the problem with adapting dune messiah

Published 2024-04-04
music by almost sex

Light spoilers for Children of Dune 6:07-6:49

All Comments (21)
  • @stopculture
    I’ve gotten a lot of comments about my misinterpretation of the Paul/Stilgar h*tler convo, so I want to clear things up as a pinned comment. To give further context than what I already provided in the video, Paul is telling Stilgar to learn about brutal dictators and warlords of the Old Earth to set him on a path of self-reflection about the holy war they’re currently waging. Part of Paul’s intention is to show Stilgar the error and horror of their ways by likening their campaign to that of H*tler. However, I still stand by the fact that Paul did want Stilgar to learn history so he could be a more well-rounded servant. He was clearly unimpressed with how Stilgar handled the conversation with Edric and hoped learning about ancient military tactics could improve his skill as a political operator. No one in Dune does anything for one singular reason. Plans within plans and all that. I’m sorry I didn’t include this in the video. I’m new at this and didn’t really expect to see this many eyes on the video. In the future I will make a point to be more on the money with each level of my analysis. Thanks for watching.
  • @FlexSZN23
    “There’s no way the audience is gonna root for Paul after seeing Messiah” Attack On Titan fandom: you sure??
  • Messiah needs to be adapted. People need to see the consequences of Paul's crusade, the horror he saw. He says this: “Constitutions become the ultimate tyranny," Paul said.
  • @Despotic_Waffle
    To be honest, paul referencing hitler isnt that wild considering its 20,000 years in the future. I mean does anyone really get up in arms over genghis khan nowadays? And thats only several hundred years ago. In the future hitler will probably be just another historical figure
  • @someinteresting
    Hm, it'll be an interesting symmetry - the first film ends with Paul and Chani going into the desert, the second - only Chani, so the third having Paul walking alone will be great.
  • I think Denis is going to show us more of the Jihad than the book did, I think that’s where a lot of the action will spring from.
  • @endlesswick
    I remember that scene when Paul is telling Stilgar about Genghis Kahn and Hitler saying that they killed millions of people. Stilgar thinks that they did this as individuals and can’t comprehend that they did it as leaders. He remarks, “They must have had some very devastating weapons.” There is nothing more devastating than an idea.
  • Total misinterpretation to say that Paul was referencing Hitler “lovingly” or “getting off” on it. He was trying to make Stilgar understand that he wasn’t a good person by showing him evil figures of the past.
  • @William-Nettles
    Denis is the perfect man to adapt Messiah. So many scenes are reminiscent of his other works
  • @Jkend199
    Am I the only one who has actually read these books... Paul is forced by circumstances to take up the mantle of Messiah, the Fremen "Jihad" is something he regrets but is powerless to prevent... The Benegeserett crafted the Fremen religion knowing that war on Arakkis was inevitable, and it might be used to their advantage. Jessica takes up the role of "Reverend Mother" to facilitate their accommodation into Fremen society and Paul goes along because he realizes that events have been set in motion that cannot be stopped whether he is a part of it or not, he goes along partially to give himself and his mother a chance at survival, partially to avenge his father, and partly to seek revenge on the Baron. It is during his time with the Fremen that Paul discovers what he calls "Krazelek" his "twilight struggle" what he finds is that the events that have been set in motion lead to human extinction... Paul discovers a way out, a way to change the course of events but wracked by the guilt of what has been done in his name and realizing that he would be forced to become the greatest despot in human history to force humanity down his "golden path" he can't do it. Paul chooses to destroy himself and bequeaths his "golden path" to his son Leto II leaving humanities fate in his hands. That is Dune Messiah, it's the end of Paul's story and the beginning of Leto's. When Paul is talking about Stalin and Hitler and the other "Great Despots" he isn't venerating them... He is trying to get Stilgar to see what they have become... Paul isn't "The Chosen One" he's a pawn in the Benegeserett plan THE PLAN THAT GENETICALLY ENGINEERED HIS VERY BIRTH and orchestrated his rise to power to further their own ends. Jessica throws a wrench in those plans by giving birth to him one Generation early and because of it, Paul is not the placid puppet they intended he breaks free of their control just enough to set his own plan in motion, Leto II, who he entrusts to do what he could not, to become the "Tyrant" to change Arakkis, the worms and the spice cycle to "swerve the wheel" and set humanity on a course that does not lead to extinction, Paul's "Golden Path."
  • @prooggroo7597
    After Blade Runner I'm willing to blindly trust him with anything.
  • Here lies a toppled god. His fall was not a small one. We did but build his pedestal, A narrow and a tall one.
  • @ammarkhan6913
    As someone who loved Messiah, what I'm actually worried, but also interested, about is how they're gonna adapt Chani. In the book, Paul has next to everything he could have. So, when his mental state, and in-turn the relationships around him, start to decay and ultimately lead to his demise, it's pretty emotional and kathartic. But, the way Villeneuve ended Part Two makes me think that he's gonna go a very different route for Paul and Chani, where the movie is about them reconciling and ultimately the birth of their children rather than a slow decay of their relationship. If he goes for this route I don't know if the fall-from-grace for Paul would hit as well as it does in the book.
  • @1183newman
    I think messiah being so short it will see the most amount of changes and additions to its plot, mainly because there is room for it. I just hope the ending of messiah stays intact as it is one of the best parts of the novel.
  • @smdanny1
    Denis is trying to adapt the "spirit" of Dune, especially in part 2 with the way he changed Chani's story and Paul's sister. I think if he sticks to a rather simple storyline and don't get too bogged down by all the political intrigue in Messiah it'll be a fine adaptation (and of course audiences will be looking forward to big space battles :face-blue-three-eyes:)
  • @SnizzleWOG
    People love Darth Vadar, people always like a relatable and humanistic villain.
  • @stijnhamming3167
    Paul sees Chani's death coming but lets this happen because it will enfold the Golden Path (later pursued by Leto II), this is also why he lets the Jihad occur. He does not want to be Hitler or Genghis, but compares himself to them since his prescience is forcing him to take a path with resembles the ways of some of the worst tyrants known to men. If he doesn't THINGS WILL BE WORSE. In the end he walks into the desert willingly, and while one can presume it has something to do with the loss of eyesight (which the Fremen look down on), it is more likely that he does not want to continue with the life he is currently living. He never wanted to be the Kwisatz Haderach and he also never wanted to be an evil emperor killing billions, it is simply out of necessity, for the alternative is death, slavery, torture and worse. An alternative so bad he would rather let Chani die in childbirth than save her, and he loved her more then anything in the world. Paul is a 'good' character, cursed by his prescience which forces him to do the unspeakable to prevent something far worse than a Jihad. He sacrifices everything in order for his son to finish what he started.
  • @janet.snakehole
    if all three films weren't noticeably different genres, i feel like it easier to accept all the changes. Part 1 was a drama. Part 2 was an action flick... part 3 is more philosophical
  • @SnakeWasRight
    I think Villenueve will need to show the actual crusade, which can be exciting action, but also really drive home the horror of the consequences.
  • @reaktorleak89
    Anyone with doubts should read the original script for Sicario. Dennis will adjust dialogue and remove/adapt entire scenes (like the famous Sicario ending) in service of the film.