Winning Move #31: Forge Sales & Marketing Alignment

Published 2024-06-11
B2B sales & marketing teams gotta be singing from the same hymnal.
Having tight sales - marketing alignment means being on the same page about:

→ customer journey
→ ideal client profiles
→ qualification criteria
→ messaging and positioning
→ goals & targets

Super important to effective GTM execution—and revenue-driven value creation—but often overlooked because it's less visible.

But get this:

Aberdeen group studied a set of B2B companies. Those with objectively high sales/marketing alignment (as qualified in the study) enjoy a 31.6% rev CAGR...

...while their “less-aligned” peers experience only 6.7% growth.

Hit on this in the book in Winning Move #31, but check out the video for a deeper dive on how to get S & M moving in lockstep. ▶️

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