'You're Aware There Is A Fence Around The White House?': Blackburn Grills Mayorkas Over Border Wall

Published 2021-11-21

All Comments (21)
  • Mayorkas must resign. He’s awful. It’s sad to see what represents the Democratic Party
  • @Rehd66
    ‘I’d like to go on record that I disagree with all these questions’ 🤣 Aww, bless your heart
  • @zahniehill3301
    He tried repeatedly skipping around those truths!! He kept trying to interject rehearsed answers to her questions. I love it when she spoke about the walls of protection built around the White House and Joe Bidens home!! What blatant hypocrisy!!
  • @prtymrty222
    This whole administration is a joke! He can never answer a question honestly.
  • @WarpedBlinds
    "We can't build a wall cause we think it's too hard" imagine that.
  • @xDEADP00Lx
    There's just something about this guy that tells me he puts on lipstick skirts and high heels when he's home alone...🤣
  • @LabelMeInfinity
    The arrogance coming from the person in charge of protecting our border while we all witness record illegal border crossings is amazing. These people are totally insane....
  • @valkyrie14
    This guy needs to be removed from office and prosecuted and jailed, period.
  • @BaronBoar
    When there are ragged and jagged areas like cliffs you don't need a wall, those are natural walls/boundaries.
  • @XiahouJoe
    as great as it is to see them confronted with logic and reason. Nothing comes of it but some finger wagging and harsh words anyone else in life derelict at their job like this would fired on the spot. Possible criminal charges for being that damaging and negligent. Here... nothing. While the American people appreciate effort there needs to be -- Accountability. and follow through on it.
  • @whiskybooze
    He doesn't answer any of the questions he just side steps them. Let's go Brandon! Let's get this entire administration out of there.
  • @tikitak1155
    A fool in a position power is the most destructive kind of fool.
  • @manlymcstud8588
    the wall doesn't have to be thousands of miles long, just where it's most likely to be needed, making the area of entry much smaller and easier to control and monitor.
  • @ViddyOJames
    "i'm not aware of that" is just the answer they use when they would be in big trouble for saying yes
  • Arrest that sob he is in direct violation of the constitution and the laws of the land we want him and garland held accountable
  • This guy is the epitome of why most Americans do not trust their current federal government.
  • @randyperry8959
    "Didn't have a chance to respond to" ??? This guy barely answers any questions... ever! The responses that he does give makes me believe that he is the most uninformed person currently living on Earth.
  • He had every chance to answer the questions with a yes or no but instead wants to explain away the actions