Bashar Should You Turn Your Passion Into a Business? (Channeled by Darryl Anka)

Published 2024-06-17
Discover how Bashar, channeled by Darryl Anka, guides you to turn your passion into a successful business. Bashar explains how shifting your belief system can help you live in the direction of your excitement. Join us for powerful insights from Bashar and learn how to align your life with your true passion. Subscribe for more transformative teachings from Bashar!

All Comments (21)
  • @lararocha964
    Amazing video! Exactly what I needed to hear today!
  • @adriannah5608
    Could anyone refer me to the blue light technique mentioned at the beginning? I appreciate you posting!
  • @JoeFourMan
    Thanks for sharing this, I really needed to hear this right now. Can you please tell me which transmission this Q&A is from? Anyone know? Thanks. Aveo
  • @Epop84
    Can someone let me know if I'm getting this right please. I found my false definition. I was at a still because I feared being around people. I went to the past. I was bullied a lot as a child. I realized that because I was bullied it made me grow up to be anti social. I don't want to be around people. I don't like being around people. I don't like putting myself in that situation because I'm around people. It wasn't that I didn't like being around people. At that time I was getting to much attention in a negative way. Being bullied. So it wasn't that I didn't want attention. It wasn't that I didn't want to be around people. It was that I didn't like that negative attention. So I found that false definition that lead me to take the negative and I went back and took the positive. Now I'm free of that illusion of fear that presented itself in that situation that lead me to take that negative frequency. I now have that positive frequency. Now. I want this petshop job. It involves me being around people but I'm comfortable now want I'm more of my true self because I corrected that negative and found the positive and took that frequency. Now I can be around people in a petshop because I mow know that I'm around people getting the right type of attention that I always preferred. I got excited about thinking about this and it made me imagine if I had it. So I told myself I'm going to put physical action to that thought thats gets me excited. I went and created a resume. A brand new one. My while life I couldn't get experience working in the petshop field but my whole life I always took care of all kinds of animals. Me finding that false fear and correcting it put me on my frequency and I was able to start creating my reality. I went and redid my resume and all the experience that I collected over the years. My whole life basically keeping all kinds of animals when I was done with my resumes I couldn't belive I actually had this resume with all these skills. I was so shocked. I then went and made copies. Went to the petshop. Gave it in. Went there with a positive attitude because I was so excited that I'm following a passion. I did everything I could physically do for that passion. I made a resume. I got it printed. I went and gave it in. I then went home and imagined deeply me being in this petshop. Doing this. Doing that.. touching this. Touching that. Looking around. Talking to people that were there. It was like I actually there in a first person view taking wall this in. Am I going about this correctly so far? Going about it. Going with the excitement. That excitement creating a passion. Me doing everything I could towards that passion physically. Then manifesting that passion by living it. Going to that parallel reality and taking all that positive frequency that's mine and now that means I have that. Because it was always there. I'm just on that realitys frequency now. Correct? I hope I'm doing this right
  • Is there actually beneficial and un beneficial? Who decides or who chooses ?!