Nigel Carren Polish Winged Hussar Zischagge helmet Szyszak.MPG

Published 2011-04-22

Nigel Carren giving an interesting 360 degree tour of his latest creation from his workshop in France. This particular helmet is a reproduction 17th Century Polish Winged Zischagge or Szyszak. Much like the helmets and armour I made for the movie 1612, Taras Bulba, and Alexander The Neva Battle. This particular helmet is a faithful copy of a period helmet belonging to a member of 'The Guard of Augustus the Strong'. Visit the Nigel Carren YouTube channel or for trailers showing my movie work, restoration before and after pictures, fashion and my contact details. I look forward to working with you in the future... A' bientot. Nigel Carren.

All Comments (21)
  • @nigelcarren
    Hello armour and history fans, just a quick note to say I am currently trying to reinvigorate this channel with new content... my unique take on all of this rusty nonsense! But this time, I have not only bought a proper camera, but a microphone as well! 🙈 (shakes head in shame) 😂 So, if you like rivets, please subscribe for some REALLY geeky deep-dives. This coincides with a new website too, which is ONLY ten YEARS out of date! I haven't bothered with it in the past as I am busy making armour, but now I have been told the website is too old to work at all with smart-devices, NOW is the time for change! So, I shall see you on the field my friends. Best wishes from me and all the mice in the workshop. Nigel ⚒🐭🐭
  • @HuSSaR83
    How much work went into this helmet its most amazing. Its like a Rolls Royce of helmets when u wanna make it English :D
  • Great describing and fantastic - most beautifull version of polish husaria helmet ! Thank you from Poland
  • @segundajuganda
    That really looks fantastic I've never seen such wings alongside. Like formula one head protection bar ;].
  • @naonaonia
    From Poland- Amor Patriae- Nostra Lex!
  • Outstanding work. On a different note: August der Starke(Strong) was born 1670 and became elected the king of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth only 1697. Obviously this helmet can predate August´s reign.( Reg. 1:38)
  • Absolutely classy video. Keep up the good work. Great English usage too.
  • @Kinjia200euro
    Are there some with bigger facemasks? Awesome Era of Armor and Weapons
  • @nigelcarren
    Thank you for subscribing Mr Rhodes, and congratulations... You are my 250th Subscriber! I have no idea what you have won though... But I am happy to send you something... even if its just a keyring... Email me your address if you are Interested? Please come back soon as there are some really juicy movies on the way... as soon as I have worked out how to edit them, (yes these are better movies not just one take with my old workshop Cybershot whilst I wait for the kettle to boil). Have a great 2018 and thank you again for subscribing. Best wishes, Nigel Carren and all the mice.
  • @_DarkEmperor
    It is easy to pronounce - shyshak, or shy-shak.
  • @nigelcarren
    New channel terms in accordance with the 1998 Federal Trade Commission (F.T.C) C.O.P.P.A regulations (Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act) overseeing YouTube from January 1st 2020. COPPA disclaimer/House Rules:  If you are under 13 or considered a minor in your country, PLEASE DO NOT watch this video, this content is not intended for you (minors) for the following reasons: Working with boiling oil, acid, heavy hammers, shears, a 5-tonne press, razor-sharp red-hot steel, edged antique weapons and un-guarded grinders and power-tools with flying-belts is dangerous and can result in the loss of limbs, and is therefore ABSOLUTELY not for children! Also, this video contains adult language presented in a graphic undiluted adult tone where gruesome medieval warfare and its resultant injuries/deaths are discussed in graphic detail, with adult cultural references and adult humour presented by an angry bitter adult in his late forties, therefore none of this, is for the ears of children!  If you are reading this and you are under 13 (or considered a minor in your country) IMMEDIATELY give whichever device you are unlawfully viewing this on back to your parents, and tell them to be more responsible from me… NOW!  Also, any bad/foul language/idiots hating on each other in the comments section will be reported to YouTube, ‘my manor… my rules’ thats that. I will NOT tolerate bullying either in the real or the virtual world. Workshop/Life Safety: Furthermore, the wearing and making of armour can be dangerous whether tools and armour are used/worn correctly or not. As it clearly states on my website ( ’Nigel Carren cannot accept responsibility for any injuries or damages resulting from its proper or improper use’. I (Nigel Carren) recommend that all makers and those thinking about making study the recommendations of the H.S.E (Health and Safety Executive) or comparable governing body in your country, to be sure you are working safe… that is if you are stupid enough to try and make armour yourself?… although I recommend you find a girlfriend instead. (Forgive me generalising, it is just that I have checked, and according to YouTube, my channel demographic is a 34 year old singe male), and remember…  ALL dust is dangerous! DO NOT SMOKE. Smoking is VERY bad for you. NEVER drink and drive. NEVER dive, climb or work sheet-metal alone. NEVER over-fill a frying pan. ALWAYS unplug an electric toaster before trying to remove ‘stuck’ toast. NEVER tell a girl you love her for the first time if you are horizontal, ONLY do this vertically! NEVER tell your wife you love her if you are vertical, ONLY do this horizontally!  PAMPER your feet daily, because you never know when someone will insist your socks are coming off!  ALWAYS be kind to animals or my Norse ancestors will flay you for all eternity.  Data Collection: Never have I, nor would I know how to, nor would I need nor want to collect any personal data from any viewers or subscribers…  your habits are your business! Back in 2012, (so as to not subject my subscribers to toothpaste commercials when they had clicked on a video to learn about 17th century helmets), I chose NOT TO monetise my videos, so as I understand it there have NEVER been any ads on my videos. Therefore, there has never been the opportunity for targeted advertising on my channel. But, in the event of my channel finally gaining 1000 subscribers, I will this time choose to monetise in order to try and make YouTube financially self-sufficient, and therefore be able to MAKE the time to make better-quality videos, instead of trying to find the time to make hurried poor-quality videos with a camera that came free with 5-Litres of oil! In the event of my channel finally being monetised, any ads, if and when shown, would be selected & placed wholly by YouTube, this would be outside the realms of my control as would be the harvesting of any data.  The Seven Golden Rules of Lifemanship: 1) Question everything, especially if your teacher/preacher does not have any practical experience to balance their academic learning against, or you might just be playing a game of Chinese-Whispers. 2)  ALWAYS look for the humour in everything, let this be your barometer for good mental health or life can sometimes be a bitter pill to swallow. 3) This is it, your ONLY chance, so let your heart be your compass and grab life's apple with both hands and swallow it whole... Including the pips! 4) Compliment a French woman in front of a fountain. 5) Learn to cook and then add Broccoli to everything. 6) Master at least one musical instrument, then write a song for someone that matters. 7) Win the trust of a cat. Thank you and best wishes. ©Nigel Carren (and all the mice in the workshop)  All channel content is wholly the copyright of Nigel Carren as is all music/lyrics used, none of which can be copied/reproduced/reposted without first obtaining full written permission from me (Nigel Carren). © email:   website: twitter:  Instagram: Please subscribe for new 2020 ‘NOT FOR KIDS’ content provided that:  A) You are NOT A KID (as outlined above) B) You have read and understood ALL of the above. C) You agree to wear Safety Googles at all times (I mean goggles).