?) 42:24 R-22 spearhead 44:12 T-65BR x-wing (starfighter class, reconnaissance variant) 45:06 X4 gunship 45:38 bellbulab-22 (starfighter class, name unknown, love the way the look and seem to be modeled on racing aircraft of the 1920s and 1930s) 46:39 R-41 starchaser (starfighter class) 47:32 R-60 T-wing (starfighter class, interceptor role) 48:11 CR70 class (no actual name) corvette 49:11 pelta class frigate 49:52 DP20 class (no actual name) frigate 51:19 MC30C class (no actual name) frigate 52:03 MC40A class (no actual name) light cruiser 52:52 lucrehulk class battleship (star destroyer technically, prime variant) 52:30 starhawk class battleship (or is that a star destroyer) 54:34 dreadnaught class heavy cruiser (i give up...) 55:22 assault frigate mark II (as i said, i give up, this is like saying i drive a "car, mark II") 55:53 braha'tok class gunship (gunships have aerial and naval equivalents and are not quite used the same way in the two applications) 57:04 bad edit 57:34 scarab "class" droid starfighter 58:56 nantex "class" starfighter (used for territorial defense) 1:00:06 novasword starfighter (used for space superiority) 1:01:42 star courier (sith infiltrator) 1:03:29 poraz-38 rogue "class" starfighter (personal favorite) 1:04:18 ginivex fanblade "class" starfighter 1:05:01 umbaran starfighter (no model, manufacturer, or name) 1:05:54 tempest zero 1:07:00 DM-omni support vessel 1:08:39 trident class assault ship bonus ships... 1:09:27 sabaoth destroyer 1:10:18 recusant class light destroyer 1:11:29 bulwark mark I battlecruiser 1:12:17 hardcell class interstellar transport 1:13:12 fantail class destroyer 1:13:40 YV-865 aurore class freighter 1:14:14 captor class heavy munitions cruiser (what does that even mean...) 1:14:15 diamond class cruiser there are 74 ships on this list, also the editing needs a LOT of work. am i complaining? not really. my brain is just ultra neurotic and i can't help it (hence the mild sarcasm), i wonder if i'm on the spectrum. with that out of the way... as always a lot of strange naming and classification conventions in star wars with little consistency in some places and a lot of consistency in other somewhat strange cases; case in point a galaxy with trillions of inhabitants and millions if not billions of worlds only seems to have about ten starship development companies but a lot of these ships just have letters for names (rho, lambda, C, X, etc.) when letters are typically used to denote variants of a model or class. also they throw around the word "class" a lot and don't use it the way we use it IRL, the F-16 isn't a class of fighter, it's a model within the fighter class (yes this is arguable but i believe this is how the conventions work IRL). to be fair this likely stems from the practice of combining aerial and naval real-life conventions (which often conflict) to create the norms we are typically used to seeing applied for spacecraft; furthermore this all adds a degree of depth and texture to the universe. i will never get the last 90 minutes of my life back so i hope this list is helpful, you're welcome.
  • @chongook4893
    Mot sure if it was just me, but the audio through this vid was a bit iffy and might need to be fixed
  • @miqvPL
    Star wing wasn't as bad as you're saying. It was made to combat x-wings, having the same maneuverability while being a bit slower. Still, it was an advanced starfighter, it had strong hull, stronger shields and could drop all of it's ordnance at once, making it a perfect strike craft. Ion cannons also helped to battle smaller capital ships. It also had a hyperdrive, which combined with it's 2 ordnance launchers made it an amazing surgical strike craft.
  • @MayheM_72
    I always found it funny... In naval terms, a destroyer is a small, fast ship, usually assigned to carrier escort duty. In Star Wars, star destroyers are large capital ships that functions more like carriers.
  • @PercyTheRogue
    man i love the Gladiator class ISD 600m ship with a decen't hangar for the size and weapons much more useful to deploy 3 or 4 of those insted of an ISD with pickets.
  • Guy: "I have a terrible idea, wanna hear it?" Jedi: "Sure." Guy (slaps roof of fighter): "This baby here can only be armed by you inserting your wizard sword into the controls." Jedi (rubs jaw): "Sounds legit, I'll take 3000 of them."
  • @HarvestMoonHowl
    I remember playing the Star Wars: Rebellion strategy game on the PC in the early 2000's. The Carrack Light Cruiser was one of my favorites for exploration/scouting since it had a very high in-game hyperspace speed, but it was only available for the Empire. I would build a fleet of about 6 to 10 and just send it all over the place in an effort to find the Rebel headquarters.
  • @TheSapier
    Audio mixing Is a bit weird this video
  • @davidwelch9179
    The audio quality wasn't all there for this one ngl but still great video love the channel!
  • @tba113
    Congrats to Steve for making flag rank! He'd had some tough times, so making it that far is damn impressive!
  • 58:97 Actually, the best way for the Trade Federation to have won the Clone Wars would have been for them to go for the more expensive Droid Option of Heuristic Processors instead of a Centralized Command & Control Brain and Remote Receivers in each Battle Droid...if all their Droids could operate independently from the Central Control Ship, then they would have been MUCH harder to stop and at least 10x more dangerous and effective combatants...
  • @miqvPL
    Also the gladiator star destroyer definitely packs more than 2 squadrons of starfighters, it must've been an error in the data. Especially considering how many hangar space it has and how tight can tie fighters be paced. People estimate 4-6 squadrons on this ship
  • @ThereMayBeLions
    This is my favorite Star Wars channel, hands down. I love your breakdowns of ships and factions, and your relative neutrality on almost every topic - but having the right morals where it matters. Another great video, Allan.
  • @High_Key
    Been loving this starship content you’ve been doing lately
  • @rishabhlali4881
    Awesome video Thanks for the video Didn't know there will be such numerous ships in star wars universe
  • @darthgamer2014
    The Tector, when your team made a mistake but you don't want to admit it.