Exploring world's first smart zero-carbon terminal at China's Tianjin Port

Published 2021-12-25
Smart transport robots, Beidou navigation system, and no carbon emissions... Join Xinhua's Liu Runzhi at the world's first smart zero-carbon terminal in China's Tianjin to find out how China leads the green and intelligent upgrade of port operations.

All Comments (10)
  • Port of Rotterdam and Singapore, have implemented automation since the 1990s. US didn't automate until 2007 at the Port of Virginia.
  • I noticed in the 4th floor control room HUB they are using computerized controls from ABB in Switzerland
  • @ioanD
    If you'll ever be able to dig deepest possible underground down to the "center of the Earth", you'll never find else but to the surface of another planet or moon or star, with another sphere rounded surface into another tridimensional complete another universe.
  • Congratulations China for this zero carbon terminal. I am sure all ports in China in the future will be zero carbon.
  • How can they be zero carbon when Tianjin’s electrical grid is supplied by coal? The wind turbines in the video are not turning so they are not providing electricity either.