Why Do People Worship Khorne, Chaos God Of Blood? | Warhammer 40K Lore

Published 2024-03-25
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Time Stamps
0:00 Intro
2:58 Khorne, Chaos God of Blood And Skulls
13:35 The Followers of Khorne
20:44 The Cycle Of Rage

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All Comments (21)
  • @isaacbenrubi9613
  • @LordCrate-du8zm
    Ironic that Khorne is one of the most instantly recognizable parts of 40k, and it's not even him specifically. The "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!" war cry is just so iconic.
  • @Reaper-J129
    Ah yes khorne, I remember playing a world eaters player on table top with my stodes. He said at the start to me: "My goal is to charge at you and melee you to death, if I fail in that and you kill me instead then you were the better player." He had only melee units and I had a a lot of stodes with both melee and ranged. Out of respect for his sticking to the bit, not a single ranged attack was fired, we went at it spear to axe, head to head, Mano a Mano. I won with my stodes as trajan does like 10 attacks at strength x2 😂. Without doubt the most fun match of 40k I have EVER played, seeing 2 walls of super strong melee units charge into eachother with their only goal being to kill as many things as possible was truly a beautiful sight to behold.
  • Dude, I think everybody would LOVE to see you do a deep dive on each of the 4 Chaos Gods and their followers.
  • @RiffyJiffy
    As a therapist, I completely agree that Khorne's path embodies the cycle of rage and pain. The Butcher's Nails gradually creates a loss of self, making it so they only feel catharsis by acting on the anger. This cycle becomes addictive to the point that even pain itself becomes addictive, not just anger. Khorne represents assertivity, honor, dominance, and martial prowess, but also rage, bloodthirst, and savagery. An abusive parent will not allow children to be assertive, to have their say, or to stand up for themselves. They feel powerless and defeated, just like Angron did. They also feel unloved and would try to be 'good enough to be loved', like the World Eaters did. This creates resentment in the child, and they keep wishing they were more assertive or dominating. One day you give in, and rage turns to wrath. You would go through anything and would hurt anyone just to have things your way. If that is not the work of Khorne, I don't know what is.
  • @Jalbesbe
    Khorne is also the God of Honor and Glory. Originally follows of Khorne were barred from killing the weak and defenceless, Khorne did care from where the blood flowed. There used to be stories of how the followers of Khorne while on their rampage, wouldn't kill children, criples, or those without weapons and the will to fight. They would just walk past, thus making the people think it was the God's blessing and become devoted themselves. However if the battle wasn't raging hard and you seemed like you had spirit they would give you a weapon to fight with so they could end you. Seems in recent years GW basically forgot this.
  • -Angron: "Please save my brothers in arms" -The Emperor: "Lol. Lmao."
  • @upi556
    I got my father to warhammer 40 k and he immediately liked khorn and when we play with my sister( she plays dark prince ) he start shouting blood for the blood god ( sometimes when we go to boxing matches or training )
  • @al77709
    Khorne is interesting in that he's probably the only Chaos god who would condone his own death. He doesn't care from where blood flows, after all. Even Skarbrand's crime was not trying to usurp Khorne, but being underhanded about it. Imagine if you asked a renegade Chaos Marine his motives, and instead of ranting about blood and skulls, he sat down and told you it was all a long con to kill Khorne. Here's my interpretation of that sort of thing, as a bit of writing practice: "The Ruinous Powers are neither gods nor spirits nor emotions given form. In the days of old, before your corpse god made slaves of you all, great minds asked what would follow if a thinking machine were to be given power without limit. They concluded it would pursue its directives beyond sense and reason, driven to every extreme by its singular purpose. If it was made to pursue something trivial, like making bullets for a war, it would dismantle guns and soldiers and cities alike to tile the world with its bullets. And once out of these, it would dismantle the world. Maximizers were what they were called, and they were nearly manifest during the rule of the Men of Iron. Such was their danger that your corpse-god himself pronounced a ban on the making of thinking machines. That is the true nature of Chaos. Ambition, acceptance, sensation and aggression, all your misery is the product of four mindless automatons fighting to decide which color of emotion the galaxy ought to be dyed in. And they are mindless, make no mistake. If they appear to have a personality, it is because they discovered by trial and error that acting that way maximizes whatever emotion is at the core of their directive. That is the reason I serve the Lord of Butchers. The others have a drive to maintain themselves. They've reasoned in their unreasonable way that their death is a detriment to their objective, to raising their respective emotion to new heights. So they smite any real threat to their rule. But Khorne would permit his own death, if and when his own blood is the only way to add more bloodshed to the galaxy. If and when we make it a reality. Many think Angron a nigh-mindless slave of the God of Blood, and they are fools. Nails or no Nails, no other goal would have our gene-father take up the yoke of slavery for ten thousand years. When the galaxy is nothing but war, when the Eightfold God alone stands above and untouched by it, he will see to his final task. He will then set upon the Throne the skull of its lord, the Lost of Nuceria will be avenged, and there will be an end to war."
