The ex-husband brought his daughter home to play, making his mother angry

Published 2024-07-28

All Comments (21)
  • @marysuazo9334
    Im glad he finally stood up to his mother! She's the reason he lost his family! It may be too late for them but you will find another just dont allow your mother to interfere with your life.
  • @Mirriah-ng9bw
    My sister you should not to be sad because your are married with a good man your he is now your fist child that your husband if you're ex husband take chip don't get worried because by the Tyme goes on your are going to have a child
  • @TieuHauSingelMom
    Thu's ex-husband also wants to get back together with Thu. How will Thu's heart be when both men always care about her. It's difficult for her, but I believe Thu will make the right decision.
  • I think if her ex-husband brings Chip to his house just to play, it's okay because Chip also has to know his real father but not to stay forever. Pham you don't need to be sad but don't let your ex husband take custody of Chip he has thrown you and Chip away because you can't give him a son
  • @evalabaydan8556
    That's correct ,you should get arrangements with the court in visiting your child with your ex husband
  • @marymcfee502
    Pham why all you want to do is look sad all the time since you married Nam,if you wanted your ex-husband you should have stayed with the drunk, NAM is a good kind hearted person,if you lose him it is your fault
  • @user-kw1uf5gl2i
    Pham why you so sad, you have lovely husband and sister and chip. Cause your exhusband want time with chip why now have he took interestin chip . You have lovely husband Nam and you should make life with Nam 😊😊
  • @dorapertuz5638
    She has no feeling for Nam not a kiss or a hug just working. I feel bad for him because she doesnt care about him the way he does about her. He gets home the first thing is Chip make her laugh but she just finds work and work.
  • @ljean878
    Pham, I agree with all the comments. Why are you letting him come around he didn't want YOU and your child he rather be with the little girl he chose to be with, but she lied saying she was pregnant. You need to file legal for visitations, right. His mother doesn't care and likes you and your child. If i were YOU, i wouldn't even invite him to the house. You and Nam worked hard to build it. Come on, pham, wake up, or else you're losing a GOOD MAN. Ex-husband, just a drunk, can't you see. It's so sad to see him just to invite himself. Be respectful to your husband, i feel, for Nam 😔. Nam, a hard-working husband loves and cares for you and chip dearly. What is it you don't get about your ex-husband. You still like him?
  • @TheEssie02
    I am on the verge of not watching this anymore. Plus her ex- husband is on another storyline. My question is this are they all paid actors. If so I am reclaiming my time.
  • @laurahan9230
    Thu tại sao nhìn thấy buồn như vậy? Hãy vui lên, em đã có một người chồng moi yêu em thật tình và rất chân thật. Hãy vui cười với chồng mới, Nam là một người đàn ông hiếm có trên đời, Thu hãy vui lên, hạnh phúc đang dành cho Em.
  • Are you not having feelings for your husband?, the two of you are working every time, you have not relaxed and enjoyed yourself, won't you go for honeymoon? I feel you'll lose most of your fans if you continue like this
  • Pham, il faut discipliné ton ex mari il ne doit pas venir chez toi à tout moment et quant il veut, il faut qu'il arrête c'est maintenant qu'il regrette le fait de t'avoir perdu, ses tours chez toi sous prétexte de l'enfant c'est des histoires il veut de toi ! Depuis le jour qu'il t'avait vu avec Nam essayer la robe de mariage depuis ce jour il n'en revient pas, il souffre au dedans de lui et avait même dis la vérité à sa mère qu'elle était la cause de ton départ de chez lui. Pham, prends bien soin de Nam, organise toi dans tes travaux journaliers à chaque fois que Nam rentre à la maison tout doit être prêt et ordonné et tu dois séduire ton mari il faut te faire belle tous les jours pour ton mari, reçois le avec des câlins, trouve toi quelques ténues de chambre séduisante et transparente pour séduire ton mari, surtout arrête le sein à Chip. Si tu mets en pratique mes conseils c'est bon si tu ne le fais pas c'est tant mieux pour toi. Regarde ta mère comment elle était toujours bien habillée même quant elle partait dans ces bricoles.
  • @lephuongduong196
    Thu ơi con phải cứng rắn dứt khoát hẳn không nên qua lại với chồng cũ đừng giao con chồng cũ hồi em chưa chồng thì không quan tâm giờ mới nghỉ tới con đa muộn rồi con phải nhìn lại tình cảm Nam thương con hy sinh và vượt qua cả gia dinh ta khuyên con đừng bắt cá hai tay hạnh phúc tan rã thì ăn năn đả muộn
  • Pham change ton attitude de tristesse, quand le mari arrive fait lui un coucou, prends son sac, accompagne le à la chambre demande lui comment a été la journée fait lui les câlins que de rester attristée, vraiment je t'exhorte Pham à changer d'attitude, soit souriante et si tu regrettes d'avoir épousé Nam ce serai très dommage pour toi, Nam est un jeune Monsieur sympa, il t'aime et il te prouve son amour. Si tu continues à te comporter ainsi tu feras de la peine à Nam et aux yeux de sa mère et je ne serai pas d'accord avec toi.
  • @sherleydewar8986
    it doesnt look good she want see chip soon. hte one who said that he was related with nam . he is working for the ex husband. excuse my mistake i was raise up in french
  • @messi10-bo7ze
    Your husband is a nice man but you guys show a little affection to each others you look like a brother and sister