What if you could see love?

Published 2018-08-01
The more I do these videos, the more I talk to you, and the more I get your feedback, I'm starting to realize that there is a group of us, or a category of us, that's unique. We're not special, or better, than anyone else. In fact, if anything, I think that we seem to be carrying this burden for the world, and I don't know where it came from or where it comes from, but we seem to be carrying this burden.

But here's the trajectory of my life which I believe led to this. I have always been an empath, and I know many of you listening in have as well, so now if you are an empath and then you combine this with spiritual teachings that teach you that you need to suppress your ego, you need to be of service.

Now, here's what I want to tell you. What does it mean to be an empath? When you are an empath it means you can feel the feelings of everyone around you. It means that you can feel that pain of the world around you. You feel it more than you feel your own pain. Now, for an empath, what they need to learn is they need to learn to strengthen their own inner resolve, their own inner love. The love they feel for themselves.

So an empath by default is already feeling everything that's on the outside, that the outside world is going through. They're already feeling everybody's pain. They're already feeling everybody's hurt.

The thing about an empath, it's like a double edged sword, because an empath is also very connected to their other side, their higher self, and what I call it is they're very connected to love, so if we call that higher self, if we call god, higher self, our spiritual self, our inner mystic, whatever you want to call it, just to simplify it let's call it love. We are connected to that love energy as well as connected to the energy of the outer world.


All Comments (21)
  • @user-wr9mm8yd8m
    いつの間にか日本語字幕がついてる!!!! ありがとうございます、日本語字幕担当の方、アニータさん。 Thanks for Japanese team and Anita♡
  • I am 57 and have been battling with this all my life It’s as if I have been in conflict with myself all my life Thank you thank you thank you for giving me permission to be me 🌹🙏💕
  • @kcampbell867
    The more I listen to you and this talk especially, the more validated I feel i.e. love for myself. I've spent most of my life feeling odd, a misfit and while at the age of 71, I doubt that I'm in a position to make much of a difference but to myself and those in my family, I am eternally grateful for you and sharing your beliefs! Thank you from my heart, Anita!
  • @ripley2164
    When I began to change my behavior and stand up for myself, my "friends" and family turned their backs on me. They were so used to me going out on a limb for them that when I decided to take time out to care for myself, they resented me for it. This actually created a lot of space for me to turn my life around and dive deeper within myself. Sometimes this gets lonely but mostly I feel that being my own best friend has been worth losing those who don't want to know the real me. Thanks, Anita, for wholeheartedly supporting us in valuing ourselves and standing in our own truth.
  • You are dead on about not feeling pressured to answer someone who seems to be imposing themselves or their opinion or request upon you. I would make the suggestion to stick with a statement, “I’m going to need to think that over and get back to you”. Rather than ask if it’s okay to get back to them. It’s important to not give away the power of taking the time we need to someone else. Thanks for these great vids!
  • @evajthacker
    Thank you for sharing your insight and wisdom, Anita. I'm learning so much through your videos. You bless me. I'm an impath, too. Some of my first childhood memories are trying to comfort other children. I would give them my milk money, a hug, or draw them a picture. I find I'm still doing for others even when it means I go without things I need. I do see that I must consider myself more and recieve more. Sometimes while I'm sleeping my spirit travels to God's realm. I've walked with Jesus and he taught me how simple it is to raise the dead. He said, " you speak life...say you will live and not die...And believe." After the dream I prayed for someone who was thrown from his motor cycle on the interstate and saw him live! God showed me in a dream how he sees me...without flaws inside and out. I want to travel in the spirit more. I long to know him better.💕
  • I'm listening and I'm in shock! II must have 25 self help books and you've said more that I resonate with in 30 or so minutes!!!!!!!!!! As far as I am concerned you have nailed it on ALL POINts. I felt myself saying, yes! yes! yes! to everything! The other amazing part is the TIMING! It popped in the perfect moment. Thank you as well for adding the personal experience content. Is this content available as an mp3 download? This is precious. I appreciate all you give us and I'm always left empowered. Many, many blessings to you and your team.
  • @michaeldrew2068
    Anita's message is so important to empaths! I finally have a name for this thing I've been feeling and her videos help me to understand the next steps I can take...visualizing love! Having experienced an NDE, I have also struggled- especially as a firefighter who puts the lives and safety of others first. Never occurred to me that I can love myself and receive love without being selfish...that these are not mutually exclusive! Thank you Anita!!!
  • @davidalbro2009
    The ego is that part of the mind that distinguishes us from everyone else. Empaths by definition have a weakened ego: they have a stronger connection with the universal, they have more difficulty setting boundaries, and they take on the emotions of others. What empaths sometimes need is MORE ego. Anita is 100% correct what she says about "spiritual" teachings and empaths. For years I struggled with the idea of giving of yourself to heal yourself and not to be concerned about your own desires. This did not sit right with me at all. I have always believed that it what good to be of service and to give, but this is not what I needed to heal. With a lot of maturity and reflection I've come to realize that the best thing for me would having been told "focus on yourself so you can give to others", "giving of yourself when you are depleted with destroy you and help no one" (it did destroy me), "you have to trust yourself and find your own truth because that's how it's supposed to be. Only you live your life", and "no one is ultimately responsible for their happiness except themselves. Why wouldn't you be focused on yourself? Are others more important than you?"
  • Glad to say that for a few years now (not at all easy at the beginning), I am no longer a doormat or a ppl pleaser & hardly let other's opinion influence me, however, still dealing with other personal (internal) issues, however, it's all part of my journey, and I'm grateful to be here now watching these videos. Thank you.
  • Anita thank you with all my heart. I am that person you were describing. My heart is so happy. You have connected so many dots for me and pieces of my personal jigsaw into place for me. I feel so blessed to have you in my life. Thank you for everything you do. Our wor. Love is so very important to me. Ginny Moore
  • @Andre_Souza500
    Anita, your videos just get better and better! I just love to watch them. I can get lots of insights from them... always! Thank you!!!! 😊🙏❤️
  • @nathalie3102
    Such a fantastic video Anita! I always feel tons better when I listen to your words! You are a Vitamin for the soul!! Thank you.
  • @ninaashik
    Sweetheart, I met you briefly in Boulder. I was cleaning the house that you were staying in, my friend introduced me to you and then you showed up on You Tube, thank you, so touched by this video. Immediate recognition.
  • @margott.244
    I am very grateful for your experience, really, dear Anita because somehow you smash old theories, dogmas, philosophies which tell us we need to face our karma and stuff, and endure suffering lol which we have created where in fact you have proven healing is available, freedom is available, we are LOVE and not some result of the karma, the choice is always ours to turn the tables and become what our hearts are whispering to be, have and do regardless of what the old programing is telling us what is real and true. I am deeply grateful for that XXX : ))))
  • I feel like you understand me better than anyone else has this entire lifetime. Better than I understand myself. Thank you for existing. Thank you for sharing yourself. Thank you for your videos 💛🙏 I love you
  • @drsarahthomas4725
    That's absolutely true, Anita. I am a lot like you. Not only that I am an empath, but in physical appearance also especially the hair and the eyes.
  • @susanparker8519
    Anita, word's cannot express how deeply meaningful it has been to find you at just the right time. We all feel this I'm sure. Thank you for being who your are fearlessly. Tell Danny you're a bit blurry in this one darling. But your message is CLEAR! <3
  • @j.n3426
    どなた様か、日本語字幕を付けてくださって本当にありがとうございます! 本当に嬉しいです! 何回も何回も見せもらってます! 本当に聞けてうれしいです♡