Liverpool’s Roughest Areas

Published 2024-07-12

All Comments (21)
  • @wormsnake1
    This is genuinely heart breaking but necessary footage. So many people living below the poverty line, unable to feed families and children or pay the basic bills. It’s a bad joke. The welfare system like the NHS is barely afloat, there’s too much bureaucracy and red tape stopping the care getting to where it is most needed. Since the days of Thatcher and before the poor have always been maligned and marginalised and made to be the scape goat in times of hardship and economic misery-oh the irony!! Talk about adding insult to injury. This is why I am in awe of your work my good man, highlighting specifically homelessness on our streets. There is an elephant in the room that immigrants (sad and as desperate as that separate situation is) seem to get more priority and care over the native population? This includes army veterans, mothers, drug addicts etc….yet it appears the problem incrementally increases week on week? We all know it’s a political football that those we elect chose to play as a voting tactic. These pictures you film are apocalyptic. Deserted streets, syringe filled parks, boarded up shops, abandoned businesses, prostitution, drug dealers etc…if it were a Hollywood movie you could be forgiven for thinking it was a work of fiction!!…yet it’s sickeningly real and sad. With the advent of AI and its foreboding shadow, one seriously worries about where the “working class of this country” will fit in? Add to this mental health issues, addiction, poor health, poor housing and lack of employment etc…it’s the titanic about to hit the ice berg. We are creating a society that is losing the nucleus of the family and a sense of genuine community. One feels on the edge or the precipice of something that is about to explode!? I have felt for some time that when a society is allowed to break down, families break down and the results of this calamitous situation, are the horrific images we see highlighted in this video. It’s seemingly self evident yet it’s being ignored? There’s only so much water a dam can take before it bursts. We’ve been warned?! I can guarantee that most schools in these areas have the lowest academic standards and achievement rates too-yet another disgusting irony!! What hope do the future generation have when confronted with condom strewn streets and dealers on every corner? It’s a travesty of humanity and in my opinion it is deliberately allowed to fester and be inflicted upon it. All you can do is shine a light on the dark pal, which is what you do brilliantly. There other places too,Seaforth, Bootle, Anfield, Speke, Norris Green, Kirkdsle, etc…and it’s the same across most inner city areas in the United Kingdom. The vast chasm between rich and poor is expanding, the under privileged can only dream of gaining access to the property ladder or going to any university. Most kids will only eat one square meal a day and that’s in school!! Is there an email I can contact you on? If I can help in any way or assist I would like too. Keep on keeping on. 🙏❤️.x
  • @boomer6617
    Our Eastern Europe intakes don’t give a toss about how they live.
  • The immigrants in kenny and Fairfield have upped since I was a kid .
  • @stevendaly3680
    Because people care more about money and material crap. Instead of one and other. Pathetic 2024.. uk...
  • @peachmelba1637
    Hmmmm..... whilst I agree that there are definitely issues,I have to raise a few points.. Vauxhall...I lived there for ten years, you only showed the derelict part... The estate I lived on, I loved it, fantastic neighbours, solid good people... Most of the grief is caused by the YMCA on their doorstep... Everton ... again you only showed the worst and derelict parts ...I live on a new estate and have had no hassle in 8 years.. Everyone is houseproud,the estate is pristine.I wouldn't move, I'm happy here and so close to city centre for my job... Kensington I have never lived, shame,it was fine years ago,had an aunty owned a big house on edge lane,it was like a mansion, she had student flats and made a good living back in the seventies....I must take exception with your comment that the local women turn to prostitution to" make ends meet"....NO THEY DON'T 😤....DRUG ADDICTED women do to pay for DRUGS... Please don't make such a sweeping statement because it is not true.I have enjoyed your videos but what you said there is wrong.
  • @edmc4781
    Such a shame, some lovely buildings left to rot, used to love going to breck rd shopping with my mother when a kid in the 70’s Kensington used to be a nice area 😢
  • @ranjitverdi5702
    Thanks for sharing this.. very interesting and at the same time, disturbing.
  • @PaulsFishroom
    National government has a lot to answer for. General lack of investment in the North of the country!
  • Dad's side from KENNY, from way back, full of solid folk back in the Day, what is going on down there, thank God for Joe Owens, for waking us all up....thanks JOE.👍
  • @JayEFC1969
    The YMCA was built AFTER the car dealership.
  • @maysloman5313
    Social, health and environmental issues all need addressing. All agencies need to work together. Government need to identify the areas as a state of emergency, drugs seen as a health epidemic not criminal issue. It's so distressing to see such inequality and how things a declining the Government now need to be held to account. Providing emergency support to local charities and addresses the issues from the ground up.
  • @thereunionparty
    Good point on the litter issue in Kensington (and no doubt other areas). As soon as litter proliferates it sends out a massively bad message of hopelessness and neglect. What is the council doing? I know their funding is constantly down but they have to make this a priority.
  • @user-ly5zw5vh4j
    Looks like the Victorian slums there adikia lad don't think labour will eradicate poverty lived 51 years in Liverpool and no government or council has got rid of poverty adikia lad while i have lived in Liverpool lad
  • @slaz1966
    I agree that certain areas in the city don’t get as much as others but the fact is people build slums - you may be poor but you can clean up around you - too many scruffs and immigrants.
  • @SomeRandomBod
    I went exploring in Newsham Park hospital about 6yrs ago & the fella said that park was a giant knocking shop then, guess it’s spilled over. The Everton library sums up that area for me, beautiful building with an amazing history that’s being neglected & left to crumble.
  • @Smcp1990
    It seems like no matter what time of day you go down Vauxhall Road, you will always see people (who appear to be homeless) walking out of town, heading in the direction of the old car wash. I sometimes wondered why. Funny enough the abandoned car wash is opposite the new police HQ.
  • My Grandma was from Liverpool and I loved going with her on the Train to visit her relatives. Everybody looked out for one another front doors left open so visitors just walked in Kids all played out in the street
  • @Tony65892
    I'm against illegal immigration . I've noticed a few here seem to be putting it down this is why . I'm in my 40s now but as a kid I remember passing through Liverpool to meet a friend of my mother . I remember how bad this place was and it still is . And it's not much different on the other side of the tunnel .