How The Spitfire Became An Aviation Masterpiece | The Birth Of A Legend | Timeline

Published 2018-03-06
Check out our show Real Fake History's episode on the Battle Of Britain! 👉    ‱ What If Nazi Germany Had Won The Batt...  

To this day, the Spitfire remains in our minds as the fighter aircraft that saved Britain from invasion and defeat. Spitfire: The Birth of a Legend tells the story of this legendary aircraft from a radical design on the drawing board to the fighter aircraft that became the symbol of Britain’s determination to fight on to victory. The story, along with dramatic archive and colour films of aerial combat, graphically illustrates the appeal and fascination the Spitfire has maintained since it fought in WWII. Featuring interviews with Alex Henshaw, pre-war record-breaking flyer, as well as the pilots who flew and fought in this celebrated aircraft in its finest hour against the Luftwaffe.

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All Comments (21)
  • I love how they included the German pilot perspective interview in this. That's something you don't get to see a lot, from what I've watched. Awesome doc.
  • Best aircraft that has ever been made in my opinion. I live in Southampton and have seen the spitfire fly over many times and i never get tired of the sight and sound of that beautiful aircraft. I only live a short distance from where R.J Mitchell lived in Portswood. My great gran and aunt worked in the supermarine spitfire factor in Woolston during the war to and my grandad has told me some things what they told him including a German air raid that his dad who was stationed on the isle of white at the time saw the German bombers fly up the river and hit the factory.
  • @smiff4748
    We tend to forget the brave souls who actually flew this wonderful aircraft. Without these pilots the spitfire is just a beautiful aircraft, with the pilots it became simply devastating. God bless those who gave their lives to protect us and god bless all those who continue to do so.
  • When I look at the Spitfire I do not see a 80yr old aircraft. I mean just look at it, those flawless lines blending in so well together. I think it can't be that old can it? Nothing from 80yrs past looks anything like it. No car, no ship, no train, nothing. No she isn't old at all. She is timeless. I feel the same about the Mustang but she's abit more brute and less grace. Both of those aircraft will still define an aircraft in it's perfect form for 1,000s of years to come. Eternal measuring sticks. Well done R.J.
  • @kaishiterukpop
    My grandad was a spitfire pilot during ww2. He would always talk about his flying days at every opportunity he got and boy did he have some damn good stories to tell.
  • @stevequincy388
    I love my P-51D Mustang, but man, the Brits made a beautiful plane in the legendary Spitfire. Love these documentaries.
  • @99fruitbat
    I'm Scottish/German , and had an uncle in the Luftwaffe . He had huge respect for the R.A.F.
  • I love the Spitfire but the real winner was the Merlin engine. Given how standard it became for the RAF it deserves a pedestal of its own.
  • @sandOstorm1
    Real men flying proper machines displaying amazing bravery and will to resist against all odds. Respect
  • @GrrMeister
    26:48 Bob Doe quotations "We do not want to be remembered as heroes, we ask only to be remembered for what we did ... that's all If you believe in yourself and believe in what you are doing then you are twice as strong as if you don't. That is what I believe and I certainly believed in my right to defend my land. Wing Commander Bob Doe, RAF pilot (1920 - 2010 Age 89) RIP Bob, and Thank you, you will be Remembered indeed.
  • @jimbeaux89
    I love the spitfire. And I love hearing these pilots talk about their craft in such love, passion and respect.
  • @johnr7279
    The Spitfire was truly an amazing aircraft and always will be.  One of  the best looking aircraft ever in my humble opinion.  The spirit of the folks that designed it and built it was very special, always looking to optimize the design and to make as many as possible.  What it took just to construct those amazing and graceful wings was pretty daunting.  When I think of the Spitfire, I also think of the Hurricane, slightly older generationally so not as fast but extremely rugged and maybe more of the somewhat unsung workhorse of the RAF.  I also think of the mighty P-51 Mustang (kind of America's Spitfire in a way) which would not have come into its own without the same engine that powered the Spit and Hurricane.
  • @hannecatton2179
    The most beautiful and iconic aircraft ever. That title will NEVER go to any other aircraft. God bless R.J.Mitchell , all who helped design , build , maintain and fly them .
  • @kelvinktfong
    Never in the field of human conflict has so much been owed by so many to so few.
  • @unclemikeb
    Those planes were magnificent machines. But the pilots who were willing to go up and face more experienced enemies deserve a world of credit. That took courage and determination. The men in the machines were what really made the difference.
  • Melhor documentĂĄrio que jĂĄ vi em minha curta vida de 30 anos. Senti tantas emoçÔes, tive tantas lembranças inexistentes de dias que nunca vivi. É difĂ­cil explicar. Chorei como uma criança, uma, duas, trĂȘs, dez vezes e desejei de todo coração ter nascido nessa Ă©poca. Época em que homens eram homens de fato, patriotas e idealistas. Sinceramente nĂŁo me encaixo neste sĂ©culo e fico feliz por isso. As feiçÔes enrugadas dos Ășltimos pilotos ainda vivos tĂȘm mais vida que qualquer rosto jovem atual. Que todos os que viveram essa guerra descansem em paz. Eu realmente estou muito emocionado, obrigado por postar essa maravilha 😭😭😭😭😭