ROTTMNT Murder Mystery Pause Game

Published 2024-01-06
A pause game for Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! There has been a murder. Figure out who the killer is and how the characters react by pausing randomly. Have fun, and thanks for playing!
The characters in this Pause Game: Raph, Donnie, Leo, Mikey, Splinter, April, Sunita, Casey Jones, Casey Junior, Shredder, Karai, Big Mama, Hueso, Baron Draxum, and Krang. There are 12 questions. Comment your answers below, it'll be fun!
Uh, I guess probably don't play this if you're sensitive to talking about death or dead bodies. It is a murder mystery after all.

00:00 Question One
00:13 Question Two
00:26 Question Three
00:39 Question Four
00:51 Question Five
01:04 Question Six
01:17 Question Seven
01:28 Question Eight
01:39 Question Nine
01:52 Question Ten
02:04 Question Eleven
02:18 Question Twelve
02:31 Thanks for Playing!

#riseoftheteenagemutantninjaturtles #saverottmnt #rottmnt #rottmntmovie #rottmntdonnie #rottmntleo #rottmntraph #rottmntmikey #rottmntapril

All Comments (21)
  • @jukori
    Krang Prime is dead. Donatello finds the body. The blame falls instantly on Leo (valid). Donnie leads the investigation and solves the crime. Sunita is the murderer (race war between aliens?). Plot twist Prime One helped her with the murder aka suicide. He reached out to her in incognito and asked her to help end his suffering in the prison dimension. The funeral is planned by Draxum who couldn't care less. Cassandra cries the most. She wanted to finish off the alien jerk. April laughs. Shredder kills Sunita in revenge for the death of his master. Mikey buries the bodies ('Are we done here?').
  • @green_shell2213
    Ok so lemme get this straight. Big mama is dead. Leo finds the body and immediately blames Draxum who has no idea whats going on and frankly couldn’t care less. April takes the lead to solve the crime as a chance to get better at being a reporter. But Splinter actually solves it to avenge his love/hate/ its complicated relationship with big mama. Plot twist, Leo is the one who killed big mama which honestly makes sense. Leo convinced Casey Jr. to help him and Mikey plans the funeral. Splinter cries while Big mama is laughing her head off (from heaven…or hell) then Kraang prime shows rips a portal open and gets revenge on Leo 😭 aaaaand Cassandra buries all the bodies.
  • @Twigs-workshop
    April went upstairs to see Draxum dead in his appartment, she immediately blames Cassandra (who lives in the same complex). Leo takes the lead in solving the crime because of course he does, and ends up finding out that the murder was DONNIE. Donnie was assisted by april, who gave him the keys to Draxum's appartment. Splinter, starts planning the funeral. Shredder cries the most at the funeral because now he can't steal Draxum's lifeforce. Splinter laughes at Draxum's grave. Donnie kills himself after an argument with the fam over killing Draxum. Cassandra ends up burying both bodies to play rent.
  • @xYukii_Usagi
    April is dead and Raph finds her body, Leo immediately gets blamed for the murderer and Mikey takes lead of investigation, but Leo actually solves the crime. Draxum is the murderer and Big Mama helped him. Mikey plans the funeral and Sunita cries the most due to the loss of her best friend 😔 Donnie laughs at the funeral (omg) and Leo kills Draxum in revenge, and then Donnie buries all the bodies. 😳
  • @_yoloth
    well mine was a twist. casey's dead and splinter finds the body. sunita gets blamed first and donnie starts investigating, but then it's back to sunita to actually solve it, guss she probably got offended by being first suspect. but guess who it was that killed case? SPLINTER helped by THE SHREDDER. Donnie feels so bad for this sudden twist of events on poor case he just decides to straight out plan the funeral himself. April is crying a river while Cassandra Jones (duh uh!) laughs her ass off. but guys its not over cause BIG MAMA KILLS SPLINTER IN REVENGE. She's many things but not a post apocalyptic child murderer, shame on you, yoshi. this whole situation turns out so stressing for mikey that he just buries all the bodies. All. The Bodies.
  • @alexia1121
    Big mama dies Splinter finds the body (💀) Shredder gets blamed Señor Hueso takes lead of the investigation Donatello actually solves the crime DRAXUM is the murderer (💀💀) Shredder helped Draxum Señor Hueso plans the funeral Donatello cries the most Draxum laughs like the warring warrior scientist he is Raph kills Draxum in revenge Kraang Prime buries the bodies (💀💀💀)
  • @alostlegend1126
    Hueso is found dead, Splinter finds the body, Raph gets blamed, Karai takes the lead to solve it, Mikey actually solves the crime, Karai is the murderer, Donnie helped the murderer, Mikey plans the funeral, Casey cries the most at the funeral, Leo laughs at the funeral, the Kraang killed the murderer in return, then the Kraang burries the bodies in return.
