Why are Armenia and Azerbaijan fighting over Nagorno-Karabakh? | Start Here

Published 2020-10-21

All Comments (21)
  • It's because of the Soviet Bolsheviks, who wanted oil and also good diplomacy with Turkey to involve Turkey in Soviet Union. So they said just, there's no difference, we are one Union country and let the Armenian land, the Karabakh be in Azerbaijani territory. But always, in all times, more than 80% of population of Karabakh were Armenians. And the Karabakh was independent earlier than most of the Soviet Union countries. Azerbaijan left the Soviet Union without Karabakh. Even the ex president of Azerbaijan accepted that fact, he announced that the Karabakh was not a part of Azerbaijan, that they had left Azerbaijan without Karabakh.
  • "Territory where people are killing each other... why are they fighting?" It is a homeland for those who live there for ages, for the others it is a territory. Why they are fighting? - When someone invades your home announcing its otherwise you will be killed, you have no choice but to fight to protect yourself and your home. That's how simple is that.
  • @mclovin3176
    Wait...did she just get up from her seat just to walk a few steps and sit back down?🤣
  • @haykbaharyan625
    There isn't any juridical-historical document proving that the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh has been a part of a free country named Republic of Azerbaïdjan. The right of self determination of the people of Nagorno Karabakh Republic has quite strong legislative base.
  • Artsakh (Karabakh) is an integral part of historic Armenia. During the Urartian era (9-6th cc. B.C.) Artsakh was known as Urtekhe-Urtekhini. As a part of Armenia Artsakh is mentioned in the works of Strabo, Pliny the Elder, Claudius Ptolemy, Plutarch, Dio Cassius, and other ancient authors. The evident testimony of it is the remained rich historic-cultural heritage Immediately after the establishment of the Soviet regime in Armenia, on November 30, 1920, the Azerbaijan Revcom (Revolutionary Committee - the main Bolshevik instrument of power at that time) made a declaration recognizing territories over which Azerbaijan had claims - Nagorno Karabakh, Zangezour, and Nakhijevan, as inseparable parts of Armenia. The National Council of Azerbaijan SSR, on the basis of the agreement between the Azerbaijan Revcom and the governments of Azerbaijan SSR and Armenian SSR, the Declaration of June 12, 1921, proclaimed Nagorno-Karabakh an integral part of the Armenian SSR.
  • @ahmedaraf8188
    Update : Armenia lost the war, Nagorno-karabakh was handovered to Azerbaijan
  • @erancrouse4441
    It is never a good thing when people identify more with a nationality or ethnicity rather than simply human.
  • Согласно международным нормам, согласно законам Конституции СССР, после распада СССР народ Нагорного Карабаха имел все права на самоопределение и свободу воли , что он и сделал. Поэтому Нагорный Карабах никогда не был частью независимого Азербайджана. Другими словами, Нагорный Карабах не имеет ничего общего с территориальной целостностью Азербайджана.
  • Artsakh has never ever been part of independent Azerbaijan!!!! Azerbaijani's lies does not have any international historical references!!!
  • @rogermoore27
    Whoever cut the land up like that was very aware that this would happen.
  • @Just_for_Smiles
    You guys are welcome to Azerbaijan, to see how friendly nation are Azerbaijanis. We just took back what belongs to us. Peacefully we tried 27 years to solve it. But opposite side didn't want to listen any UN resolutions.
  • @Gohar0507
    Karabagh/ Karabakh is a Turkic-Iranian word meaning Black Garden The name Karabakh may be Turkic, but the native name for the region is Artsakh. Karabakh only became the common term in the medieval era after Mongol occupation, before which it was also called Khachen, named after the Armenian noble family which ruled Artsakh.
  • @shushanrubenian
    This used to be an Armenian territory until Stalin decided to give it to Azerbaijan to control both countries. After the Soviet Union fell, Artsakh's residents decided to reunite with Armenia.
  • Follow the money, look who sells weapons to who, look who it benefits to and look who is penalized
  • @G-Mastah-Fash
    If someone attacked my ganja I would fight back, too.
  • Artsakh is our historical land and it is fact🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲
  • @doktorwho75
    4:56 Ganja is NOT a border city at all. It is deep inside Azerbaijan territory.
    The setting seems more appropriate for discussing food recipes than a war.