8 Most Competent Imperial Officers

Published 2022-08-29

All Comments (21)
  • @tatepultro
    As someone from the Philadelphia area, I take your labeling of us as the real world equivalent of the unknown regions as a great compliment.
  • @eren34558
    It is amazing how Tarkin a tyrant, Yularen a military leader, and Governor Pryce a politician, all helped in getting Thrawn past the politics of the Empire.
  • 2:20 Grand Admiral Thrawn: "To defeat the enemy, you must know them. Not simply their strengths and battle tactics but their history, philosophy, ... art."
  • @steellynx8972
    I would like to give Eli Vanto a honorable mention. He was Thrawn's friend and student during Thrawn's raise in the empire. He was incredible at logistics (something that gets over looked often) and a solid commander in his own right. He was basically scalped by Thrawn for the Chiss ascendancy where he did well under Thrawn's former Commander and arguably best friend Admiral Ar'alani. I like the character so much I wish Timothy Zahn would do a series on Eli and his time with the chiss.
  • My two favourite officers are Jerjerrod and Tarkin. They’re such a contrast to each-other. For example, Tarkin blew a hole in Scarrif and blew up Alderaan as if it was nothing, but Jerjerrod struggled to blow up a Forest planet populated by terrorists and teddy bears. Tarkin is a monster, Jerjerrod is a human.
  • That bit with Veers and Vader is rather interesting. Veers wasn't blinded by his pride and learned the type of enemy the rebels were and if the Empire didn't adapt to the new enemy they were never gonna crush the rebellion. Shame this only came to light after the Hoth battle otherwise they might have had the time to implement the proposed reforms. Also I just have new appreciation for Cassio Tagge, who could see how badly the Empire was wasting resources on super weapon projects.
  • You should have used Gilad Pellaeon instead of Kallus because he didn't betray the Empire and switched sides. He lived on and commanded as efficiently as Thrawn in the later years.
  • @Sov-Ryn15
    So glad you mentioned Cienna! Can’t get enough of Lost Stars and how she’s portrayed in the book and manga. Despite her growing disillusions of the Empire, her oaths pushed her to preform her job to the T.
  • Vader knew Veers was right but was powerless to inactive the reforms because of Palpatine's oversight
  • 8:57 Darth Vader when Force Choking Krennic: "Be careful not to choke on your aspirations, Director."
  • ISB Admiral Garrick Versio was amongst the finest imperial officers, and a highlight of a rather dubious Battlefront II story. He was arguably not as good as Thrawn but he still managed to frustrate the Rebel Alliance with dwindling and very limited resources as it went on. Without Admiral Versio, the situation would have destabilised even faster for the Empire (and bad writing aside for how exactly that came about, it must be said that the likes of Versio at least gave the Empire a fighting chance) Sadly the whole, 'Operation Cinder' thing took precedence because apparently the Empire hadn't spelt out it was evil enough yet. The 'justification' of Admirals and other Imperial officers destroying their own strongholds, in-canon, is the unconvincing and frankly tedious concept of this being done to 'send a message to all' that 'the Empire had changed' and would 'brook no weakness'. To show everyone they were fair game. But Palpatine wouldn't do that. If he wanted to hurt the rebels, he'd give them the problem of taking those planets and bases themselves. To make it, as bloody as possible out of spite. That is how Palpatine would want to do things. Not to punish his own side just for failing to defend him when it was his own fault anyway (at Endor)
  • I'm pretty sure that footage of "the unknown regions" aka Philadelphia PA was taken the night of their Super Bowl victory against the Patriots and I was a firsthand witness to that exact incident in Center City. That impressive display of gymnastic ability. If I remember correctly it was right around the corner from City Hall. It was indeed a party.
  • @Sinewmire
    I always thought the point of Captain Needa's death was to show what the Empire did to honest soldiers who did their duty, took responsibility and looked after their men. He didn't try to blame anyone else, he admitted his fault and was killed for it.
  • Been on a binge of your content last few days while at work, and just watched the most incompetent on Friday. I gotta say, the difference between the least competent VS the most in the Empire really shows how much of a knife edge the Rebellion was on.
  • @Hunter_6430
    “The Chiss’ territory was located in the Unknown Regions, an exceptionally chaotic area of the galaxy, where normal hyperspace travel is dangerous because of the high concentration of gravitational anomalies.” casually zooms in on Philadelphia with Google Maps