  • Leo is found dead in his bedroom. Cass finds his body when going to get him for dinner. The blame falls on draxam due to him throwing Leo off the roof that one time. Donnie tries to take charge to find out who killed his twin. Although April finds the killer in the end. The murder is revealed to be Leo and in his great sadness killed himself.. Mikey helped Leo kill himself by bringing Leo his meds which he had no idea were going to be used to kill his brother. The funeral is planned by splinter who is greigin his son in blue. Raph cries the most sice he regrets being so hard on his brother. Karai laughs at the death of her grandchild. Leo kills himself a second time for some reason. Big Mama buries the body of her favorite Hamato.
  • @ravenfall9525
    Splinter is the dead one, Karai finds his body. Poor Raph is immediately blamed for the murder (probably assumed he was savage at the time?). April takes the lead in investigation, but Big Mama actually solves the crime and the murderer really is Raph. Casey Sr helped kill Splinter (why???), and Mikey plans the funeral. Donnie cries the most, Casey Jr laughs at it (BUDDY??), and Senor Hueso kills Raph in revenge and buries all the bodies. Conclusion: The Casey’s got something against Splinter and made Raph go savage in order to kill him.
  • @ND_Dumbass
    Draxum’s dead, Krang finds the body, Cassandra gets instantly blamed, Donnie takes charge of the investigation, Cassandra solves the murder, LEOS THE MURDERER, with Hueso’s help. Raph plans the funeral, Shredder cries the most at the funeral, MIKEY LAUGHS AT THE FUNERAL?! Karai kills Leo for revenge, Raph buries all the bodies.
  • @Ms.ChymanderDubs
    Okay, so Splinter was murdered, Karai found his body, Shredder was blamed for the murder, Mikey took on the investigator, but April was the one who solved the crime, Shredder was the murderer, Donnie planned the funeral and cried the most at the funeral, Mikey LAUGHED at the funeral, Baron Draxum Killed Shredder in revenge, and Big Mama buried all the bodies
  • @DarL1ng_738
    Donnie is dead, Mikey finds them, Mikey gets blames for the murder, Mikey tried solving the crime, the shredder solves the crime, Casey Jr. is the murder, Ralph helped with the murder, draxum plans the funeral, Cassandra cries the most at Donnie’s funeral, Donnie laughs at his funeral, Ralph kills Casey Jr. for revenge, and sunita buries all the bodies.
  • @Axolitten
    Casey was found dead!! Leo unfortunately, found the body. Donnie is IMMEDIATELY blamed for it. Draxum takes on the role as investigator but in the end April solves the crime. The murderer was hueso with the help of sunita! Karai plans the funeral for Casey, which krang cries at… a lot, maybe because he didn’t get to kill Casey instead. I’m not quite sure. Leo on the other hand, laughs his head off at Casey for dying to a skeleton. Sunita, despite helping Hueso with the murder, ends up getting revenge and killing him. Shredder is the one to bury all the bodies??? Probably nominated due to his chonky claws able to rip up dirt easily and dump all the corpses into the hole.
  • @lousnoom
    I love all the “Leo gets blamed for the murder (valid)” 😭
  • Splinter was jealous because of Leo's close connection to Senior Hueso, so he kills him with Mikey's help and Sunita finds the body when she goes to the restaurant to keep her dad company while he works. In a panic, Splinter ends up blaming his eldest son and Draxum comes to Raph's defense, claiming his creation wouldn't do such a thing. Then the Krang comes back solely to Mick the Hamatos for being a jealous and vengeful bunch of people, accidentally coursing Splinter into a confession. once the Krang is dealt with Leonardo plans a funeral for his dead tio and Splinter cries, because his son loves the dead guy more than him. But what's this? Leo is... LAUGHING?!?! turns out killing a skeleton is harder than Splinter thought it would be and the yoki comes out of the coffin mid ceremony and seeks REVENGE! He kills Splinter and April is left to clean up the mess.
  • @ChainSmithy
    Never have I felt so betrayed than Hueso helping Krang kill Casey and Cassandra crying at his funeral as the result.
  • @lorydraws6394
    -jr died - don found the body -splinter was suspected - Barry lead the search -don solved the case -Raph was the killer 😢 -krang prim helped -Barry plans the funeral -Mike cried the most -Barry laughed at the funeral - kiry killed the murdurers in revenge -big mama buried the body’s
  • Donnie is dead. April finds the body, and immediately blames the Krang- Leo takes the lead in the investigation, and Mikey actually solves it. Krang IS the one who killed him, and the one who helped krang was DRAXUM?? Leo plans the funeral, and Mikey is sobbing his eyes out. Donnie laugh's at the funeral(from the alternate timeline. if ykyk) Casey jr. kills the Krang in revenge, and leo buries all the bodies. HELP THIS SOUNDS SO MUCH LIKE A CERTAIN APOCOLYPSE AU HOW-
  • Casey is dead. Donnie is blamed, and Shredder found the body. big momma is trying to solve the murder. She DOES solve the murder and it WAS Donnie. Mikey helped him, Krangg Prime is planning the funeral, GramGram cries, splinter laughs, Casey COMES BACK FROM THE DEAD AND KILLS DONNIE OUT OF REVENGE. Big Momma then buries the bodies.
