Breathe, 深呼吸

Published 2009-08-18
What would happen if we shunned the stress mongers ?
If we stop listening to the herd, and begin listening to our heart...
Would we regain control of our life-span, and live happier ?

Could it be that, the only way to win the rat-race... is, to not run in it in the first place ?

Duane Elgin said:
"We might describe voluntary simplicity as a manner of living that is outwardly simpler and inwardly richer, a way of life in which our most authentic and alive self is brought into direct and conscious contact with living."

P.S I don't know why YouTube has added advertisement to some of my clips..

All Comments (14)
  • @JaredinSnow
    Very Nice! I specifically liked the end shot, the pier, the waters lapping onto the stone shingle beach, with nothing but nature ahead. If anything, a great metaphor for life! Stirring images and serenity, something which lacks all too abudently from our lives. Thank you for posting again, its wonderful to see these settings!
  • @Peekingduck
    Really happy you enjoy the clips. Like the way look at them too. Thanks for the comment. : )
  • @Peekingduck
    @FearThisChannel Glad you like it. I lived there for 34 years... A lot of the clips are from my favorite place on this planet. Thanks for leaving a comment, Super happy you liked the clips
  • @Peekingduck
    The red buildings in the clip are part of a cafe'. Great place and tastes.
  • @Peekingduck
    You are right about these clips. The were shot in Sweden. Most of them shot around 5 am before it gets really busy. very happy you liked the video. : )
  • @Peekingduck
    @FearThisChannel WOW, that's outside my sphere of knowledge. I know summer is much milder up north in Hokkaido, and not nearly as humid. But here on the main island it hot and humid. So much so that running becomes difficult for any real length of time for a 'gajin' like me. It seems the farther north one travels, the nastier the heat and humidity is... Friends of mine have compared it with India. But not having been there myself I can't tell you if the two are equal.
  • @oceanichippie
    @Peekingduck I just KNEW this was Sweden! I visited it last year, it's incredibly beautiful. I made a a 3 day Kano trip across the Klarälven river; it was amazing. Sweden is one of my favorite countries since last year.
  • @oceanichippie
    @Peekingduck You seem to be familiar with Japan. My question: is it really that hot in the summer and monsoon period? Cuz I have heard so.
  • @oceanichippie
    @Peekingduck How come then that Japan doesn't really have a sub-tropical climate?
  • @Peekingduck
    @FearThisChannel It is like living in a small sauna at times... : (