Why Are You Looking

Published 2022-05-05

All Comments (20)
  • @alexfilma16
    "I can actually demand your name and address." - Go on. Demand it, then. "Give me your name and address." - No.
  • @Godzzbinzz
    If you're ever being burgled just say there's a man with a camera outside and they'll send 20 police in seconds
  • @sophie-963
    You're so funny. Using a sense of humour is a great way to deal with serious matters. Love your videos
  • @Scitch-et4vk
    I got robbed once and I'm still waiting for a response yet they send 3 cars to a guy with a camera 🀣
  • @Blaesht
    The attitude of the female. That was insane, like a stroppy teenager throwing a tantrum. Berating a member of the public with a raised voice, demanding to know what you're doing. Terrible, just absolutely terrible behaviour.
  • @hades2165
    The amount of love I have for AB is unmatched, the hero we all needed
  • I'll tell you why this guy needs his own mainstream TV program. English people in particular... (I'm half English & a u.k. citizen born & bought up in East Anglia) ...have traditionally let police push them around & jump to their commands for as long as I can remember since I was old enough to walk about on my own. Me & my friends when we were about 18 to 20 yrs old when were locked up for nearly 11 hours after being dragged out of a party, the rest were told to go home before they too got arrested, not that we were ever arredted officially on that night. After the 8 or so of us were put in 2 vans, all of us were placed in 2 single person cells with a single bed in each & no heating (& it was winter) at the Peterborough police ststion, from 10:30 p.m. until 8:55 the following morning, no calls allowed, water requests were ignored & we were let out without charges or explanation & it seemed we were let out just before the Sunday morning shift starte, as our complaints to the desk sargent on being let out were met with "I've no idea, I've just come on duty" This happened, we found out,purely because the next door neighbour of where the party was, was the sister of a police officer i'll not name, who worked for Cambridge Constabulary. We were not playing loud music or causing any disturbance but that woman called her brother cop & clearly got him to close down this legitimate uni' "end of term" get together because she didn't like the couple who lived in the house & it was a long ongoing affair while our peacful friends lived there we later learned This sort of stuff happened throughout our teen & early 20's & to thousands of others mo doubt. All because English people jump to any cop's demands & they, the cops have come to expect it, indeed they are enraged when you don't jump or roll over on command. About 2 or 3 months after that party incident, the woman called her cop brother again, claiming our friends had poisened some of her back garden flowers & the guy alone was dragged off, they clearly saw it was the same copper in charge as with the party unlawfull lock up incident & the guy alone was dragged off again & he again was released after 4 hours with no charges whatsoever at the Peterborough nick. They hadn't poisened any floweres nor were they looking for trouble, they knew her power to get her brother cop on the scene. There were more repercussions from that vile spinster sister of a bent copper abusing his powers & tying up the man hours of 5 or 6 other coppers that out taxes pay for them to protect & serve, when they broke the party up on the whims of a citizen relative. They didnt ask us to turn music down because it was quiet for conversations to take place, they just came crashing through the unlocked front door, asked who's house it was & then told the couple & randomly chose 6 or so others in' me & my friends & then demanded we sit on the floor while all the girls there & the remaining guys were told to go home & the 8 of us ordered to sit on the floor were pushed into 2 police vans. That was 25 years bsck & I don't know if some individual bad-cops get away with this stuff anymore but we as a nation, need to learn our rights & make official complaints when it"s called for , when me & our friends were younger, we didn't know how seriously those cops had ubused their powers. We acted like typical English people, not knowing our rights. A true story but we heard much worse stories in those days (esp' from us & our other black & halfcast friends)
  • It always amazes me that these 'public servants' don't ...and don't want to.....understand that THEY WORK IN THE SERVICE OF THE PUBLIC!!! Taxpayers asking exactly what they're doing with our money is NOT a crime! Excellent Sir! I'm getting more and more interested in these videos as you do what we should ALL be doing......you question, observe ...and educate. The sad part is that you have to educate these 'professionals' in what exactly their job isn't !!!!
  • @borcsa973
    I always love the way they parking the worst places and ignore all the traffic laws
  • @Spohcsom
    AB has without doubt brought to our attention how lazy, rude, abusive and inept much of our police officers have become. Next time you hear police officers whingeing they are understaffed, just know its complete bollocks.
  • @chemistry636
    I have had to stop the video. This is the best comedy show i`ve seen for a long time. I haven`t laughed as much since watching Phoenix Nights all them years ago. The main stream tv channels need to get you on. Their ratings would go through the roof.
  • @EdnaCloud
    When I worked as a Haz Chem driver I went to a call in Bath, it looked very secretive but the GOODS IN handler told me I was delivering the chemicals for the factory to make the new (at the time) plastic type money, Β£5, Β£10, Β£20 & Β£50 notes. It was a nightmare going in and leaving the place. The way that ignorant cop has parked his car is obstructing heavy goods vehicles from passing, disgraceful and discourteous behaviour.
  • Normally I can brush off people being rude but this has really got under my skin these are the idiots in uniform that are meant to be protecting us πŸ’―
  • Met Police: We need more funding, we don’t have enough officers! Also Met Police: What? There’s a man, by himself, with a camera? Send everyone! All available units! EVERYONE!
  • That "keep your mouth shut" to that karen in uniform was just gold πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  • What I actually like what you do is the fact you are making police better..thank you
  • @garryjones7218
    As far as I could see, the biggest problem here was the Police blocking the road so that lorrys were having problems getting down the road.
  • @elvisduck4014
    " We have to inform you that we are filming? Why don't you inform us that you are filming?" " BECAUSE I AM NOT A POLICE OFFICER !" Goes over their heads everytime.
  • @mhmm597
    You're definitely the funniest auditor out there man lol