Touhou 12: Undefined Fantastic Object - Lunatic No Miss No Bombs No UFO Summons 1cc

Published 2017-11-25
Hell yeah!

Player: Minogame
Game: Undefined Fantastic Object
Condition: No Deaths | No Bombs | No UFO Summons
Difficulty: Lunatic

Stage 1: 00:00
Stage 2: 02:55
Stage 3: 06:07
Stage 4: 10:11
Stage 5: 15:31
Stage 6: 21:28
Byakuren: 23:16

Man! After HSiFS, I wasn't actually sure if I was gonna finish UFO before the end of 2017, but looks like the dream came true! ^_^

This was also my first time passing Shou! So that means no Byakuren failures. Yaaay!

You can watch the live version here but there's some issues:    • UFO LNNN (live version)  

1. The Audio desyncs because of an OBS glitch (I think I found the solution for the future, fortunately)
2. My microphone is dying which means my mic audio is super low. I won't get a new mic til christmas so my streams are gonna be very quiet and I'm not sure if I can continue my LPs like this. Sorry.

So about the run itself. This honestly wasn't as painful as I thought it would be. Basically my biggest problems were stage 5. I will say this and I will say this now. Stage 5 UFO is a bitch. It's much more stressful than stage 6 (Byakuren is what I'd consider a very reasonable final boss. She has two hard patterns, but while they can give bad waves, they're workable and reasonable especially with ReimuA. LFS can even be misdirected! Though this time my LFS was spooky as fuck. Idk how I lived through that last micro but hey I'm not complaining!)

But yeah, we were talkin' bout stage 5. Nazrin herself is evil. Literally evil. Greatest Treasure is sure to filter out runs though thankfully my consistency on that is roughly 60% or so (sample size is the various "100 attempt" sessions I did in practice). It's worse than Cat Walk IMO because it can last much longer (seriously this time I had to dodge almost 4 waves. Grrrr!)

Shou is the most stressful part in the run and I was reaaaallly nervous. She's by far one of the more scary stage 5 bosses even if she only has a handful of hard attacks. Her second non gave me a dumb wave on its first wave, forcing me to diagonally move up right to live. Thankfully, she moved upwards for the last two waves, so I had an easier time there. CC almost cucked me again but this time I stayed firm!

Finally, stage 6 was very nice to me! Good Omen was super free and DR never gave me walls. Ironically, the easier patterns were getting to me this run. I had a strange situation on the second non, got pushed away on banana laser, had to circle twice on the fourth non, almost clipped something on Superhuman, and HOOOOOLY GOD THAT LFS MICRO AT THE END!

But fortunately everything was okay! I can move on from this UFO journey and enjoy the last two masochistic LNNs.

EoSD and LoLK are no laughing matter. Regardless of which one I do next, I'm in for a painful time. (Though I might do GFW with Pearl if he motivates me enough for it)

I'm leaning towards EoSD next because I'll get to play with Ghost and because I think EoSD might be easier for me. Also LoLK kinda seems like that kinda game that would be epic to do last. My PDH consistency on a good day seems to be 40-50%, but if I'm worn out, it goes down to like 28% as my previous stream showed...

Junko is going to be tough. I'm going to fail at her a lot (though it'd be amazing if I didn't). Remilia will also probably be failed many times. I haven't failed on a final boss' last spell since VoWG (in fact VoWG was the only final spell I ever failed for LNN). But I can definitely picture a SG or a PDH failure. So I'll need to be prepared for that. But I'll do my best!

Honestly, thanks for the support you guys have given me. I honestly sometimes get discouraged when I get nervous but you guys kept egging me on, telling me I could do it even when I chanted "I'm not ready! I'm not ready!" on my stream while reaching Byakuren. Hehe.

Oh and yes, I grabbed tokens. But I think it's rather silly to redo my run because I bumped into an ITEM. Remember, UFO tokens are NOT bullets. They are ITEMS. The tokens do not by themselves give me ANY survival benefit if I don't gather three. They're just items. It's like grabbing spirits in TD without trancing. I didn't summon any UFOs either so I didn't get the benefit of skipping any spam sections!

Thanks for watching. Stay tuned for more. I'd be interested in getting back to LPs but I need to take a look at this microphone situation first.


Oh no! The video seems to lag a bit and the audio seems to mess up a bit on the Shou fight. I clicked out of the UFO window while recording during that time to check something, perhaps that's the reason? Oh well, I'm not redoing this entire recording over that lol.

All Comments (21)
  • @CreepyNinja
    JUST DO IT Heheh, this run was really epic man. Congrats again ^^
  • @zosi1639
    Nice to see that you finally did it It's encouraging to see someone do amazing things like this, especially if you've been watching them struggle through it for a while, I might sit down and play PCB on Lunatic for 5 hours in the hope of 1ccing in your honor, keep it up
  • As per the difficulty description on EoSD, this is very weird video. Great stuff and great concentration. Kudos!
  • @shnippy7223
    A-ma-zing! I recall you saying not long ago that you were hoping to get a second LNN after SA before the end of 2017. Now you've got FOUR of them! So, massive congrats on UFO. It's really amazing to watch those btw
  • Those are some sexy spell card histories. The Byakuren ratios are about the same as mine except you did like a third of the attempts, haha. Shows how much you've worked towards it! Best of luck on the last two.
  • @monument-cafe
    Congratulations! Also, that LFS capture. (I'm out of original and decent compliments)