Haunted Apartment | Short Film | Written by ChatGPT

Published 2023-03-20
3 wide eyed teenage ghost hunters decide to explore an abandoned house. They forget that teenagers just feel invincible, they bleed just as easy. It was never supposed to be more than clickbait.

This short film was written completely with just prompts given to ChatGPT, the latest in generative AI. In an attempt to find just how much of a threat this tool poses to artists, writers specifically in this case, the Bards of the Bonfire present An eye for AI".

What ChatGPT did:
1. Came up with the plot
2. Wrote the dialogues
3. It even wrote the action lines and some of the gestures.

What did the Bards do?
1. Acted in, shot and edited the film
2. Provided some basic prompts to ChatGPT
3. Vibes

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