Is There A Housing Bubble In Sweden? Property Crash Asset Price Speculation And Inflation Sverige

Published 2022-11-28
I speculate on whether there is a possible housing bubble in Sweden, and examine the impact of inflations on the situation.

All Comments (4)
  • Yes there is a bubble... Many Swedish housing loans are short term and sensitive to changes in rates. The forecast for Sweden are increased central bank rate as they are not only fighting inflation but the stability of a very weak currency. (The Euro is record expensive).. Food items are going to inflate by 16.4% and electricity will be more expensive in 2023 than 2022.. Bankrupcies were higher this autumn that the last 11 years.. Many places prices are allready down 15% from All time high.. It will only get worse in 2023,, and they say that even the forecast for the Swedish Economy in 2024 does not look very good and it will likely not turn until we get to 2025..