Reacting to "9 Qualities Women Never Admit They Actually Want In Men" By Alexander Grace

Published 2021-05-09

All Comments (21)
  • @FFE-js2zp
    Give her the Moon and the stars and she'll ask for some space.
  • @ericconnor708
    "I've never even met a guy shorter than me." You never noticed the guys shorter than you.
  • @Trifler500
    I'm 5'4" and I dated a girl who was 5'9" in college. She asked me if it bothered me, and I said it doesn't bother me at all. It would only bother me if it bothers you. Then she asked me why not. I thought for a bit and then I said, "Well, from my perspective, there's more of you to touch." She laughed. :)
  • @MichaelOyewole
    "What we say and want we want are completely different" -- glad there's a woman out there who understands that.
  • I love the subtle or unrealized honesty... "I've never dated a guy who was shorter than me, i've never even met a guy shorter than me." Its because those men are invisible to you sweetie.
  • @TheSamwhyte
    Whether a man or a woman, the problem starts as soon as the phrase “I want” is uttered… The ability to compromise, accept people for their quirks or look past imperfections is a modern cancer on dating. Our 21st Century expectations are ridiculous to the point of counterproductive.
  • @SanVic
    Alexander Grace is right 100%. In fact, Courtney Ryan's videos are so successful because she is one of the few women who tells the truth about women. That theme fills the comments of all her YouTube videos.
  • The pre-selected part is so true. So many times I’ve gone to a bar where I’m going to meet my very beautiful wife and other women around me don’t notice me at all. As soon as she come in, sits down next to me and it’s obvious we’re married everything changes. I notice the same women at the bar or the female bartender totally checking me out. At one place, a women sitting next to me asked me out when my wife got up to go to the bathroom. I’m decent looking and in ok shape and dress pretty well like I have $$. But none of these attract females as much as when they see that I’m married to a hot woman.
  • @mrmiscast
    I like the fact that Courtney comes across as Non-Judgemental while giving what should be considered useful and friendly information. Loved her facial expressions...
  • The part about having a dating history feels a bit scary to me since for a lot of guys it means that getting a woman to date him is going to get harder the more time goes by, while the reason that he may not have a dating history is because women haven't even given him a chance yet.
  • @davidhunt9143
    Hahah and all most guys want is a girl who generally takes care of herself, isn't insane, and hasn't made the rounds around the block.
  • @davidevans7477
    I cant believe I actually saw a man, and a woman, stay emotionally neutral while talking about this subject. Subbed to you both! Good vibe
  • Now that I'm over 50. This is my top 10. 10. More than two teeth. 9. Socks that match or at least the same color. 8. More than half a head of hair. 7. Can afford a Big Mac and fries 🍟 6. Likes dogs. 5. Can read the directions on a box of mac and cheese. 4. Has enough stamina to walk to the mailbox. 3. Doesn't stink 2. Knows how to put the toilet seat back down. 1. If he still lives with his mom, it's because he is supporting her.
  • Be a good person and you will naturally attract other good people. You don't need an army of "friends". You just need one who is loyal, honest and you can tell anything to.
  • @doingtime20
    Alexander is not appreciated enough, he is just spot on on so many things. That thing he said about women giving a "press conference" in order to look good instead of telling the truth about what they want is perfect.
  • @TonyLevon
    Height is so important for her, that she cant even see the short guys she's been around. 🤦
  • @TheBruuz
    I grew up on Hollywood movies when I was a kid, and I sincerely believed in love and romance until I was well into the end of my teens. I had these silly ideas that there's someone out there for everyone. I had to swallow a bitter pill when all these things came to light. Love was not this thing that could happen to everyone or anywhere, rather I learned that for women it's a practical thing, something of convenience or status, sometimes it was infatuation but that was mostly short lived and never truly sincere. It took the wonder out of the concept of what I once believed was love, and I have since stopped believing in the concept.
  • Great job from both of you! These are actually great insights into how it ACTUALLY is in the real world....