Deck the halls (second attempt)

Published 2023-12-13

All Comments (17)
  • @StefanoL40
    Good improvement. Just remember the tounge is a sharp ta, the action you're performing is more of a la and would be associated with a slur. Also, you are using your air to differentiate the notes. When tounging properly you wont need to do that. Keep the air pressure high and kinda bounce your tounge, In summary, make a ta sound, keep your air pressure the same, and good job :)
  • @Mr_Pleb
    Ima follow to see the growth of a future all stater
  • @d4-rj
    sounds good! btw try not to "gliss" between the notes. Instead, aim to separate the notes with your tongue by making a "ta" or a "da" syllable.
  • Sounds pretty alright! What grade are you in/how long have you been playing?
  • @Mrgoldman560
    oh wait it starts with a G not a f on the end where it goes D E F G A B A G it would be E F G A B C B A G and on the C D E D C It is D E F E D But if you cant play that high yet it is fine for a beginner
  • @spicemations987
    Yo I've played the trombone for 3 years now and one thing you should try is having your slide grip on the other side (bell side) and it is easier to move the slide
  • @Mrgoldman560
    its good just dont have the horn sideways and it will ve fine