Published 2019-01-24
Intuitive eating explained! All you need to know on how to start intuitive eating and whether it's the right approach for you!

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All Comments (21)
  • @natachaoceane
    Hey my friends! Intuitive eating has transformed my relationship with food but it's not always suitable for everyone just yet and there's no one I'd rather have than Renee to help explain how to know if you're ready for it (: xxx
  • @MissLolaGirly
    Funny how before finding out what calories and macros were I was perfectly in tune with my body and only ate when I was hungry and once I started eating healthy my excess weight just melted off in 6 months, but once I found out about calories and macros (and the terms binging and cravings were) I started to think about nothing BUT food and what my next meal is and what diet to do until I gave myself an eating disorder ( thanks to fasting for 2 years) and ended up losing hair and my period . Currently trying to quit fasting and deal with the constant "binges" that I have at least once a week
  • @ketrenos
    From birth I’ve always let my son intuitively eat. I always have given him lots of options and let home choose what and when he wants to eat. He is very healthy and full of energy. I have dealt with weight issues since childhood. I decided I wanted my children to have a good relationship with food and their bodies. So far so good!
  • @BeeBeeMacGee
    I keep trying to move to intuitive eating, but I still have that struggle with not stopping after the point of fullness.
  • @aaliyahsymoneee
    I was so tired of tracking every calorie, it became a habit. I feel like I know the nutrition value for every single thing in my pantry now. But intuitive eating has made me so so happy with food and my relationship with it. I used to track the gum I chewed, tic tacs, and even medicine. But now, I eat when I’m hungry and fat loss has become so much easier❤️❤️❤️
  • Why do I love you so much???You have inspired me so much...I have increased my cals from 800-900 to 1700-1800 and I keep increasing them..I have gained a lot of muscle and I feel so strong...Actually because of you I have achieved to get my period back...Thank you so much..(your greek fan😘😘😘😘)
  • @brookeelisa3003
    When I was intermittent fasting with the 16:8 window, I ate SO MUCH during my eating window because I was stressed about not being able to eat anything in a few hours, so I had to get as much in as I could. I would eat HUGE meals, and only an hour or two apart because I was just trying to eat all the things my body was naturally craving when I was "fasting". Thank GOD for videos like this that help validate the fact that it was so extremely unhealthy, and it was good that I stopped and just ate when I was hungry, stopped when I was full.
  • Natasha you have changed my life. I’ve always had a bad relationship with food and my body (10yo to now 23yo). It took years of calorie counting, calorie restriction, excessive exercise, self hate, guilt, yo-yo dieting, whole food (no meat), keto diets, fainting, anemia, depression, anxiety, trying out a nutritionist... and always coming back to your videos. One message I always heard from your videos was to ENJOY LIFE, listen to my body and love what my body can do. I’m still learning to trust my body. Instead of trying to get a thigh gap and eat xxx calories, I go to the gym and think how many pull ups can I do?! It’s hard, it’s not fast and I’m still not there yet, but I appreciate your message and your presence in the YouTube community because you have shaped my views on my body, life and health. Thank you so much and keep doing/spreading your amazing work! You are making a change in this world xx
  • @kelsealopez3031
    Ever since I started intuitive eating I’ve seen my weight reach a very stable weight, my body is transforming better and beautifully, I don’t feel guilty if I have ice cream when I want it for the moment and i feel really in tuned with my body! You introduced me to this method of eating and I thank you❤️
  • @OzleyASMR
    Renee is just very enjoyable to listen to -- sweet, intelligent, and very well-spoken (plus an amazing accent). I love this video!!
  • i’ve been recovering from an ED since i was 13, and i’m 33 now. tracking calories, severely restricting, shaming foods, etc hurt my mind and body so much. after therapy and learning to exercise in a healthy ways, i started intuitively eating by listening to my body’s wants & needs, i feel so much happier and healthier.
  • @user-zx9ke1jc8t
    Wow, it was really funny because when I was on a diet, I was all of a sudden craving for all these foods that was high in iron. It was strange because it was only later that I found out the foods that I craved really bad were all source of high iron foods because I had low iron levels. So I learned that intuitive eating is actually listening to your body. Balancing your diet with good sources of carbs, protein, and fat really helps you to be satisfied with your meals which prevents binge or over eating. Thank you so much for this video! It was really helpful ♡
  • I appreciate the amount of work you put into your videos. Thanks Natacha :)
  • I used to do intuitive eating when I was younger and I never worried about what I ate. But I didn’t eat healthy and I overate. And now, since I started my weight loss journey I started worrying about calories and started tracking. I stopped today and I’m learning to intuitive eat again and I think I’m getting there
  • @stephyo3487
    I'm so glad you said that this is not for people who have eating disorders or anything like that because that is such an important thing. Mechanical eating saved me and it's SO beneficial to people with disordered eating.
  • Ever since I lost weight I’ve been obsessed with counting cals. I used to try too hard to figure out what I need to maintain my weight. Thank you for bringing this up. I will definitely try this and just trust my body
  • @sheriA7082
    I am glad you mentioned that its not suitable for people with eating disorders. I've been trying to do this and just end up bingeing each time. Thank you for this! Lots of other influencers are just pushing this and not taking into consideration their audiences. I've heard of people overeating and talking about they are intuitively eating. Anyways, great content! Loving your channel!
  • @dahliaholm3637
    This is what I wanna get to at some point... sounds amazing man I really want to get metabolically regulated and start increasing my calories bc they’ve been rly restricted for a LONg time... honestly the idea of seeing food and the gym as more than just a way to try to be okay with the way I look sounds amazing... bc I enjoy the gym a lot and I’m so tired of having an unhealthy relationship with food which I’ve had my entire life... thank u so much :)
  • @peachxblue
    Absolutely loved this video! Renee is amazing and I can’t wait to read her book. I struggled with ED but when I went to a nutritionist, they just printed out internet recipes for me, so it wasn’t really helpful. Over the years I’ve found true intuitive eating. Travel has really helped with this process, too. I’m American and often, breakfast is a big amount of carbs (cereal, oatmeal) with protein (milk, yogurt) and some fruit. But, by traveling, I saw things like salad, soup, cheese, smoked salmon, at breakfast buffets, and find I crave like a salad AND oatmeal AND an egg or salmon for breakfast - not the standard breakfast my culture presented to me. It makes me feel more full as an athlete, and something about eating living greens and fruits for breakfast to start the day gives me more energy than just mostly grains. Anyway, ordering her books!! Thank you, Natacha.