  • @SpiritaeliaWolf
    Raph has died and Karai was the first to find his body-presumably to greet him in the afterlife. Hueso (was that his name?) is presumed the murderer, for some reason. Mikey leads the investigation but Donnie is the one who solves the murder case, and it turns out it was HIMSELF, DONNIE, THAT KILLED HIS BROTHER. Casey Jr helped in the murder. Casey Senior plans the funeral, Karai cries the most at the funeral and the Krang laugh. APRIL KILLS DONNIE. Draxum buries the bodies. WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED HERE? Was this a donnie villain arc? Or something much more sinister..? Maybe April didn't WANT to kill Donnie. WAIT-- The krang briefly got hold of Casey Junior and infected him with a virus. The turtles manage to get him back, and Donnie is able to come up with a cure and saves Casey Jr. He goes through the necessary precautions to keep himself and everyone else safe from the virus, but the virus was not what it seemed. It looked familiar, but it was secretly different to what they had ever seen before. It was not designed to kill Casey. The virus was able to make its way into Donnie's system without his knowing. As time goes on, Donnie starts to feel strange, fatigued, and sometimes a little agitated. It had been so long since the incident with Casey he doesn't yet connect the dots, and assumed it's just symptoms from stress and overworking due to his demand heavy roll in the resistance. One night when everyone was sleeping and all was quiet, Raph has been killed, with only Karai's ghost to witness it. Once the rest of the resistance discover his body, suspicions of an outside source is deemed impossible, as there are security measures put in place specifically designed to warn of any break ins. Some whisper to themselves wondering if it was Hueso. Hueso had a close call with a Krang infection, and they wondered if that had something to do with it, but he was clean. Leo is currently overwhelmed trying to calm down the people of the resistance along with trying to manage his own grief. Donnie seems particularly out of it today, and spends most of the time by himself. Mikey takes it upon himself to investigate the murder of his big brother. He goes over his findings in a meeting with his family (his brothers, april, casey senior, draxum, etc) none of them really want to be there or hear the details, but they are determined to know what happened to him. Donnie still feels awful, and his resting hasn't seemed to have help him any. He feels dizzy and his vision starting to blur. Mikey goes over the details of his speculations: there seems to be little signs of struggle, the death was quick, the blow looking like it was definitely wasn't an accident and with an intent to kill, the blow too powerful to have possibly been from any ordinary person. With each detail shared, Donnie's head started to ache more and more to a point where it was unbearable. Suddenly, he remembers. Not very clearly, like remembering a vague dream, but he remembers. The virus had become strong enough to overtake his mind while he was in a slumbering state, and took control of his body for a few minutes. Donnie had murdered his brother under the control of a new type of krang infection. He says this outloud to everyone, to their horror and his own. The infection, self aware just enough to know the secret was out, started to grow more. Donnie is able to fight it for now, but it was only a matter of time where it would take over him completely. They quickly put Donnie in a quarantine tube. Donnie loses more and more of his sense of self, becoming more infected and overrun by the krang infection. One night, while April was keeping Donnie company, and he still had a little of his life left, he convinces her to put him down, before the infection gets any worse and he becomes a danger to anyone else. He knows his brothers would never agree to it, but knew April would be able to understand his own train of thought better than anyone else. Originally he intended for her to find someone else to put him down in secret, but she insisted that she be the one to do it. She was by Donnie's side to his last breath. Casey Senior takes up the responsibility to plan the funeral. It would be a little too difficult for their brothers or their honorary sister (April) to do it, but they all trusted her as their close friend and Raph's best friend to plan the funeral for them. Draxum is the one to bury them, using his mystic powered vines to cover them in vegetation, which also works as a purifier to krang infection (unusable to living things, as it would also consume their own life force.) Karai cries the most, watching over them all in her spiritual form. She knows what it feels like to lose someone to corruption, to lose your family while still having to keep yourself together to lead your people against a war, and to keep everyone else who's still alive safe. Krang Prime laughs on his thrown, spying on their funeral. He had hoped that Donnie would kill all his brothers before finding out he was infected, but this was still a win. With two of their strongest down and out, and their spirits beginning to crumble under the despair, it would only be a matter of time before they win the war. WHAT HAVE I DONE?!