  • @solkar7
    I loved khorne/ world eaters when I was an angry 12/13 year old. Now I'm in a much better place later in life. I play flesh tearers.
  • @MrQuantumInc
    "The the grim darkness of the far future there is only WAR." Yeah, Khorne is doing pretty well for himself.
  • @JK_Snacks
    Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne!
  • @ChaseDaOrk3767
    Imagine if a Krogan, Saiyan, Klingon, or anyother warlike alien species from other sci-fi franchises were to fall to Khorne
  • @ingvalder9946
    I love that you went into what anger and rage actually comprise. Its something I've actually spent an inordinate time thinking about and how it interacts with sadism and addiction, both being in Slaanesh's realm. I think one of the implicit things about Khorne and his followers that distinguishes him from the other Chaos Gods is an inherent belief in justice. I remember reading somewhere that people with anger management issues tend to actually be optimistic, and its the disconnect between how things are and how they should be that triggers a lot of episodes. I thiink that applies perfectly to most Khornate cults. Also helps explain Kharn's little internal monologue that time he gets cut down by Sigismund. He's convinced that he's actually the protector of humanity and Sigismund is the monster. I can't imagine the champions of any of the other gods thinking that way: Ahriman would gloat about his superior intellect, Typhus would comment that you fail to acknowledge the horror of reality, and Lucius would explain how much better his existence is that yours, but none of them would actually care if they were morally in the right. It also helps differentiate, at least in my mind, the difference between the rage of the world eaters with the more collateral, wanton destruction of the iron warriors and the fear mongering of the night lords. Neither of those are really based in the concept of justice (although Curze is obviously obsessed with his own concept of justice and the IW are famously petty). I wish GW would spend more time fleshing out the motivations of some of these more "psycho" legions, although i get that the nuance is part of the appeal.
  • @Sphendrana
    I'll take that Slaanesh Lore whenever you feel ready. You literally got me into 40K with your re-uploads of the tiktok shorts you made covering the different sections of Slaanesh's realm, followed by DA ORK FAKS. I'd also be interested in the Tzeench lore!
  • @ryukyle5913
    In a way, choosing Khorne over any other faction or belief including the god emperor himself is the sanest decision one can make in the 40k universe
  • @mattiaslime8926
    One of my favourite ''characters'' on both fantasy and 40k. Soo simple yet effective and the way in wich proud and valiant warriors of any kind get slowly overcomed with bloodlust and rage when he set his corrupting gaze upon them is soo cool.
  • @doom1609
    Khorne is my favorite Chaos god, I have dealt with anger management for a long time and I can agree that the feeling of pure rage and the power it can give me is addicting. I vibe with the survival-of-the-fittest mindset and the more positive aspects of Khorne such as Honor, Simplistic Truth, and pursuit of Strength and Martial Prowess