Final Fantasy 7 Remake: The Ending Explained (Spoilers... For When You've Finished!)

Published 2020-04-13
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Final Fantasy 7 Remake is an impressive game and its story is a fresh new take on the narrative that was penned over two decades ago.

With so much happening, this video will run-through the various moments that led-up to the ending and discuss what everything meant, while also discussing some theories and thoughts for the future.


1. Final Fantasy 7 Remake Ending
2. Final Fantasy 7 Remake Ending Explained
3. Final Fantasy 7 Remake Ending Theories
4. Final Fantasy 7 Remake Spoilers
5. Final Fantasy 7 Remake Ending Discussion
6. Final Fantasy 7 Remake Ending Changes


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All Comments (21)
  • @bofa83
    As someone that never played the original, this was extremely helpful.
  • @NoGoodTube
    Wedge: "Just tell me I made a difference" Watchers of fate: "No"
  • @MikeCatrone
    Calling it now - You'll get to play as Zack in the second timeline. Both timelines will converge at the ending, and you'll probably have Zack and Cloud fighting Sephiroth
  • @thapoppyman
    YOUR WRONG ABOUT THE WHISPERS!!! It's NOT cloud tifa barrett... think about it. A sword on the LEFT hand, ONE handheld weapon, TWO guns. It's the Advent Children! It's Kadaj, Loz and Yazoo! Sephiroth controls them AND what happens when they are defeated?? They summon bahamut!!
  • @livelyoh8816
    This is probs why they didn't call it Final Fantasy 7 Remake part / episode 1. If they make it a trilogy, my guess for the 2nd and 3rd title are Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and Final Fantasy 7 Reunion.
  • @dolebiscuit
    Can we talk about how hard it is to not love Tifa and Aerith and Jessie? Like, seriously phenomenal performances from these actors.
  • @RicochetForce
    I came up with a theory that summed things up pretty nicely and explained a LOT of the curious shit Aerith and Sephiroth do in the story: As the video said, the whispers are the planet trying to maintain the OG FFVII's events which lead to Sephiroth's defeat. The harder the party deviates from this path, the more the extreme the effort to protect/stop them. As long as the whispers exist, they'd be constantly interfered with, so they had to go. However this act benefits one individual massively: Sephiroth. Sephiroth very clearly knows of the events of the original game. This Sephiroth could very well be the Sephiroth from the original game, using the knowledge of that timeline to egg the party in "defying fate". He knows this group can stomp him, so why not goad them into destroying these creatures that would ensure his defeat? Sephiroth is playing to win here, foreknowledge and removing those that would doom him (the whispers). But there's a very interesting thing going on here: AERITH. Aerith, from the very beginning of the game is behaving like someoone who has seen all of the events of OG FFVII take place, not just the events up to her death (or events she was not present for). How could she know this? Simple. This Aerith somehow has the knowledge of the OG timeline pumping through her. She tells Marlene Barret's name even though up to that point no one had said it t her. When she touches Marlene and the little girl sees a vision and says she's familiar, Aerith just shushes her. Later on Marlene was about to blurt something out about Aerith but held her tongue. In the special Chapter 14 scene outside of Aerith's house, Aerith flat out tells Cloud NOT to fall in love with her. That whatever he feels for her isn't real. This is another allusion to the events of FFVII where a crippled, mako-addled Cloud imprinted Zack's persona over his own. This includes being attracted to Aeris, which she saw through in the original. She also knows the party has defeated Sephiroth before, something that is absurd considering the events of Remake where they've only recently met. Lastly, Aerith says 2 things that are very interesting: One is that each time the whispers touch her, a part of her disappears. Second, she says that the Planet is trying to protect a future that is corrupted. We know that after OG FFVII Sephiroth continues to exist like a cancer in the Lifestream. So it makes sense why she's so afraid of being out from under the "steel sky". Back in Midgar they were still on the rails of the original, but now that they're free of those events ANYTHING can happen. And when you're trying to save the planet from a villain that knows how he was defeated before, that is terrifying. More party members could die, some could abandon their quest, there might be severe betrayals, etcetera.
  • @tomdoug7606
    In a way, the whispers are plot armor materialized
  • @MsM-kh9xg
    I feel like I won't be able to make my mind up about this game until the whole remake is done and played. So I may have an actual opinion in like 20 years or so..
  • @halodregs
    I am further motivated to avoid dying from covid19, as I need to survive long enough to play this game through til the end
  • @DerClouder
    This actually makes sense, and is almost exactly the same thing i was thinking when i finished the game. While i am a hardcore fan of the original, i really loved the Remake. I made myself think that the original and the Remake are two different games. The original will always be there for me to enjoy, as will this remake. Thinking about what is canon or not is somewhat stupid and it only makes people raving mad when they see (what they think are) inconsistencies and plot holes. This new 40+ hour adventure is a good game, and it kept the soul of the original story and characters while also giving us something new to enjoy within the world we loved in the original.
  • I think the scene with Zach carrying Cloud passing Aerith and Cloud is going to be part of Cloud's lifestream experience. There's a similar scene of Cloud talking to himself at the beginning of chapter 9
  • @umbra0021
    I don't mind changing the story, I just don't want time travel/many realities scenario..
  • @Offbeaten
    The three whisper apparitions are more closely resembling the Advent Children,(Kadaj, Loz Yazoo) and that rather than Cloud/Barret/Tifa
  • @lolalilo6147
    Legends said that cloud still lookin for his money.What the hell never expected get many likes,Thanks for liking my dead joke :v rip ma english
  • @c15page
    There is a theory that I had read, that in the original game, when the Lifestream fights off Meteor, the last scene we see is Aerith as she had been in the opening film. The theory stands that the moment is important because it's Aerith in the Remake seeing the events happen. She knows how the original game ends because she saw it through the Lifestream. And I like that kind of welding.
  • @player--zero
    I enjoyed it. And really intrested to see where things go from here. Aslong as i dont have to wait 8 years to find out.
  • @AproposDare
    When Sephiroth said Cloud had 7 seconds left and asked him what he would do, the ensuing scenes were the result of Cloud's decision (before returning from the edge of creation).
  • @jacobknox2380
    I'm for it. I absolutely love FF7, but a reimagined story and fresh perspectives on these characters and their choices is something I find exciting. I don't need to be told the exact same story from a game I have played multiple times. So excited. I also agree that the fate ghosts are a metaphor for having their creative hands tied. Can't wait to see where we are going with all this!