Cyberpunk 2020: Open Highway - RPG Review

Published 2018-06-13

All Comments (21)
  • @danmorgan3685
    The players are members of the Smokey and the Bandit poser gang. One of the encounters has nothing to do with cargo. They are just randomly attacked by members of a Fast and Furious poser gang who are pulling a "heist". This will allow for a truck top fist fight between "Burt Reynolds" and "Vin Diesel". For extra immersion have the theme song to both movies playing at the same time.
  • @TVlord5
    You get a like just for going through the effort required for that costume.
  • @trevynlane8094
    This can also be modified for a number of other adventures just by changing the McGuffin and the actors. A very versatile scenario
  • @jesternario
    Okay, so idea for one of the waves (perhaps the petrochem one). Basically, you have a bunch of guys attacking the truck and the blocker cars to keep them occupied, then in the second round you have a final vehicle pull up behind the trailer, using the action in front as a diversion. While everything is going on up front, the vehicle in the back does its best to stay just behind the trailer to keep their visibility low (and cause penalties for whatever notice checks are in the game. I don't have Cyberpunk yet) and pop the trailer open. They then take as many barrels as they can before being noticed. If they get spotted after getting at least a few of the barrels, they then just GTFO because that's the prize for petrochem, and even one barrel is worth a lot to them. This could lead to a side-quest where the party must hunt down the truck with the barrels on the thought that if they don't get it back, they won't get paid.
  • @NefariousKoel
    7:26 Dayum! That truck has a pair of zero/zero ejection seats?! I guess Biotechnica wasn't afraid to blow some money on the ruse!
  • @PeterSFam
    Bio-Techne is an actual biotech company, lol. We use their antibodies in the lab all the time.
  • @Lallander
    Please do more Cyberpunk reviews. Loved it.
  • Literally all I can think of is running this module with a techno remake of the Smoky and the Bandit theme song
  • @NoFlu
    >1 page adventure >16 minute video God I love this channel Just one thing: can we not call Cyberpunk "CP" that abbreviation has some rather negative other uses.....
  • I am loving that sweet mohawk Jack is rocking along with that awesome cyber visor. Great job, man! Thought you should know that cos of your videos I actually ran my first D&D game a couple of weeks ago. Thanks for the inspiration!
  • @AvianSavara
    OH Man, the memories. I ran that scenario maybe 6 or 7 times with different groups as their first or second job as a way of gauging how well their sense of do-or-die was in tune with the corrupt world of CP2020. I even made a set of maps of the route including two zoomed-in annotated submaps of the Utah and Colorado portions. Map had commentary from their netrunner friend congradulating them on scoring a high-level job and wishing them a safe trip.
  • @justinrboyett
    I love what you say at 10:02. I remember a multi-table game of 2020 which was run back at GenCon Socal in '03... and I remember Max Mike looking around the room and telling the lead GM that the players were not paranoid enough. All of the tables started getting awareness checks for things like a 6 y/o kid walking down the street... at 1 am... in the CZ. Turns out it was just a kid, but I'm pretty sure that one of the groups took him out "just in case".
  • @KuyVonBraun
    ‘What a day, what a lovely day’. I love this scenario too. a personal favourite 💜. I remember a player straddling a truck, spraying bullets from his mini-Gat (Chromebook 1 I believe ), mowing down Nomads like grass. Good times 😎
  • @tomcat-ek3bh
    Hey! Another cyberpunk review! Great to see you putting out more content for the game that got me interested in your channel. Keep up the amazing work.
  • Getting ready to run this with my group soon. It is gonna be awesome. They're about to head on the road. Our Nomad is actually driving the truck, and called in back up from their clan. 3 support cars. I have 5 players total, so the Nomad is driving, with our Fixer riding shotgun in the truck, while our Solo, Medtech, and Netrunner are each riding shotgun in a support vehicle, with one of the Nomad's clan mates driving the support vehicles. So looking forward to the action and chaos as I throw enemies at them!
  • @SabreXT
    If you ever run this a third time, one idea you could steal from one of the Fast and Furious films is to use some kind of magnetic gadget to hack into the cars electronics and take control of certain functions, that the PC have to remove. Have you ever put the PCs on the other side of this scenario, having to hijack a vehicle?
  • @jackleg2007
    Savage Worlds has good number of adventures that are only on one sheet of paper.
  • @felix34ever1
    Sorry was that fallout new vegas background through the truck? <3 nice
  • @Glaswalker1001
    Man, I have to revisit that setting. It must been close to 20 years that I last played it. Thanks for the video.