Why our brains are wired to ignore the climate crisis | All Hail The Planet

Published 2024-06-27
Telling the story of climate change psychology can reveal not only the ways in which we grapple with ecological breakdown, but also how big industries, politicians and even the media at times have warped public understanding and action on the greatest crisis humanity faces.

Join Ali Rae in this seventh episode of ‘All Hail The Planet’ - a series delving into the social, economic and political forces undermining meaningful global action on climate change.

In this episode, Ali speaks with psychologist and author, Per Espen Stoknes; historian of science, Naomi Oreskes; climatologist, geophysicist and author, Michael E Mann.

This is the third series of #AllHail - a programme dedicated to explaining the forces that hold power in our lives.

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All Comments (21)
  • @Rnankn
    The problem is economics provides a distorted view of reality. Economists ‘externalize’ nature, and present ‘the economy’ in mechanistic terms, as a complex machine. This has psychologically broken the real linkages of people with reality. So instead of associating food with healthy growing conditions, and shelter with a stable climate, people associate health and safety with income and financial markets. In our minds, we have replaced the role of nature with the economy. This was intentional. Climate change is the symptom, or effect, of pollution. The cause is economic production/consumption. Carbon emissions are closely correlated to both per capita, and global GDP.
  • @DoublasMkII
    We’d all be doing better mentally and physically if most of us weren’t still expected to spend our lives enriching the ghouls who are driving this crisis in the first place and were instead allowed to work to solve the problems we face. Even as a teacher, I’m not doing anything to improve our future. Prepping a bunch of chronically depressed and anxious teens to pass a test while haranguing them over their phone addictions doesn’t inspire hope. We’re just preparing these kids for a life that won’t exist in a couple decades. How much longer are we going to allow this farce to continue? Cognitive dissonance is the crutch on which we all stand.
  • @kasondaleigh
    My takeaway is that humans don’t like change, uncertainty or personal responsibility. We do what we can to lie to ourselves about reality in order to be comfortable with our lives. Our mental laziness is killing the planet and each other.
  • I think climate change is a big issue. I feel like a stranger in a strange land. I live in Texas.
  • @MyLoganTreks
    Ecologists over 100 years ago also described the oceans as "the tragedy of commons". Math, science and physics can explain everything in our natural world, for every degree warmer, the atmosphere holds 7% more moisture. Atmospheric rivers will become more common as well as drought.
  • @yayaya6799
    Because the solution - stop consuming - is too hard for most.
  • @tanujSE
    Because it has not be been made mandatory to follow some rule to tackle global warming,just like people in many countries uses plastic for commodities purchase
  • @johoch40
    Excellent reporting, Al Jazeera! I salute the scientist Michael E. Mann for his extraordinary work and love for the planet. ( Our only one planet to live!)
  • The die has been cast. According to a NASA web page: "Arctic permafrost alone holds an estimated 1,700 billion metric tons of carbon, including methane and carbon dioxide. That’s roughly 51 times the amount of carbon the world released as fossil fuel emissions in 2019." The Arctic permafrost is slowly disappearing, and it is bound to accelerate.
  • @corwin8558
    Generalities: Humans do not plan they react. Mother nature needs to slap our butts before we react.
  • What role do the dominant right wing media in the West play in this? They don't talk about it. Silent. ..on climate change.
  • @alderom1
    We are winning. The question is whether we will win ON TIME. When almost 85% of the fossil fuel energy that drives the global economy has to be abandoned, we are talking of a new civilization. That's the hidden message of ecological economics, that has been quietly pushing the transformation required.
  • One important issue is missing. The reason people are losing interest in the issue of global warming is because the media announces plans for new wind power plants and large-scale solar power plants. (They only want subsidies, and from an electrical engineer's point of view, an increase in unstable power sources will not solve anything.) And people who see the reports tend to take the easy way out and assume that someone will solve global warming, which is disconnected from reality. Now is the time to reduce electrical energy and CO2 emissions as much as possible and decide what is really effective. Electrical energy consumption can be reduced by about half if taken seriously. (I am already practicing)
  • @12.7x99mm
    Companies that produce plastic products sometimes use a cheaper non-recyclable plastic and mass produce it. The resin identication code is used to identify which plastics can be recycled. The worse thing is that the resin identification code is similar to the symbol for recycling. So people tend to mistake it for something that can be recycled. Not to mention that recycling polymers is incredibly difficult and costly. Companies are better off making their own plastic rather than using recycled ones simply because it is cheaper. A lot of the products we use, inc clothing, uses some sort of oil in it to produce it. The making of electronics also produces pollution. Making massive windmills and solar panel arrays will produce pollution. They won't produce pollution when generating power, but making them will still produce some sort of pollution. People are also unwilling to sacrifice their lifestyle to help with climate change, which is by far the largest factor. Everything we do, including recycling will make pollution.
  • i would love to access information, tools, techniques, courses for climate change strategies, narratives, storytelling and science sharing.
  • There was a point in my life before I was 2 years of age in which I came to the realization that "worrying" solves nothing, and crying about anything accomplished the same...So, why worry about what is beyond our control🤔? It wont change anything...Voicing our opinions on the other hand, does have more effect on certain issues, but not on the weather! No matter how many papers are written about climate changes, or "laws" about Nature be written (Newton) Nature will not change or be influenced in any way by such Laws or Papers...That only affects 🤔...."Some" elements of Nature, not Nature as a whole. 😎
  • @peterjol
    the solution to all the many millions of workers in the fossil fuel industries not wanting to lose their jobs and therefore fighting against any change, would be to make it financially worthwhile for people to SHARE the jobs we need people to do and work much less. .It's the only way they could all be quickly offered an alternative job.